Congrats to Pete Jon Tebar for having the Mixposure Song of the Week! This tune is called Wishing Well and was a favorite among all of of judges!
Have a listen for yourself!
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: xx-large;"><strong><a href="">The Mix Files</a></strong> <span style="font-size: large;">featuring</span> <a href=""><strong>Steve Gilmore</strong></a>,</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: x-large; color: #00ff00;">Premiers during Saturday Night Rocks, Feb. 9<br /></span></p><p> </p><p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a href="">Steve Gilmore</a> - a gentleman who has done almost everything having anything to do with music - is our guest this week for <a href="">The Mix Files</a>. There is great conversation with Steve, and naturally, some of his outstanding music. <span style="color: #00ff00;">Steve will be joining us in chat</span>. It's quite a fun time. We would love to see you in <a href="">chat</a> (that's a link, btw), too.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><a href=""><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="290" height="284" /></a></p><p style="text-align: center;"><a href="">Steve Gilmore</a></p><p> </p><p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a href="">The Mix Files</a> is a 1 hour pre-recorded segment which features conversation with - and the music of - a different artist each week. The Mix Files airs during <a href="">the *live* Saturday Night Rocks Radio Show</a>, here on Mixposure's <a href="">MixStream Radio</a>. Saturday Night Rocks is *live* from around 8 PM EST US and goes till at least midnight... Saturday Night, of course. <a href="">The Mix Files</a> *usually* airs between 9:00 and 9:20 PM EST. Please join us in <a href="">chat</a> (that's a link, btw).</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: xx-large;"><strong><a href="">Saturday Night Rocks</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">The Mix Files</a></strong></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><span style="font-size: x-large;">Have some fun... <span style="color: #00ff00;">be there</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="400" height="306" /></a></p><p style="text-align: center;">Appreciation to <a href="">Buddrumming</a> for The Mix Files' banner</p>
<div style="font-family: arial;"><div class="backgroundTable" style="background-color: #000000; font-family: arial;"><h3 style="color: red; text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Verdana; background-color: #000000;"><strong><span style="font-size: 32px;">NEW MIXTAPE ALERT</span></strong></span></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a><a style="text-decoration: none;" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><img style="cursor: pointer; border: initial none initial;" src="" alt="" /></span></a></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="background-color: #ffffff;"><a href="" target="_self"><span style="background-color: #000000; color: #ff0000;">Braddy | The Harvest Season (Episode 1) | Interactive Video Player<br /> <span style="font-size: 10px;">IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE VIDEO BELOW CLICK HERE</span></span></a><object width="640" height="360" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><param name="src" value=";autoplay=1;loop=1"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><embed width="640" height="360" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=";autoplay=1;loop=1" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></span></p><p> </p><p align="center"><span style="font-size: 28px; color: #ff0000;"><a href="Braddy - The Harvest Season: Episode 1 - Interactive Player; target="_blank"><span style="color: #ff0000;">Click here to leave comment!</span></a></span><span style="color: #ff0000;"><a title="Comments" href=" - The Harvest Season: Episode 1 - Interactive Player; target="_self"><br /> </a></span></p><hr /><p align="center"><strong style="color: #ff0000; font-size: xx-large;">The Harvest Season (episode 1)<br /> </strong><span style="color: #ffffff;">Directed BY: HitMan & Braddy</span></p><div align="center"><div class="im"><p dir="ltr" align="center"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="283px;" height="283px;" /><img src="" alt="" width="285px;" height="285px;" /><br /> </strong></p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr"><span style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000;"><span style="color: #ff0000;">The Harvest Season (Episode1) </span></span><span style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000;">Is the NEW exclusive mixtape / album release by Macon Ga. Artists Braddy. Co starring such artists like: <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Mims</span></a></span>, <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Keri Hilson</span></a></span>, <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Soulja Boy</span></a></span>,<span style="color: #ff0000;"> <a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">T.I.</span></a></span>, <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Ray Lavender</span></a></span>, <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Scarface</span></a></span> and many more. The Harvest Season is said to be the doorway into Braddy’s true feeling and emotions that he’s displayed. “I’m <span style="color: #ff0000;">enlightening my fans</span> on what’s been going on, <span style="color: #ff0000;">how I been feeling</span> and a few of the <span style="color: #ff0000;">things that I’ve been through</span>, that’s why I entitled it [The Harvest Season.] I just felt as if it was time to release a few <span style="color: #ff0000;">feelings</span>, and a lot of <span style="color: #ff0000;">stress</span>.” Braddy says.<br class="kix-line-break" /> <br class="kix-line-break" /> With such records like “<span style="color: #ff0000;">Bread Up Ft. T.I. Keri Hilson & Scarface</span>” (a dedication to his deceased uncle and co founder of the label Getcha Bread Up Entertainment LLC) and “<span style="color: #ff0000;">Stay With Me</span>” (where he really poured his heart out about the situation between his child’s mother and his relationship with his daughter. ) This is sure to be on the lines of one of Braddy’s greatest works.