
New singles

By joeyd, 2020-07-10

New singles Life Garden,Cages, WarPigs the samples are there ...

Straplocks - Dunlop or Schaller?

By Admin, 2020-06-29

Anyone have a preference on straplocks?

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Just Ranting

By Admin, 2020-06-27

Girl in a jacket

I had a nice desktop gaming computer sitting around doing nothing after both of my daughters upgraded. Since I have been in a self-imposed musical retirement, I figured I would finally relinquish my Alienware Windows 7 (yes that old) desktop I was using for recording. As I am installing my trusty Cubase Artist v6 from 2010 or 2011, it tells me it is too old to even register. I figured ok now what? Previously I had updated to version 6.5 so I must need to do that.There is an update link in the Help drop down in the application so I clicked the link. Much like my registration attempt, the link was 404 which means, not found. 

I did some research on the Steinberg Website and found some forum posts that said Steinberg basically just killed off the old versions. As someone who works in software development, I get the money grab but it still pisses me off. If you want to install Windows 95 on an old PC, would you expect it to say, "Nope Sorry, You Need To Update To Windows 10" and here is the amount? No you paid for that version and it should work! In their defense, Artist 6 was only "supported" on Windows 7 but I read post where people did get it to work on Windows 10 prior to all of the updates. 

Not sure of what the outcome of this will be. My Presonus Audiobox 44VSL has been discontinued but I noticed the drivers are recent. Maybe it will still work!

This ends my rant!


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Congrats to Synthia for having the song of the week! This tune has some bite to it!

We are SYNTHIA a brand new Metal band with heavy driven guitars topped by some tight bass lines with a splash of Female Opera/Melodic style vocals.

Vocalist: Allison Stanton (aka) Allistar

Guitars: Gary Hart (aka) Rocker

Bass: Rach Espinosa

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Congrats to Zeus the Temple for being the Artist of the month. 

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About the song To Sir With Love recorded by The ReWlettes

To Sir With Love was originally released in 1967 and was sung by British superstar sensation Lulu

To Sir With Love is the theme song of the 1967 movie of the same name starring screen legend Sidney Poitier

To Sir With Love has been recorded by The ReWlettes as a cover version in August 2019

To Sir With Love was released by Baltimore's Manta Ray Records on May 22, 2020

To Sir With Love by The ReWlettes is considered a modern pop rock interpretation with a Punktry edginess which draws the listener in, and, by the time the song ends, you fall in love with, The ReWlettes!

Based out of New York City, The ReWlettes consist of a blockbuster all female cast of characters!

The ReWlettes entertain through their musical talents, live performance persona, original songs, cover songs and a penchant for bringing meaningful good times to all that listen.


Living Music Legend - ReW StaRR - Lead vocals and Guitar

NYC Music Impresario and Promoter - Anne Husick - Bass Guitar

Critically Acclaimed Mistress of The Ivories - Maya Lo - Keyboards and vocals

Empress of the Back Beat  - Tami Johnson - Drums and Percussion

For more info about The ReWlettes please visit: The ReWlettes on Facebook (link opens in new browser window)

℗ 2020 Manta Ray Records (link opens in new browser window)

Released on: 2020-05-22

Producer: Ingvar Jacobson

"To Sir with Love" is the theme from James Clavell's 1967 film To Sir, with Love. The song was performed by Lulu, and written by Don Black and Mark London (husband of Lulu's longtime manager Marion Massey). Mickie Most produced the record, with Mike Leander arranging and conducting. The song reached No. 1 in the United States record charts, and it became the bestselling song of 1967 in the US.

Currently, as of May 2020 The ReWlettes video for To Sir with Love is in production and is being produced by award winning film maker, Christopher Martini Christopher Martini IMDB

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The ReWlettes - A history of Love

By The ReWlettes, 2020-05-30
The ReWlettes - A history of Love

The story behind the ReWLeTTeS is one of divine intervention.

All these talented ladies play in multiple projects.

There was a gig that Rew was organizing the entire night because her Manta Ray Records head honcho wanted to come play a gig in NYC with his band, which we try to do at least annually.

Well, this gig alone kept getting postponed.

First it was for November, then December, then January and then finally it was set for APRiL 2019!!! OK date set!!

So Rew was going to play with one of her concoctions of her band and slowly every band member was unavailable!

Ok, she was going to be solo, and then decided F it, I’ll just host the night.

Well, I believe Anne was booked to play that night in one of her projects and she said “I’ll play with you!”..

Rew started thinking hmmmmm..

Tami had done many gigs with Rew over the years so Rew reached out to see if she was available. that night.... drum roll...’YES” she said!!

Now Maya was a friend of Rew who after seeing her perform said she would want to play together some day... well there is an incredible twisting of magical forces that unbeknownst to Rew and Maya when they met how Tami and Maya were connected and it all came through Rew!

If you can follow that, good for you!!

Soooo Rew asked Maya if she was available that night to play and BBAM she said “YESSS”... Ok we had a gig!!

We prepared a few rehearsals at Rew’s apartment and were ready to play!

We actually were the ‘Rewdettes!

Well, the gig was at our beloved Ottos Shrunken Head, and after our amazing over the top electric set, Steve, the owner of Ottos said , “Wow I absolutely LOVE the REWLETTES!!!” we were like, OMG that name is so much better!!!!! So tada... the Rewlettes were born!!!!!

Our first adventure on the road after a bunch of NYC shows was off to Manta Ray Records in Baltimore to record ‘To Sir With Love’ as a request from our beloved Zest in Canada.

Mission. accomplished with lots of stories in the fabric of that quilt to last a lifetime...

And now our video is released!

Posted in: Biography | 2 comments

Throwback Thursday

By Scarecrowz, 2020-05-07

Another throwback Thursday.  Here we are at the Brass Monkey on September 10, 2016 performing "The Disciple Principle".  Thanks to Peter Marklew for the footage!

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Let's Party Tonight - Single out now!

By Scarecrowz, 2020-04-30
Let's Party Tonight - Single out now!

Our new single, LET’S PARTY TONIGHT is finally available on all major online streaming platforms.  Here is the link to it on Apple.  Enjoy and hope it makes your day!”



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Mixposure Artist of the Month - Carol Sue

Congratulations to Carol Sue for being the Artist of the Month. Carol Sue is a long time member and one of the biggest supporters of Indie Music I have ever seen. 

Thanks for all of your reviews and being a part of Mixposure Carol Sue .

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