
Intro from the band

By Scarecrowz, 2020-03-21

Hi all,

Just starting on this site.  We hope to have new stuff up soon.  So far it seems to be a decent site to promote on.  Hopefully, you can send some love our way and vice versa.  Looking forward to our next check in!



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By Admin, 2020-03-16

Hey everyone. It would appear that most cities will be on lock down for the next 4-6 weeks. This is a great time to write some music!

This Coronavirus is a bit scary. In talking to some, it seems like many think this is blown way out of proportion. That may or may not be the case but regardless, please keep yourself as safe as possible. Mixposure has lost some great artists over the years. Let's not add to that list in 2020. It seems to hit people differently with a lot of different factors so just be smart people!!


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Congrats to Ariel's Attic for being Mixposure Artist of the Month!

Congrats to Ariel's Attic for being the Artist of the Month!

Posted in: News | 1 comments

other website

By darren.elliott, 2020-02-19
other website

check out my other music website at

Congrats to Wyntr for being are February 2020 Artist of the Month!


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Congrats to Rusty Boilers for having the Song of the Week!

Check out the song of the week from Rusty Boilers .

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About me

By supermayne, 2020-01-05
About me

Greetings my friend. I have released and uploaded new music to N1M (Number One Music). Have a listen at SuperMayne Productions
I compose new music all the time. Please pass along and share with everyone you can. I have worked diligently on my music web page site -, which has *Now Opened for business*. You are welcome to stop by https://supermayneproductions. Here my music may be heard and purchased. Also, 
donations can be accepted via my Paypal account - or my website. All support in this vain is most appreciated! Thanks for visiting and 
don't forget that I love you no matter what! Remain blessed and fruitful. You are part of my musical lifeline to prosperity! Thank you...John W. Bailey Jr. - 
SuperMayne Productions - Here are some additional links to my music.

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Merry Christmas

By Admin, 2019-12-25

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope each of you has a great Holiday and thank you again for being a part of Mixposure!


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If You Can Read This....

By Admin, 2019-12-11

If You Can Read This....You Are On The New Server!

We made a change moving the site to a new server. We basically just outgrew the old one. The old site is in maintenance mode so if someone is mentioning a Maintenance Mode message, just tell them to keep trying. The ip change takes a little time.

I know we have some issues with chat and I will be working on that. If you see other issues, please let me know. 


Posted in: News | 1 comments

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Admin, 2019-11-28


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to our DJ's, members, friends and family on Mix. It seems like a lifetime ago that we started the site and it is always great to see old friends. 

Have a great Holiday everyone!


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