( See footer for link to Part I )
Before concluding Part II of the interview with Trevor Sewell I want to thank Trevor again for his time he gave to us his fans in sharing for this post and for his music he brings to our lives. It enriches our lives. Please take some time and visit Trevor's web site and also look for his new album "Independence " at the retail outlets linked below. I am fortunate to have acquired Independence and his album Calling Your Name (another personal favorite) in my own collection which adds nicely to my blues collection. I don't think one should be without
Part II
BM: You are a brilliant composer & storyteller. What is your process for creating your lyrics and music?
Trevor: Thank you Toni that’s very kind of you – my process changes all the time I tend to write all the time -sometimes it may be just picking up my guitar and starting to sing something – anything. I usually stick my phone on to record the rough ideas and sometimes I might even be watching TV while its happening I just open my mouth and make grunting noises while I’m experimenting with some chords – it sounds awful but if I get something that I like it sort of means something to me when I play it back. Sometimes I go into the studio and maybe stick a drum loop on and just jam – I try not to think about structure at that time or in fact anything really. The words usually just come in their most basic form at the same time. I have no idea where the words come from I have a theory that there is a little bloke inside my head with a desk and a pen and paper and he sort of just does that – I never think about them as he always delivers something that I like – very occasionally there might be a line which I think may sound like a very strong line but if it just doesn’t’ sit well with me, I throw it out but that’s pretty much the only times I disagree with the little bloke in my head.

BM: With all that you have experienced as a musician what has success come to mean for you?
Trevor: Success is just such a movable concept as the goal posts are always changing. I tend not to think about it and I definitely don’t measure it in any financial terms. I like being able to do what I like and I am generally a happy sort of person with a lovely family around me who put up with having to hear the same song blasting out of my recording studio over and over again while I’m writing stuff. I’m happier now than I have ever been musically because I just do what I like and its really great when other people seem to like it. The other major thing is that everyone from my area and on Facebook have been so incredibly supportive sharing things and generally giving me the encouragement that perhaps you don’t always get on a label who tend to be more interested in the financial side. Once you remove the money side all together it gets to be much more fun and I feel that I am more or less back in the same mindset as I was when I started at thirteen years of age with my first guitar- In other words I’m back to playing just because I want to!– I guess that is sort of a success in its self. I feel very lucky that I discovered playing music all of those years ago and that I still really like doing it today.

BM: As an award wining bluesman, performer, & recording artist, can you share some of your best tips for an aspiring artist?
Trevor: This might sound like a ‘I’ve heard all this before’ scenario but (and I had this said to me many times over the years but chose to ignore it –DOH!) – Just do something that you want to do and stop trying to please everybody – if you like it then the chances are that someone else somewhere will too – its more a question of finding like minded people and growing your own audience and in this day and age with social networks etc. its all possible – in fact that’s how I met you Toni - like I say I wish I had taken that on board a lot of years ago but I suppose I had to discover it for myself –I think hindsight would have come in very handy at times.

