
<p><span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Chabane's Records</a> new release : <br /><br /></strong><strong>NIPPERCREEP - <em style="font-style: italic;">Combustion</em><br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" width="325" border="0" /></a> <br /><br /></strong><strong>8 TRASH PUNK TRACKS from France</strong>. <br /><strong> Available on CD through </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Chabane's Records </a> <br />And as <strong>FREE DOWNLOAD</strong><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> click <strong> HERE</strong>.</a> <br /><br /></strong></span>NIPPERCREEP FACEBOOK: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>

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Galaxy Jam by Zeropage (new Track & Video)

<p>A galactic jam by Zeropage: Progressive Dance with an Acid twist!&nbsp;<img title="Cool" src="" alt="Cool" border="0" /></p><p><a href="">Zeropage - Galaxy Jam (Audio Track)</a></p><p><a href=&quotZeropage - Galaxy Jam - Galaxy Jam (The Video)</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="425" height="350"></iframe></p>


By Admin, 2011-11-04

<p><img src="" alt="" width="500" height="281" />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></p><h1 class="cnnBlogContentTitle"><a title="Permanent Link:Sports fans hate on Nickelback... again" href="" rel="bookmark">Sports fans hate on Nickelback... again</a></h1><p class="cnn_first">It seems Nickelback&rsquo;s nasally rock ballads just don&rsquo;t sit well with sports fans.</p><p>Supporters of the Detroit Lions are the latest to protest a possible performance by the Canadian band. (The Winnipeg Free Press published an<a href="" target="_blank"> open letter </a>to the National Hockey League in August when word spread that Nickelback would play at its Face-Off festival.)</p><p>The band is reportedly slated to perform during halftime at Ford Field, when the Lions take on the Green Bay Packers Thanksgiving Day. But a whole lot of Lions fans/Nickelback haters have signed an <a href="" target="_blank">online petition</a> begging the National Football League to reconsider.</p><p>As of the time of this post on Thursday, more than 9,500 people had signed the virtual petition, citing:</p><p>&ldquo;This game is nationally televised, do we really want the rest of the US to associate Detroit with Nickelback? &hellip; Is this some sort of ploy to get people to leave their seats during halftime to spend money on alcoholic beverages and concessions? This is completely unfair to those of us who purchased tickets to the game. At least the people watching at home can mute their TVs.&rdquo;</p><p>One person who signed the petition wrote, &ldquo;I'd rather drink bleach than listen to Nickelback and have them associated with Detroit.&rdquo;</p><p>And here&rsquo;s a fun fact: Nickelback is one of the worst bands you can admit to liking on a first date, <a href="" target="_blank">according to a U.K. dating site.</a></p><p>But any press is good press, right? Nickelback&rsquo;s new album, &ldquo;Here and Now,&rdquo; drops November 21.</p>

Posted in: News | 15 comments
WBC - Danny Green vs Krzysztof Wlodarczyk

<p><span style="font-size: large;">It's official!!!</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>Paulina Caine</strong> (vocalist of BASIC DESIRE) will perform the national anthem, before the <strong>WBC</strong> fight between Danny Green (Australia) &amp; Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (Poland).</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: large;">Where: <strong>30th November 2011, Challenge Stadium, Perth, Australia</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size: large;">When: <strong>7PM</strong></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: large;">DON"T MISS!!!!!</span></p>

“November 2011 Special Offer on Mixing and Mastering”

<div class="body"><div><p><strong><span>NEWS</span>;</strong></p><p><strong>&ldquo;November 2011 Special Offer on Mixing and Mastering&rdquo;</strong></p><p><strong>Mastering 35&euro; per song.</strong></p><p><strong>Mixing and Mastering package 150&euro; per song.</strong></p><p><strong>We are proud to announce that Online Mixing and has made the 1st page of Google for Google search &ldquo;online mixing&rdquo;.</strong></p><p><strong>5 Good reasons to use our Online Mixing and Mastering services;</strong></p><p><strong>Top Quality Sound.</strong></p><p><strong><span>FREE</span> evaluation of your Mix.</strong></p><p><strong><span>FREE</span> mp3 sample of our work on your project for you to approve, before payment.</strong></p><p><strong>Easy Payment with Pay Pal.</strong></p><p><strong>100% Satisfaction Guarantee.</strong></p><p><strong>For more info, please contact us</strong><br /><strong> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></strong></p></div></div>


