Mix Files Daddyrabbit, JimsAE, and kooder
A Very Special and u n u s u a l
Jims Artificial Earth , and
Premiers during Saturday Night Rocks, March 2
Gene ( daddyrabbit ), Jim ( Jims Artificial Earth ) and me (kooder, Without A Flag ) are our guests for this Mix Files. The Skype call with the three of us went... well... use your imagination, multiply by a lot, add in 4 or 5 cups of gut-wrenching laughter, and you get the idea.
It started as Gene wanting to do a Mix Files kind of thing with me. I said sure. By the time we had the conversation, JimsAE was in the mix. After the conversation, different ideas were floated on how to do this and present it - cause it was fun and hilarious in spots - and it turned out to be a 2 part Mix Files. What airs this Saturday is Part 1 (of 2).
Between the three of us, and a conversation that lasted a couple of hours, I simply cannot make just 1 part. Too much mayhem for just 1 hour. It gets crazy. And funny. Crazy funny. So, Part 1 airs this week (March 2), and Part 2 airs next Saturday Night (March 9).
All three of us expect to be in chat for this.
There is fun and mayhem, and some pretty good music, too, I think. And, did I mention, emphasis on the mayhem? We would love to see you in chat (that's a link).
If you are interested in hearing some killer music and having some good belly-laughs, Saturday Night Rocks is the place to be this Saturday night.
I'm just sayin...
Saturday Night Rocks and The Mix Files
Have some fun... be there
Appreciation to Buddrumming for The Mix Files' banner
The Mix Files is a 1 hour pre-recorded segment which features conversation with - and the music of - Mixposure.com artists, each week. The Mix Files airs during the *live* Saturday Night Rocks Radio Show , here on Mixposure's MixStream Radio . Saturday Night Rocks is *live* from around 8 PM EST US and goes till at least midnight... Saturday Night, of course. The Mix Files *usually* airs between 9:00 and 9:20 PM EST. Please join us in chat (that's a link, btw).
It had no more to do with kooder, than it had to do with Jim and Gene. I think all three of us contributed to the chaos. But it sure was/is fun chaos. Part 1 is almost ready to go. I should finish it today. It's pretty much set, with just a few small bits left to take care of. And it is funny, folks. I'm just sayin...
You got that right, Gene!
Ruh Roh!