
Let's Party Tonight - Single out now!

By Scarecrowz, 2020-04-30
Let's Party Tonight - Single out now!

Our new single, LET’S PARTY TONIGHT is finally available on all major online streaming platforms.  Here is the link to it on Apple.  Enjoy and hope it makes your day!”



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Mixposure Artist of the Month - Carol Sue

Congratulations to Carol Sue for being the Artist of the Month. Carol Sue is a long time member and one of the biggest supporters of Indie Music I have ever seen. 

Thanks for all of your reviews and being a part of Mixposure Carol Sue .

Posted in: News | 10 comments
Featured Artist on Lithoscry "Get Real" Podcast

We are being featured on the Lithoscry "Get Real" Podcast in advance of Easter. They are playing our song "Break of Day" as well as a phone interview they did with Robert Wagenbrenner and myself. Here are the links:


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I hope that you, your family and loved ones are well and adjusting to the changes that have taken place over the past few weeks as a result of the spread of Covid-19.  The effects on live entertainment and music will be shocking. Where can you look for information to help live bands and entertainers find out what they can do to help themselves now? Here is an article that covers various aspects of how to overcome the set backs of Covid-19

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Intro from the band

By Scarecrowz, 2020-03-21

Hi all,

Just starting on this site.  We hope to have new stuff up soon.  So far it seems to be a decent site to promote on.  Hopefully, you can send some love our way and vice versa.  Looking forward to our next check in!



Posted in: Music | 0 comments


By Admin, 2020-03-16

Hey everyone. It would appear that most cities will be on lock down for the next 4-6 weeks. This is a great time to write some music!

This Coronavirus is a bit scary. In talking to some, it seems like many think this is blown way out of proportion. That may or may not be the case but regardless, please keep yourself as safe as possible. Mixposure has lost some great artists over the years. Let's not add to that list in 2020. It seems to hit people differently with a lot of different factors so just be smart people!!


Posted in: News | 3 comments
Congrats to Ariel's Attic for being Mixposure Artist of the Month!

Congrats to Ariel's Attic for being the Artist of the Month!

Posted in: News | 1 comments

other website

By darren.elliott, 2020-02-19
other website

check out my other music website at

Congrats to Wyntr for being are February 2020 Artist of the Month!


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