<br class="kix-line-break" /> <br class="kix-line-break" /> Hosted by longtime friend, neighbor, and producer Bobby Hitman Redding, “This will be a </span><span style="color: #ff0000;">#MOVIE</span><span style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000;"> that you’ll listen to over and over” says Bobby. He adds “It was a slow start at first because I just had so much on my plate with the other artist I was working with but we finally set a date and knocked it out. We both were eager to release <span style="color: #ff0000;">The Harvest Season</span>. Over all I’m happy with the finished product, and I’m excited to hear what his fans will have to say about it. I’m sure they’re going to love it as much as we do. Braddy and I are looking forward to working together on future projects, hopefully sooner than later.”<br /> </span></p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr" align="center"> </p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr" align="center"> </p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr" align="center"><span style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000;"><span style="color: #ff0000;">In conclusion, “The Harvest Season” also comes with bonus enhanced features for all of you Braddy’s fans, this addition can be added or downloaded from the web, but comes automatically with a physical copy of the album. “The Harvest Season (Episode 1)” available on Livemixtapes and Datpiff.</span> <br class="kix-line-break" /> <br /> Braddy is currently booking and accepting offers.<br class="kix-line-break" /> For hosting| Bookings| and all other inquiries please contact:<br class="kix-line-break" /> Go: 240-210-3535 or Email <span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;"></span></a></span> Subject: Booking Braddy<br /> </span></p><p style="text-align: right;" dir="ltr"><span style="color: #ffffff;">-Kortoine</span></p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><span style="background-color: #000000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Datpiff</span></a><br class="kix-line-break" /> <a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Livemixtaps</span></a><br class="kix-line-break" /> <a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">Bonus Material DL</span></a><br class="kix-line-break" /> <a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">@Braddy478</span></a> <a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">@TeamBraddy</span></a> <a href="http://www.twitter.comteambraddybunch/"><span style="color: #ff0000;">@TeamBraddyBunch</span></a> </span><span style="background-color: #000000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">@Hitmanonline</span></a></span></span><span style="color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000;"> </span></p></div></div><div style="color: #444444; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, sans; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><div class="im" style="color: #500050;"><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 12px;"><div align="center"><hr /><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"> </span></div><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"> </span></div><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>CONTACT INFORMATION </strong></span></div><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>(478) 213-7033</strong></span></div><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>(240) 210-3535</strong></span></div><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Click </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ff0000;">HERE</span></a> </strong><strong>to Book "Braddy" </strong></span></div><div><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ATT: Braddy</strong></span></div><div align="center"><div><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a title="" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a></div></div></div></div></div><div style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: center;"> </div></div></div><p> </p></div></div>
<p><br /><a class="postlink" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Chabane's Records</a> ' new release :<br /><br /><a class="postlink" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a><br /><br /><strong class="twUnmatched">REJEKTS - <em>EP</em></strong><br /><br />5 Blackened Grindcore tracks<br /><br /><a class="postlink" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">CD</a> and <a class="postlink" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">FREE Download (click here)</a><br />Or copy and paste this link for direct download : <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br />torrent : <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br /><br /><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Chabane's Records:</span></strong><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">!/chabanesrecords</a><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br /><br /><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rejekts:</span></strong><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>
Congrats to TCP-UP for having the Mixposure Song of the Week! TCP has been around Mix since the early days and continues to produce some of the best progressive music available by any band. you can visiy their main Mixposure page here and here some more amazing tunes!
TCP is a progressive band that met right here on Mixposure late in 2007. The spontaneous collaborations which first took place on this site were not only rewarding, but quite unlikely without Mixposure as a key connection point for us. We consider it a success story.
Formed early in 2008, TCP began it's effort to create compelling progressive rock drawing on all eras of this phenomenal brand of music. After realizing the right elements were in place, a creative chemistry began in the ensuing months that culminated in the completion of our first album, The Way, early in February 2009. This resulted in signing with 10T Records who released the album in May 2009.
