Category: News
Ladies, I have a new merch line - Thunder Diva in my store. All out badassery and sexiness for you. There is the 5LB Piranha line, the KABOOM line, the Super Trashy line, the Thunder Diva line, and then also the Thawind Mills shop on the main page. Go and check it out!
I have TONS of new merchandise, and more is in development! Very excited about this! You can check it all out at http://www.cafepress.com/thawindmills There is a TON of "Super Trashy" merch after the song of the same name, and a few 5lb Piranha items, and other cool stuff. Check it out. Makes for great Valentines's gifts!
February is the start of big things for me this year. February 8th and 9th, I will be in the studio recording the first of 2 love song CD's.
February 14th, I kick off the first of the Live music series at El Arroyo in Arlington, TX, with more dates being added in the coming months.
Also, my rock project, 5lb Piranha is on Spotify, Amazon, and I tunes - you can also download a song here as well as buy the whole CD.
Working up some cool logos for new merch as well. I hope to include shirts and stickers on here soon. #SuperTrashy #KABOOM, #Thunder Diva