
From Jazz to Rock N Roll, from Hip-Hop to Funk and Disco, African music has been a major influence on nearly every modern genre. African music is as diverse as the land that birthed it, coming in a varying array of soundscapes including upbeat tempos, clapping and boundless energy.

You can hear the influence of African music in the song structures of bands like Talking Heads and Vampire Weekend and you can see the influence of rhythm and tempo on Shakira's music. But why do contemporary artists love the music of Africa so much? Well, it's time to find out for yourself.

Below are 7 of the best African musicians that you need to know.

1 Fela Kuti. Nigeria

Fela Kuti isn't just a hero of his native Nigeria, he is also widely considered the most recognisable voice in African music history. He called himself the “black president” and is often credited with inventing the Afro Beat genre. However, his influence doesn't stop there, he was also a prominent activist and fought corrupt Nigerian governments through his music until his death in 1997.

2 William Onyeabor, Nigeria

William Onyebor was an innovator that influenced a countless number of bands, but most prominently David Byrne of Talking Heads fame. A big part of Onyeabor's appeal is the mythicism that surrounded him during his life. Little was know about him other than the music he released, which was enough because the music he released was light years ahead of it's time and impacted genres such as House, Funk, and Disco.

3 Manu Dibango, Cameroon

Manu Dibango is the definition of multi-talented, being well versed in genres such as Blues, Jazz, Soul, Electro, and Spirituals. He might have dipped his toes in all sorts of music forms but one thing is absolutely certain, he is one of the greatest saxophonists of his generation. Check out his most popular hit “Soul Makossa” that was a big influence on a certain icon of pop music.

4 Tidal Waves, South Africa

Often called the hardest working reggae band in Africa, Tidal Waves have gained a widespread fan base with their soulful stylings. The group tends to play over 100 shows a year and have played in venues all over the world.

5 Salif Keita, Mali

Salif Keita is literally royalty, being an offspring from one of the founding fathers of the Mali Empire, yet he chose a path in music. Much to the anger of his family, who thought music an occupation that was beneath him, but Salif stuck to his dream and gained major success while doing so.

6 Yvonne Chaka Chaka, South Africa

Yvonne is one of the queens of African music and managed to get there during the heights of the Apartheid regime. She began singing as a child and rose to fame at the tender age of 18 and hasn't slowed down since. Not only does she have the voice of an angel but she is also a prominent philanthropist.

7 Dobet Gnahore, Ivory Coast

Dobet Gnahore is one of the most promising female artists to come out of Africa in recent years. Born on the Ivory Coast and raised by a respected drummer, Boni Gnahore, Dobet grew up surrounded by interesting people and interesting sounds that influence her as she grew older. Dobet's songs are beautiful in their melodies, fearless in their lyrical content and will knock you off your feet.

Even if you are not into African music or culture there is a big chance your favourite band is connected or influenced by it in some way. It's always good to check out new artists and music genres and you can use the above article as your musical map of Africa and start listening to some new and exciting things today!  

Mary Frenson is a Marketing Assistant at

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A Few Words About Our Very Own Yvonne Jay

By Barefoot Music, 2017-02-11


Clean Mind, Dirty Thoughts

By ron.bowes, 2017-02-10

clean mind cover.jpg

So, my 4th album "CLEAN MIND, DIRTY THOUGHTS" is out and available on iitunes, Amazon and Google Play....and other digital outlets.

The track listing is as follows

1 Get up and Go

2 When You're Down

3 The Whiskey Stagger

4  Bloodsucker Blues


6 The Jean Genie

7 The darkness Boogie

8 The Gamblers' Code

9 Burn it Down

10 You Got Nothing on Me

11 The Hanging Tree

12 Two Timing Mamma

13 Burn So Bright

14 Never felt Like This Before


By jeffrey.pereira, 2017-02-08

thanks for takin the time to listen to my songs ...i have a whole bunch more that i will post later goin one step at a time since im a new member to this site!!!! THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE I APPRECIATE IT ILOVE ALL YOU GUYS AND GALS  im also on REVERBNATION & SOUNDCLOUD!!!.....JeFfRo@!~

Posted in: new member | 1 comments
Exposed Vocals exclusive interview with German Fitchson
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
[German Fitchson]: I grew up in Pennsylvania Philadelphia, I actually went to a design charter school where you know.. there were fashion designers, cultural artists and musicians but, I was kicked out before my 12th grade graduation (laughs) due to my tardiness and grades (continue laughing) everybody in my high school quickly grown attached to there own passion even if it was just long term or momentary. I went to one of my friend’s house one day after class to record just one song I ended recording an entire mixtape (roll eyes). I was so scared to even record in front of my two friend that came along not to mention share my songs with anyone, so. I agree to record my songs last (sighs). I didn’t think anyone would listen to my music if I put it online but my friends back at high school gotten a listen of them and also my family (sighs) I remember my friends and I, we use to freestyle in the lunchroom just for entertainment.