Once out of musical hibernation over the summer of 2009, we began the follow-up album, Fantastic Dreamer, putting the final touches on in February, 2011 . Both albums are readily available at many popular online stores (e.g. Amazon, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble) and download sites (e.g. iTunes, Napster, eMusic) in many countries. Music reviews are here.
Henry narrated our Center Stage presentation on Mike K's show this November 13, 2010. It previewed some of the material on Fantastic Dreamer. If you didn't catch it, you can listen here to this segment of the show.
Thanks for listening!
One pleasure of putting songs on Mixpo is to see how people react to them. If you have any thoughts, please let us know on the song's page. We return the favor of musician comments by listening and commenting on your material.
TCP is...
- Henry Tarnecky - vocals, lyrics, keyboards, music
- Blake Tobias - keyboards, bass, music
- Jack Wright - guitars, drums, music
- Glenn Arpino - keyboards, music
Congratulations to Brian Brooks for being Mixposure's Artist of the Month!
Making his first appearance in a post war, post industrial London - an era which straddled a time of immense change and upheaval between the old and the new - Brian's first thoughts were that he was glad he hadn't been born a few years earlier.
Initially classically trained, experiencing blues and rock & roll in the early 1960's was, for him, equivalent to Saint Paul on the road to Damascus. He cut his teeth in the London club scene during those halcyon years of the mid to late 1960's - as an audience member and occasional performer in venues such as Les Cousins, on Greek Street in Soho, listening to and learning from legendary musicians such as Davey Graham, Wizz Jones, Bert Jansch, John Renbourn and John Martyn.
Moving to New York in 1968, he studied painting, drawing and photography and threw himself into the musical world of clubs, festivals, concert halls and the college circuit. During this period, in addition to a partnership in a successful live music club in Greenwich Village, with occasional acting in tv and film, he toured in every State of the Union except Hawaii, spending time also in Canada and Mexico and working with such luminaries as Spider John Koerner, Son House, Andy Warhol, John Lennon and Chuck Berry. In addition to playing on the folk circuit in places such as Gerde's Folk City, Cafe Wha'? and The Gaslight, he was also in one of the first bands to regularly perform in Hilly Cristal's CBGB's, on The Bowery, sharing the stage with Blondie, Talking Heads, The Ramones and Television whilst recording on the Adelphi label.
Returning to Europe in 1979, Brian toured and exhibited internationally, playing mostly in celtic bands and recording on the Highway and Topic labels.
In the mid 1990's he relocated to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he worked with some excellent musicians and technicians, along the way assisting Sir George Martin on his film "Rhythms of Life".
So far, as a solo artist, Brian has completed a five-track EP entitled "Paint the Town", followed by a full twelve-track album entitled "Everything Takes Forever". Before leaving Brazil he recorded three tracks for an EP entitled "Hold On To The Night".
Curently, he is hard at work on a new full album with the working title "Time & Tide" which is partly a result of a collaboration with Italian producer Alessandro Manni, alongside tracks produced in his recently-refurbished home project studio.
These days, Brian mostly divides his time between music, painting and photography.
In 2005 Brian received a Masters degree in painting and hopes, one day, to get to Hawaii...
<p><span>Dysangelic from the Stockholm area are debuting on Sliptrick Records with the full length ‘The Dysangelic Principle’, recorded at Solna Studios with Mike Wead (The Haunted, Edge of Sanity, Candlemass, Mercyful Fate and King Diamond amongst the other not-to-miss bands he worked with).</span><br /><br /><span>The Dysangelic Principles features 8 tracks of pure, undiluted Scandinavian Metal the way it’s got to be. The Album currently available on Spotify, will soon be re-published through all platforms worldwide and available on CD as well. Feel free to check the </span><a href="" target="_blank">Dysangelic FB Profile</a><span> for further details.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">Circle Circus is a Beatlesque type song idea that popped into my head. I recorded the basic tracks so I could hear it and stimulate some production ideas. It's finally all fleshed out with the help of DrC. </span><br /> <br /><span style="font-size: small;">Since the lyric is a jab at the current political antics in the USA, I felt it needed a Circus type intro atmosphere so DrC worked his magic and wah it is! </span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">DrC did the drum programming and all keyboards/Dixieland horns....recorded at his place. </span><br /> <br /><span style="font-size: small;">I did the rhythm guitar, Mind Bender guitar, bass, lead guitar, and all vocals....recorded at my place. </span><br /> <br /><span style="font-size: small;">We co-produced and DrC mixed it.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Enjoy!<br /></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Farrell Jackson<br /></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></p>