
No Existence

By noexistence, 2012-09-15
No Existence

<p><strong>NEI was created when 4 friends from Girard ,Oh got together and put it down for our people... The members include Jaimin P , Willy B, E-Casuilty, And Bransan. Noone does it like us... We are Chaos Incarnate each one of us has our own unique style and cadence.... Get down or be destroyed</strong></p>

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the elektronz v vigsters remix track update

<p>ok i picked 6 tracks from mr vigs collection and have started to chop them all up into manageable loops ...this is gonna be a biggee i can tell ya ,,up to now ive got 40 two bar loops from just 3 tracks lol just started on track 4 which is the little old lady and im buzing about this ,,theres going to be so much stuff im gonna throw into this ,,,vocoders,glitch,doppler fx ,,vocal pitching and multi voiced harmonic stuff ...beat mashing ,re-editing beats ,,vocoding beats ,tape stop fx ,,,different genres thrown in from drum and bass to house to rock know the usual stuff lol ,,anyways just to let you know its rolling along magically and could be quite a lengthy tune by sounds of it ,,im going for under 20 mins but im not sure i can cram it all in to that time scale lol ..but what the heck lol</p>

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Eddie Van Halen and Howard Stern

By Admin, 2012-09-13

<p><a href="">Article Link in Rolling Stone</a></p><p>Not that there was anything major in this article but I thought it was interesting. I have been a long time VH fan as well as a long time Sammy fan so I have the utmost respect for each of them.</p><p>Eddie however seems to really feel he is the genius behind everthing which I find hard to believe. When he says "Playing All My Songs" I kind of have to laugh. In the Sammy days, I know who was writing the lyrics and the memorable choruses. In the end, it is a group that make a band whole. I think this is why U2 has and always will be successful. The split everything equally. Less chance of ego' and jealousy getting in the way!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><div class="blog-post-content"><p>A few days ago <a href="">we reported</a> on Eddie Van Halen's recent radio interview with Howard Stern, but nothing but a transcription can capture the true insanity of this exchange -- it's taken us hours and hours just to process Van Halen's vitriolic comments about David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar and how his 15-year old son Wolfgang is a better bass player than Michael Anthony. Let's go straight to the highlights:</p><p><strong>On curing his tongue cancer without chemo or radiation:</strong><br /> Eddie Van Halen: "I cured my cancer in a way that's not exactly legal in this country. I'd tell you, but I don't want to go to jail. When you drink your damn draino it just holds it at bay. It comes back. Cancer is like a cockroach. It just comes back stronger. I'm tearing apart the immune system of the cockroach and seeing how it ticks. I've opened up my own pathology center. Some of us open tequila bars in Mexico, I'm curing cancer. They cut a healthy piece of my tongue off and grew healthy cells outside of my body and tested them. I'm missing a third of my tongue. They butchered me. I didn't quit smoking after I got tongue cancer cause smoking didn't cause it."</p><p><strong>On a possible reunion with David Lee Roth:</strong><br /> HS: "Diamond David Lee Roth never wanted piano in Van Halen."<br /> EVH: "You mean cubic zirconia?"<br /> HS: "You're never going to do a reunion with him, are you?"<br /> EVH: "Ummm...You know, I'm open to anything."<br /> HS: "Really? He makes it seem like you are never open..."<br /> EVH: "In 2000 Alex and I tried to pull something together with him."<br /> HS: "What happened? You couldn't stand being around him?"<br /> EVH: "No, the guys's a loose cannon - but I can deal with loose cannons."<br /> Robin: "Everyone says you're the problem."<br /> EVH: "Yeah, because I don't respond or talk about this stuff."</p><p><strong>On Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony's current Sans Halen tour:</strong><br /> EVH: "Michael Sobolewski [Michael Anthony's real last name] is out touring with 'the little red rocker' ... I mean the little red worm. I got no problem with these guys, but they're billing themselves as the other half of Van Halen. My brother is the other half of Van Halen. They're out there selling hot sauce and tequila and playing all my songs. It doesn't bother me. It just makes them a cover band."</p><p><strong>On the porno movie he wrote two songs for:</strong><br /> EVH: "I don't call it porn. I call it sex. It's like <em>Braveheart</em> with a **** shot. Everyone's giving me their dweeb opinion about this - but without sex you wouldn't be here to give me your dweeb opinion."</p><p><strong>On his new girlfriend:</strong><br /> EVH: "I have a girlfriend. Her name's Janie. She's a press agent...You're damn right she's super hot. We met at a press conference. We've been together two months."</p><p><strong>On his fifteen-year-old son Wolfgang joining Van Halen:</strong><br /> EVH: "My son Wolfgang plays drums, guitars and bass. This kid is fucking dangerous. If I excel at the speed of sound, he excels at the speed of light. My brother goes, 'This is the first time I've had bass in my headphones.' He's only fifteen years old and he's getting laid. He's spanking it too."<br /> HS: "How do you know that?"<br /> EVH: "When you spend 45 minutes in the bathroom you're not taking a shower. Valerie and I have joint custody of Wolfgang. For the last couple of weeks Alex, he and I have been jamming together."<br /> HS: "You wouldn't go back on the road with Hagar, would you?"<br /> EVH: "I'm pretty much open to anything. What's going to happen is that there's a new member of Van Halen, and that is my son."<br /> HS: "I'm hearing your son is in and Michael Anthony is out."<br /> EVH: "My son is in and Sobolewski can do whatever he wants. The name Van Halen, the family legacy, is going to go on long after I'm gone. This kid is just a natural. I'm going to have him play on a solo record, and it's going to be out - he and I."</p></div>

