Category: default
ok here we go hi to all who know me from the old MIX to all the new peeps in here ,,hi all ...its cool to be back ,,never thought of checkin wether the site was back up ,,,but i was scanning through my favourites ,,and something just popped into my head to click the old link i had ,, and to my great suprise i was whisked o`er the netwaves to a new and super slick site ,,yeehaa i cried as i picked my self up from my chair and subsequently re-signed in ,,got my self settled in with afew new tracks and then thought hey ,,,5 track slots ...hmm nah im good for easily 10 - 20 times that ,,so i bought me up a years supply of gold account ,, theres so much to do here , have to give credit the guys who conceived all this ,,nice one !! ...anyways better bring this blog to a close as i do tend to ramble a bit ,,so im gonna do me some listening ,writing ,eat the odd curry or two and try and get my head around all the functions of this natty and truly colourfull site ....oh and dont worry about all me blogs being lengthy yawn inducing things ,,blog no.2 will probably be something along the lines of ,,oh crap nowt to say and writers block has set in LMAO ...........but until then
im gonna have some fun ....see ya`s all around