
Freedom With Rich Lodato

album: AFI
genre: Alternative Rock
streams: 52
creation date: 2024-12-13

  Song Information
So, I played the guitar, bass, synths, programmed the drums, and Rich did the vocals and lyrics. Rich also mixed and mastered this song, and he done a fine...
Freedom With Rich Lodato
01/23/25 12:21:36AM @jimsae:
Great collab at it's best!

Thanks, Phil! It was so much fun to work with Lodato!

01/21/25 07:07:08AM @phillipfoxley:
Great collab at it's best!
01/12/25 05:12:09PM @cooter:
Oh my! Lots of energy here, gents. Top drawer music, you two. I absolutely love this!!!
12/14/24 02:55:50PM @stoney-ian-burrage:
This has real power and groove ... Well done indeed
Farrell Jackson
12/13/24 08:07:02PM @farrell-jackson:
I knew you both could rock but who woulda thunk you could rock to high heaven...Wow this is great! Super guitar tone and playing Jim! The synths, drums and bass are solidly holding the groove. Rich, this balls to walls style of singing is outstanding and a great mix! Yes, no doubt you two can rock to hell and back!
Paul rainbird
12/13/24 05:35:08PM @paul-rainbird:
Love this guys nice work great production
tony cee
12/13/24 02:27:06PM @tony-cee:
this is superb , love the vocals , great mix , great guitar work , great collab .......cheers tony cee
12/13/24 01:52:45PM @billb:
Perfect mix of mix of this hard and heavy psych-rock piece that keeps you wanting more.
12/13/24 01:50:53PM @bad-love-junkie:
Great job, my friends! E X C E L L E N T!


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