By Jim Easton, 2011-11-04

<p>Looking to hook up with musicians and their videos and sharing work on You Tube. Contact me with your link to YouTube.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>.</p>

Need your photographs

By Jim Easton, 2011-11-04
Need your photographs


Halloween Winners

By Admin, 2011-11-03

<p>Thanks to everyone who submitted Halloween Songs this year! It was a great turnout and we had some amazing submissions.</p><p>Congratulations to the winners of the Halloween Poll:</p><p>Digger Stone - T-Shirt</p><p>JoyfulWave - Mix-Goodies</p><p>Rayonvert - Mix-Goodies</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Posted in: News | 7 comments
The God Who Had An Affair With Himself

<p>Take no notice of the title- I just needed to have something there..</p><p>I'm currently working on two and half projects. I say two an a half not because I can but because the half is probably going to be a demo e.p. Which means it will be half the album it used to be. And also less is more. So that's gotta be a good thing.</p><p>Since 2007 I've had an army of songs that I thought were ready to be published and then realised that they weren't. They needed more development to do them justice. So I've gotten into the habit of musical reflection. Taht is to say: i listen to what I've done three to six months later or even longer. Which can be a little frustrating because the perfectionist in me has a great difficulty in letting go.</p><p>So, I finally managed to get two albums released: namely The Pandora Box (a studio effort with Lawson Dando master musician based in Cardiff Wales, Uk), and The God Who Had An Affair With Himself a home made affair using Logic Pro in my studio. Which took me a while to get used to- prior to that I had been at home using garageband but because my files were big- it couldn't handle it and neither could my old computer; may it rest in peace.. it died on me.&nbsp;</p><p>But it had a good innings.</p><p>My point.</p><p>Well frankly i probably dont have one. But I'm sure we can let that slide.</p><p>Is the microphone on? I feel like singing.</p><p>I wonder at times how our species can be so creative and equally destructive that it can create beautiful things. &nbsp;Are we just flukes? Is there a Design? Is it Dark? I hope so... Talking of Dark..</p><p>I'm a great fan of Negativity. It's ironic that we love the super villian more than we love the hero. We relate to the 'evil', the dark side of the character probably because we're not allowed to talk about our own. After all honesty is the last thing people want to truly hear.</p><p>Thoughts are powerful: they can hurt.</p><p>The God Who Had An Affair With Himself is about The Dark. It's about me, its about religion and spirituality, &nbsp;Gods and Death, rites and politics. Culminating with the Magnificat: The Windows Of the Soul which extols Lucifer as a Messiah working through political leaders past and present some of whom have been labelled as evil.&nbsp;</p><p>Perception is uncanny. Men like Saddam for instance hated by the world was loved by his daughter. She saw him as a father. Funny that..</p><p>I just had a thought as to &nbsp;how i could tie in my entry title with making a point. So bear with me. It goes something like this:</p><p>The last time I saw my Invisible Friend(s) was when I was a teen. I was scared to take the leap. I think thats the problem with society: we're too scared to take the leap and realise our dreams. Because its easier to play it safe. A friend of mine who isn't invisible uses fearscapes as a crutch to not progress. I could never do that. I've always believed that if you miss an opportunity- it will reappear at a later date.</p><p>The question is: whether one wants to take it.</p><p>And think if my invisible friend(s) were here... and who is to say they are not? The opportunity is probbaly what they were trying to tell me. Life may be short- but there's many avenues to traverse.</p>

Updated Version of Naughty Thoughts

<p>Please call round for a listen to our updated version of Naughty Thoughts. A super Easy Listening collab between myself and Diego B. Thank you and hope you enjoy! xx</p>

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