Exposed Vocals: How did you come up with that name? What was your inspiration behind it?
[German Fitchson]: My name is Shaquil Clement the inspiration behind “German Fitchson” came from the Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store. I’m obsessed with how they express human sexuality in a fun, flowly and soft way. I love how appealing the models are exposed to the cameras, it’s such a tease. I was doing modeling and doing little photoshoots with props just to gain a fan base you know earlier on. I was actually in a party group with a bunch of young neighborhood friends, one of my close friends had came up with the name Moose because of my Abercrombie tattoo. Everybody knew me because of my Abercrombie & Fitch tattoo let me just say that. (Eye bulges) Everybody. (laughs) At first I didn’t know what to think of it because I didn’t really care for a nickname but than I thought about it an thought about it but, I decided, hey I’m not go by what anybody else calls me. If I want to get known it’s gone be by a hot ass name you won’t forget. Little after a year, I started doing my own thing for a while after the whole “group” thing die down, Then I started to branch out an later found a passion for music.

Exposed Vocals: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free? Why?
[German Fitchson]: Okay here’s the thing with Online Music Sharing. Publishing your music over the Internet is an amazing way to build a following and fan base don’t get me wrong, rather it’s free music or not. I actually gotten discovered by sharing my music over the Internet and I’m able to build my own following and fans from sharing my music over the Internet. I just feel that now days artist go behind the limit to push a great body of work. Then fans and radio will only stream one or two songs from the artist than label that artist based on that one song. Nobody appreciates the full body of music anymore. Music is so much more than what I hear music is what I see and breath.

Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
[German Fitchson]: My advice for young passionate kids who want to jump in the music area, is to be free. Be open minded. Don’t create impossible. Everything will fall into place in the right time. Find yourself and become that. You don’t need thousands of people to get signed or discovered. Everyday I’m learning new things about the music industry. I have music coaches I can email and talk to just to keep me balance because making music is a lot of work and sometimes can become stressful on your worries, which is never a good thing to experience if you have passion for creating music but you know what else that boggles my mind sorry for running off focus (starts to stare in confusion). I will never understand how someone can make fun of someone else’s dream but than end up chasing that same dream they were just making fun of the last person for doing. Please explain this to me. (Eyes open intensely)

Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?
[German Fitchson]: One time I was doing a little gig for a sweet sixteen party and my verse was coming up on a song but there were only one microphone which we had to share. I was so scared that I was gone to end up missing my verse due to a late hand off or delay hearing I don’t know. I just remember starting to think the worst when I was up on the stage, but you know all else played out smooth. I did my thing. I had fun performing. I just remember the crowd taking lots of pictures and chanting, it was like a dream. How do I handle making mistakes during performaning? (Pauses) I just remember to remain focus on the bigger picture, which is to remember it’s okay to make mistakes as long as the show goes on. I came here to do a job and as long as my fans are happy that’s all that matters.

Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?
[German Fitchson]: Hopefully after my mixtape drops I will eventually tour once I get the music down. I would love to tour though. I think it would be so much fun and it’ll remind me why I love making music so much (smiles).

Exposed Vocals: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
[German Fitchson]: I get inspired from a lot of things, but only things I’m comfortable with. It doesn’t have to typically be music-related. I get inspiration from people I follow on Instagram. I follow a lot of creative people on there. I get inspiration from fashion, history, art, science, nudity.. anything worth learning about I really take consideration of.

Exposed Vocals: Do you have a band website? What online platforms do you use to share your music?
[German Fitchson]: I really like twitter right now, twitter and Instagram is my go to comfort place rather if it’s just sharing thoughts or new music. I love twitter. I love how I can express myself numerously to my fans.

Exposed Vocals: What are some really embarrassing songs that we might find on your mp3 player?
[German Fitchson]: Oh gosh, okay I will give you one embarrassing song on my phone besides the loads of Christmassy songs I have (Laughs). You won’t believe this but when I get like moody or sad I listen to the Pina Coladas song (Laughs harder) that’s my go to song (Mumbles lyrics).