if you you're in the UK Newscastle area and you get the chance go out to see Trevor and his band please say hello.
- "Com' on Train"... next stop The Trevor Sewell Band (
Why not check out THE POULSONS on CD baby,11 tracks of alternative punk mayhem!!
not been on here for a while neither have i "blogged" ..this post will remedy both things ...reason ...well all im gonna say is family guy ..seasons 1- 11 ...thats pretty much it ...not written much music as of late and the bits i have are pretty crap anyways ..going through a combo of cant be arsed plus writers block plus fixing a hole where the rain gets in and using paul mccartneys swollen head to purge sed weather attribute ....the muso side of stuff is basically me trying to settle on a style that im comfy with and that i can sustain longer than one track ..which is pretty difficult with the synthesizer being my main weapon of mass distortion the field of vison is a bloody big one really thinking of a name change ,scrapping any project and previous tunes on here and just starting from scratch really not 100% sure of anything at the min ..the guitar playing is proper doing my head in ..i thought chords on a keyboard were a pain in the sphincter ..but nope there a breeze compared to whats involved to vibrate,strum and pick at those dam 6 strings ...been reading up on all available chords be honest ...SOD THAT FOR A GAME OF YAHTZEE !!!
sound defeatist ...yeh dam arse spanking right i am ...and to end this rant/philosophical trip into the mindset of yours truly ..ill leave you with this tome ....THE DAY I LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR IN ANY SHAPE,FORM OR THING ..THE EARTH WILL HAVE RECOVERED FROM ITS 3RD ICE AGE ..FOOD WILL BE IN PILL FORM AND MARS WILL BE SUFFERING FROM THE SAME SHIT DEAL WERE GETTING ON THIS BALL OF NAVEL LINT WE CALL HOME .....GOODBYE !!!
(DISCLAIMER) ( some of this i might of made up ....or did i ...? )
Congrats to J ohn Warsham for being the Artist of the Month. This man has some extreme talent so please check him out!
Born in Fort Worth, Texas to a Baptist minister father and an English teacher mother, John Worsham began singing at a young age in church and school. At the age of ten he began playing guitar and began studying classical guitar at the age of twelve. He took classical guitar lessons from G. Ricardo Fusco of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra until the age of fourteen, when he began writing songs of his own after the death of his mother. John's first recording experience was at the age of 17 in Falls Church, Virginia. Fresh out of Fork Union Military Academy, he worked with Mike Auldridge (Seldom Seen, Linda Rondstadt) on a recording project with Allen Griffin. During those sessions, Allen recorded two of John's songs, "I Should Know" and "Outta My Way".
After playing solo and in various bands throughout his teens, John then went on to college in Nashville, Tennessee at Belmont University. At Belmont, he worked with various musicians who would go onto successful careers of their own: Jim Olander (Diamond Rio), Chris Rodriguez (Keith Urban, Kenny Loggins, Michael W. Smith), Dan Huff (Faith Hill and Madonna), Michael Mishaw (Natalie Cole, Michael Bolton), and Wade Jaynes (Amy Grant, Boz Scaggs, and Randy Newman) to name but a few.
After college, John wrote for the RokBlok music publishing company owned by Steve Gibson (England Dan & John Ford Coley, Michael Johnson, Martina McBride, and Lynn Anderson). John wrote for a division of the company called Sterling Music owned by Michael Snow (Bee Gees, John Lennon). It was under the tutelage of Mr. Snow and Mr. Gibson that John began writing his best material up to that time. While at RokBlok he also worked with other artists including Tom Kimmel and Kathy Mattea.
In 1987, John walked away from music and for the next 12 years did no performing or writing. During that time, he was a waiter, banker, stand-up comedian, and hairstylist. After moving to Omaha, Nebraska in 1999, he began to have the itch to want to write and perform once more. After attending a local music performance, and seeing the ongoing demise of the American music scene with clubs using karaoke singers and DJs as headliners, John decided to go full steam ahead into performance, writing, and recording. Following the death of his Father, and a divorce soon after that, John released "Hearsay", a collection of songs that reveal the stages of emotion during the process of divorce and loss. It was welcomed with great critical and audience acclaim.
To ready his chops for even larger Midwest venues, he began performing in coffee shops, bookstores, schools/universities, and as a worship leader/musician for local area churches. It was from this time in church work that the songs for his CD, “70 x 7”, were born. His CD, "Christmas This Year" came out in September 2010, and included classic Christmas songs, as well as originals by John. John's last CD,"One More Sunset", was released in the summer of 2012. John has performed many times for local icon Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, various senators, congressman, as well as other local and national luminaries. John is a member of the American Federation of Musicians Union, Local 70-558, in Omaha. - See more at:
Congrats to Shelter for having the Song of the Week! Check out this excellent rocker!
From the ashes of two prominent NZ rock acts, Shelter has emerged and are already beginning to make waves in the NZ music scene.
It was near the beginning of 2010 following the demise of premier Rock act Miscreant, that vocalist Chris Brebner found himself yearning for another musical creative outlet. After writing some solo material, Brebner contacted Damian Hilt & Alan Treanor, both previous members of Miscreant to gauge their interest in trying something stylistically different from their earlier collaborations. With all three in agreement to press forward on a new musical venture, the word was put out for a talented guitarist to join them on their endeavors. Joe Ravenhall answered the call and quickly added a new dimension to the group. With the final addition of Nathan Cooper on keys, Shelter had found their exciting new sound and were ready to head into the studio.
Fresh from New Zealand’s premier recording facility York Street Studios, Shelter have produced two tracks combining the purest elements of modern rock with intricate melodies to introduce the world to their infectious new sound. With more studio time booked with Premier music producer Andrew Buckton, the wheels are only just beginning to turn on the promising machine that is Shelter. - See more at:
"Open My Eyes" is a song of hope. Pete Tebar sang his heart out on this song. We hope you enjoy this work.
I re-re-re-uploaded a much better mix of "Shoot Her Memory Down". Please give it a listen.
Not sure what's going on, but I tried to upload a new song and was informed that I exceeded my quota. I kept deleting songs until only one is now left... I still can't upload! WHat's eqaully bad, I can't even log into the forum... it defaults me to my home page here on Mix.
Well, if this is a system glitch, I hope it gets fixed and I'll re-up just the songs I think are best. Otherwise, I'll just remain frustrated. I put a lot of work into getting the radio going on what is now Mixposure. If this "downgrade" is the thanks, well thank you too.
DrC - organ, drums programming, production and mix. Farrell Jackson - songwriter, guitar, bass, and all vocals.
DrC and I are working on a blues album of various blues styles. This is one more song closer to completion.
The lyric is a humorous look at the amount of time folks spend on social media and how it can affect relationships ie. Personal Computer Blues.
Farrell Jackson