
Tonight we are going to rerun the show from last Saturday. So if you missed it, please feel free to join in!!

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new ep started

By elektronz, 2015-06-16
new ep started

called static emissions this one is going to be very different from previous ep`s ive done in the sounds used and styles done will be more experimental and more on sounds and beats created :) also its a side project for my e-tronix name

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Best Concert?

By Admin, 2015-06-13
Best Concert?

I was thinking about this today and trying to determine what was the best concert I went to. I have not been to a ton of concerts but off the top of my head I can remember Queen, Rainbow/Pat Travers, JGeils, Van Halen several times, Sammy Hagar a few times, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, RUSH (many times), Pat Travers, Dio and a bunch of others I can't recall.

I still think seeing Sammy solo was the most entertaining. He was just a powerhouse of a showman. The guy was all over the stage and up near the roof for a bit. RUSH was amazing from a musicians standpoint. Those three guys sound like they have 20 people playing.  

Queen was my fist concert as a young kid. I was already playing guitar at that time but that show really turned me on to what a band was all about and the fun that could be had!

Feel free to chime in!

Posted in: News | 10 comments
Thank you so so very much my friends :)

I am so very grateful and humble that I was named Artist of the Month.  Thank you Toni for telling me on your show it was such a big surprise. I am just dumbfounded.  I want to thank those that chose me, I am just lost for words right now.  If I can touch one person with one song my job is done and I'm happy.  Again thank have really touched me.  Can't wait to tell Karen and my son's Chris and Mike.


By elektronz, 2015-06-01

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dj luscious logo

By elektronz, 2015-05-30
dj luscious logo

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mix logo idea :)

By elektronz, 2015-05-29

i thought the mix logo could do with an update ,,:)

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Lady In The Mirror

By Farrell Jackson, 2015-05-28
Lady In The Mirror

I had recorded this as a mono acoustic/vocal scratch track to save the idea and to help generate some production thoughts. I liked the first take so I decided to stay with my original mono acoustic/vocal track and just use it as the base to build the song around. I wrote this for the proposed "anything haunted" Mixposure song contest but that seems to have dissipated like a ghostly apparition so I'm posting it up now. I hope you like it!


I had recorded this as a mono acoustic/vocal scratch track to save the idea and to help generate some production thoughts. I liked the first take so I decided to stay with my original mono acoustic/vocal track and just use it as the base to build the song around. - See more at:
I had recorded this as a mono acoustic/vocal scratch track to save the idea and to help generate some production thoughts. I liked the first take so I decided to stay with my original mono acoustic/vocal track and just use it as the base to build the song around. - See more at:


By Axe1, 2015-05-24

I would like to offer my heart felt THANK YOU to whom ever is responsible for my selction as "Artist of the Month" for May.. I'm stunned... Really!


I'd also like to offer my sincerst apology if they got fired for it... :)

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hooyoosay: the wrong kind of people?

By hooyoosay, 2015-05-17
hooyoosay: the wrong kind of people?

hooyoosay have a new EP, " The Wrong Kind Of People ", delivering four upbeat and essentially poppy tracks, influences however ranging from rock to country.
The overall vibe is feelgood and fun, the word "wrong" merely being ironic, for the message simply is that nothing is wrong, but on the contrary all is absolutely fine.
The title track is the main song, cheerful and happy, abundant with male and female lead vocals and harmonies.
It is followed by " Illusionist at work ", a relaxed instrumental, and then further by what could be seen as a couple of bonus tracks. The one is " The wrong kind of hello " and takes an even more humorous approach to the title track in the form of comedy-rock, the other is " The right kind of friend ", being the second instrumental.

Alex Faulkner reviewed and concluded:
"Overall, this is an excellent E.P. that is joyously free of all commercial considerations and rammed full of musical imagination. If you are bored with the predictable pop of the mainstream, hooyoosay are here to save the day and show you that music is so much more interesting when you veer off the beaten track. Long may they continue."


Posted in: Music | 1 comments
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