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King Ant

By KingAnt334, 2012-09-10
King Ant


By jvtuttle, 2012-09-10

<p><span style="color: #ff9900;">HI THOUGHT ID HAVE YOU LISTEN TO THIS WITH AN EXTRA INCENTIVE</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">THE CIRCLE OF FIFTHS</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">START AT MIDDLE C, GO UP 5 NOTES WHOLE NOTES TO G AND FLAT IT</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">THE KEY OF G HAS I FLAT Gb</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">go up 5 notes from G and you &nbsp;have D flat it</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">the key of D has 2 flats Db and the preceeding Gb</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">up to A and flat it this key has the two predeeding flats plus this Ab</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">and so forth around the circle</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">WHY kow this? because on the guitar G is the fouth string D is the 3rd string A is the 2rd string and E (a fifth up from A) is the bass string &nbsp; B a fifth up from E is the fifth night be that this will help you find your scales all over the neck</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color: #ff9900;">OK? now make this song popular&gt;&gt;&gt;!!&gt;&gt;</span> &nbsp; <span style="color: #ff00ff; font-size: large;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff00ff;">SIGHLER</span></a></span></p>

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King Ant

By KingAnt334, 2012-09-10


By jvtuttle, 2012-09-10

<p><a href=""><span style="font-size: xx-large;">METATOCKER</span></a></p>

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By smurfdollaz, 2012-09-09


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3 new tracks off the silly putty ep

By elektronz, 2012-09-09
3 new tracks off the silly putty ep

<p>blazing a trail through the guitar laden vocal talent that is mixposure comes a man on a mission ..that man is the flugelhamster himself elektronz bringing his own brand of wackiness to the mix in the form of 3 tunes off his forth coming mini album silly putty ,tracks that incorporate all forms of weirdness and stuff ..some really heavy on the stuff ,some not scoot on down to the flugels lair where his wares are&nbsp; on show ..and theres some tuneage too !! lol ...if silly is a magician then call me merlin ...ta ra !!!</p>

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Better Late than Never!

By nataliebrown, 2012-09-09
Better Late than Never!

<p>Well loves... it's official! I suck at updating all the sites I am on. <br />The new album was released in January and only now am I uploading some tunes from it to Mixposure. Sorry about that. I'm on Facebook and Twitter more and more these days it seems. It's a better centralized location for all the 'stuff'.<br /><br />Hope you are all well and that you enjoy my latest originals. Lots coming in 2013 so stay tuned on Facebook if you want to stay up to date. <a href=""></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>About the new album "The Relationship Odyssey"</h3><p>These songs, in an electro-soul / R&amp;B / Pop style, represent an odyssey through personal relationships of fictional and real-life characters.This album was 2 years in the making, all recorded in a home studio I built with my writing/production partner in Toronto, Canada.</p><p>This was the first time I used &ldquo;Crowd Funding&rdquo; as a way to pay for an album. The experience was both exciting and nerve-wracking! Normally my recordings are funded up-front and then I try to sell enough to pay for the album and it was interesting this time to pre-sell it. Even though I felt that having the funds up-front would be helpful, there ended up being a lot more pressure having to guarantee that I would like what was recorded and creating a product that was worthy of release. An artist doesn&rsquo;t necessarily always like what they create and it&rsquo;s always nice to have the flexibility to keep recording until you&rsquo;re happy rather than release on an artificial deadline. The experience was indeed a roller-coaster but I&rsquo;m glad to have gone through it.</p><p>Sharing the songs and giving updates via my YouTube video blogs as they were being written was a great way to get feedback, and the interaction, while it made me feel vulnerable was inspiring and gave me a lot more confidence and strength. Since these songs are about relationships, it&rsquo;s been good to hear that people are able to relate to one or more of the topics covered in &ldquo;The Relationship Odyssey&rsquo;.</p><p>Pick up a copy of the album and I&rsquo;m sure you will enjoy it if you are a fan of Pop/Electro-Soul/R&amp;B music!</p><p><span style="font-size: large;"><a title="Buy Now" href="" target="_blank">Buy "The Relationship Odyssey"</a></span></p>

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