
Meeting Rory Gallagher

By ChrisDair, 2013-12-01
Meeting Rory Gallagher





I was just a kid when I met Rory. I can't remember the venue (I really wish I could). It was a bar in Manchester sometime in either '73 or '74.

A friend of mine introduced me to the band and I ended up playing. Rory asked me what my name was, I said Chris Dair, and he said "it can't be Dair, it must be O'Dair", which I later found was true! I remember we played Catfish Blues and it was absolutely brilliant, a knockout.

I met him again at the Free Trade Hall awhile after that. The guy I was with knew the singer out of the support band and we were backstage saying Hi, talking and drinks etc. All of us, including Rory of course, went back to the Imperial for drinks after the gig, and I was there till about 5 am, Rory just played all night. I remember he played Traintime Blues on this old steel guitar (not sure if it was a Dobro) for about half an hour. Rory also played my Dobro.

He was a very down to earth guy, there was no edge to him whatsoever, he said what he believed and that was it. I got the impression he wouldn't say anything unless he meant it. He believed very passionately in what he was doing.

I remember having to get a taxi to the station and coming back home on the "milk train" in the morning.

The way I feel about people like Rory now is very different to how it felt at the time. Then it didn't seem that much out of the ordinary to any of us.

Hope this is of interest to you - It was a very special time for me as a guitarist, and I treasure the opportunity I had to meet and play with Rory.




Chris Dair




Rory Gallagher


This man was a complete other dimension to music, he was formidable in what he did. His whole being was music. This is a perfect example of the energy that this guy had in him for his music. The people that were there were fortunate to witness an incredible happening. A pure genius in what he did, he was an artist of the greatest calibre. His music... See more has great ferocity, passion and also tenderness. He is one on his own, a truly outstanding musician. During the early 70s I had the good fortune to meet him on two different occasions and play guitar with him. Without a doubt his presence left a profound influence on me. As a person he was a very realistic, down to earth, caring guy, and passionate in his love for music, and greatly missed.




Posted in: Blues | 1 comments

Ian Booker and his Music

By gerry.ainger, 2013-12-01


   Ian is a local musician, I say local, that is local to Southampton, with an incredible amount of talent.He does excellent covers but he is in his element writing and singing his own material. I have been lucky enough to see him play at a couple of venues. I was that impressed I had to do a little research, and because of my findings I contacted him to ask if he would mind me doing a post on him and his music. May I suggest that everyone checks out his links to be able to enjoy more of what I have posted here.  

ian booker

I asked Ian if he would like to add some personal words and he replied with the statement 

"Ah okay cool. Well I'm a singer/songwriter from  Southampton specializing in acoustic music with strong vocals at the forefront. My music is typically played with passion, and emotive by nature. I released by debut EP "Seven Notes" in August, and have just started work on my new EP which I'm looking forward to. I've been performing  in a wide variety of places especially over the last 6 months. I'm looking forward to further promoting myself and playing wherever I can during 2014. My point of contact is through my  ianbookermusic   fb  page, but you can also find out more about me on my website  (  where there are links  to my you tube,  Soundcloud,    Twitter  etc. Cheers :)"




Mixposure Updates

By Admin, 2013-11-27

Just a few things everyone. 

Song Downloads are now in place again. Sorry for the delay. If a song is for sale, the download button will never appear and will not be able to be downloaded. When you create or modify a song, you will see an "allow song download" checkbox. It is checked by default to allow song downloads. If you are not selling the song, you still have the option to disable song downloads by unchecking the box.

Embedding Audio is now available for Facebook by clicking the Share Button on the song details page. Here is the one catch though. It appears there is a bug on facebook where the player works on the wall but not on the profile page. We thought it was something we were doing but I found posts that were made today from others experencing the same issue. Hopefully Facebook will fix this soon.



Posted in: News | 1 comments

Happy Thanksgiving!

By truevulgarian, 2013-11-27

Just wanted to extend a Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and fellow artists here at Mixposure.  I have to suggest however that creating a new tune on a full stomach is not easily done.  Today's for family, food and football, along with a possible free live performance provided by none other than you, (but not necessarily in that order).  We can write a song about it tomorrow....

Bill Thompson


Happy Thanksgiving from Mixposure!

By Admin, 2013-11-27

Happy Thanksgiving! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for continuing to support this site year after year. A special thanks Kat Francis J , the DJ's and especially Jim Rustemeyer and Gene Smith for everything you guys do. Thanks also for the kind words and support after my father passed away last week. You guys are truly the best.

Please enjoy your day and your families and thank you for being a part of 


Posted in: News | 8 comments

Blues Community

By HOOKER GREEN, 2013-11-24
Blues Community

I´m glad to find a number of outstanding blues tunes here. Congrats to all blues musicians.

But computer crashed but I´m back with small ditty.

Hooker Green

Posted in: Blues music | 1 comments

King Ant

By KingAnt3349476, 2013-11-23
King Ant


Posted in: Business | 0 comments

V2D Records Signs Mikayla

By RockinMikayla13, 2013-11-23
V2D Records Signs Mikayla

I've signed with a label!!!! Check out my news release at

"Little Kings" updated version....

By rscain, 2013-11-22
"Little Kings" updated version....

I have redone the mix on"Little Kings"...redid the vocal and added background vocals and an acoustic guitar rhythm part...


Hope you like it and as always, Thanks for listening.

Now... TURN IT UP!!!

Posted in: Songs | 0 comments

Mixposure Holiday Song Submissions

By Admin, 2013-11-22

It is coming up on that time of year again where we start looking for Holiday Song Submissions! This has been a tradition around Mixposure for several years now and one that has become a favorite. 

If you are new to Mixposure, here is how this works. Create a Holiday song in any genre. It can be comedic like Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer or as serious as Handel's Messiah. It does not require vocals. All we ask is that you have some fun doing it!

Once you have your song completed, please use a a genre of "Holiday Songs 2013" so we can find them easily. 

One of the questions that always comes up is, Can I Do a Cover? As long as the song is the the Public Domain  feel free!

Pleas epost if you have any questions.



Posted in: News | 3 comments
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