Exposed Vocals: If you were given half a million dollars and a year off, what would you do? How would you spend it?
[German Fitchson]: If I were given a million dollars and a year off. I would travel the world (looks away) I know you don’t need a million dollars to do that but, imagine traveling the world with a million dollars.. c’mon! Okay, well to be fair besides traveling the world. I would buy my mom a house and the rest of my family their own houses, Also I would buy my friends new clothes and perhaps new cars. I would donate a large amount of money to foster charities that are in need but, then I’m going back to Vegas shoot (Laughs).

Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?
[German Fitchson]: I won’t give any spoilers away because there are things that I’m just starting to get the hang of but, I’m working with new sounds. That’s all I will say it’s gone be a new feel than any feature or song I ever did (Winks eyeball).

Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?

[German Fitchson]: I use twitter, twitter is my go to for promoting anything because it’s my most interactive platform it’s quick and easy and my fans are one tweet away, so I love it. I just made a Facebook page but, other than twitter. I promote my music on Twine. By the way shout to the CEO of Twine, Stuart Logan for helping me reach a newer audience.

Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?
[German Fitchson]: I would like to perform with David Guetta and Miley Cyrus. David and I would perform at Coachcella and Miley and I would perform somewhere in Egypt (Starts to wonder off).

Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?

[German Fitchson]: Besides my upcoming mixtape. I’m working on a lot of dope cool photoshoots and videos. I’m excited. I can’t wait. My supporters are gone to get spoiled this year.

Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
[German Fitchson]: If I wasn’t making music, I’d be vlogging you know like recording daily video footage of my life day in and day ou or just straight become a Youtuber.

Exposed Vocals: Do you remember buying your first album? Who was it? What was going through your head?
[German Fitchson]: My first album I ever brought was Usher’s Confession album. I fell quick into my mature stage after listening to Usher (laughs). I remember just locking myself up in the middle room at my grandmom’s house and just muting the world out. I also listened to a lot of Ciara music. I remember just watching her music video and just thinking this girl can really dance not to mention usher (sighs). I just thought dancing was so cool. I can honestly say I was obsessed.

Exposed Vocals: How do you juggle the rest of your responsibilities while trying to stay ahead in your music life?
[German Fitchson]: (sighs) You know what.. I’m just starting to get the hang of a lot things now for instinct. I’m starting to get back to the basics not only with my career but, with myself and things I’m passionately creative about. I will say this 2016 was my most intense year ever experienced. In 2016 I just struggled to find myself and my peace of mind. I couldn’t really put focus on anything I attempted. I wanted to quit with everyone and everything. I’m not trying to make this sounds dark (laughs). I just constantly reminding myself to just relax and take it one step at a time; and remember that. I’m human and It’s okay to just breath.

Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in 2017?
[German Fitchson]: In 2017 my fans should look forward to a more mature and better me. My fans should just be on the watch for loads of magic and surprises okay, bye!


By jeffrey.pereira, 2017-01-31

Hi im jeff from paducah Kentucky im a self taught guitarist,drummer ,bass ,and keyboard player. i love writing ,and recording in my new studio i have an 8 track room love recording!!!!  HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS MY STUFF THANKS FOR ALL YOUR TIME !!!...JeFfRo@!@~

Posted in: new member | 1 comments

By His Grace

By MichaelW, 2017-01-29

Just trying to live a better life through the grace of Jesus Christ.

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NexXzit's New Single "Smarter Than Me"

Wow, I want to thank all the Mixposure DJ's playing our new single "Smarter Than Me" Thanks so much for the love and the spins. Marguerite, our lead vocalist had successful surgery yesterday to remove a tumor in her stomach, she is resting comfortably this morning, I want thank all of our friends who had her in their prayers. She is so happy about the response to Smarter Than Me. Thanks so much Mixposure!!

Facebook Song Image Bug

By Admin, 2017-01-24

I know some of you are probably curious why song images are not appearing on Facebook. It is not a Mixposure issue but a Facebook bug. They have been notified and confirmed it is a bug so they should be fixing it soon.


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'Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll

By Doug Dickens, 2017-01-24
'Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll

"Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll", an evening of great rock from the Mixposure library on Tuesday evening beginning at 8 EST. There is nothing quite like an evening for rocking in your seats to the beat of great rock artists and that is what I intend to do on Tuesday. I just thought that I would mix it up again with a show of shows. Join us

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