
Heartfelt and Emotional.

By KenMyers, 2010-12-27
Heartfelt and Emotional.

<p>This year is about to end and with that I look back on the months of 2010 as being some of the saddest of my life. 2010 is the year I lost my father, whose wisdom and warm kindness helped me throughout life and especially during my own ordeal with life threatening cancer.<br /><br />We all deal with loss in different ways, as many of us have lost loved ones.After saying our last goodbyes we go on about our routines, because life goes on. It is hard, but life goes on.<br /><br />My Dad absolutely loved my music compositions. It is something he always wanted to do himself, so I composed with him always in mind.i always looked to him for approval of some of my works, like the popular tracks "Eastern Promise", and "Another Day". You could tell when he really liked a piece because he would be playing it in his room Saturday mornings when he arose and straightened things up. He especially admired many of my string arrangements (like "Another Day", which some have called hauntingly beautiful).&nbsp; If he wasn't moved by a piece then he simply did not play it.&nbsp; If he was moved, then he would mention that particular track on occasions more so then the others. it was a good way for me to gauge some of my works ,because his opinion was very important to me.<br /><br />So for a few months this year I didn't compose anything. I had no inspiration. Then I came across some works that I started and never finished, or works that simply weren't clicking with me.&nbsp;&nbsp; Well, I decided to re-work some of the pieces, and finish the ones that I thought deserved to be finished. The compilation of neo classical and ambient new age pieces that make up the upcoming Jan. 2011 release "Solemn", reflect the type of music that my father loved to hear me compose, in the style that many listeners online have embraced as well.<br /><br />"Solemn" comes on the heels of December release "Memories Of You", also dedicated to the memory of Dad. Both albums contain music that (just like classical music) never grow old, or run out of 'style'. They don't follow trends, because I don't. I write and compose in any style of music ,which is why I'll be releasing a jazz oriented R&amp;B CD sometime in 2011 ,( the tracks are already composed) because I can.</p><p>I inherited ny father's love and understanding of all types of music, from classical to swing, new age to soul. I feel that a composer can express more of himself that way, through different channels, and without certain boundaries.<br /><br />So if you're so inclined, do watch out for "Solemn" by The Ken Myers Project in 2011, for some really heartfelt works. Check out <a href="">"Memories Of You"</a> now available at iTunes and the rest ( Including full streaming at Myspace) as it's companion album. You would be in for a really laid back time.</p>

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Facebook Audio Embed

By Admin, 2010-12-27
Facebook Audio Embed

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">I had some time today and I think I have this working now. You should now be able to add a Mixposure Audio Player to Facebook. If you go to your Music Page ie: and then click on the button under Review &amp; Info which will take you to all you need to do is click the Facebook Button. Please make sure you are logged in to facebook!</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">****Update****</span></p><p><span style="text-decoration: line-through;"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">We have added a Facebook Audio Player for all of your songs on your Widget Page.</span></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;"><span><span>****Update****</span></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;"><span><span>Instead of being on your Widget Page, there is now a Facebook Link on your Home Page under the Flash Player. I noticed that when using it from the Widget Page, Facebook was using the referring url so when people clicked it on Facebook, it took you to your Widget Page and not your Band Page. This solves that issue.&nbsp;</span></span></span></p>

Posted in: News | 8 comments

New Song

By Sam Houston, 2010-12-26

<p>Uploaded a new song called "Playin With My G and L". Check it out <a href="">here</a> if you get a chance.</p>

Posted in: Music | 0 comments


By songdoc, 2010-12-26

<p>I posted three videos on my mix site. Two of the badn Siberian Solstice (a Trans Siberian Orchestra tribute band I am currently in) and one from One of these Daze (a Pink Floyd Tribute band I used to be in). Just in case you are interested. Enjoy</p><p><a title="David c Deal Video Page" href=""></a></p>

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Upcomming New Year

By Diablo, 2010-12-25

<p>'Sup everybody?<br /><br />I just wanted to hoop in to update you on some more and less important stuff. Here's what's going on:<br /><br />1. I am happy to announce that I will be releasing a new track on the first day of the new year! This will be nothing like my previous works and will surely blow your minds. <br />2. I will be also changing my artistic nickname as this one is growing old and does no longer fit.<br />3. In about 4 weeks time I will start to have more time to follow my destiny.<br /><br />Anyhow, I wanted to wish you all Merry X-mas and a great New Year. <br /><br />Matt.</p>

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"Twas The Night Before Our Savior Came"

<p>Twas the night of our Savior when all through our house, Not a person was praying, not me or my spouse.&nbsp; Our Scriptures were lain on the shelf without care, Not thinking that our Savior soon would be there. The Children were dressing to crawl into bed, not once ever kneeling or bowing a head;</p><p>And Mom in her rocker, with babe on her lap, was watching the late show, while I took a nap.&nbsp; When out of the East there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.&nbsp; Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.&nbsp; When what to my wondering eyes should apppear, but Angels proclaming:"Our Savior is Here." With a light like the Sun sending forth a bright ray, I knew in a moment: "this must be the day."&nbsp;</p><p>In the Book of Life which he held in His hand was written the name of every saved Women and Man.&nbsp; He spoke not a word as He searched for my name, then He said; " It's not here, and my head hung in shame. The people whose names had been written with love, He gathered to take to His Father above.</p><p>With those who were ready, He rose without sound, while all the rest of us were left standing around. I feel to my knees but by then it was too late. I had waited too long and thus, sealed my fate.&nbsp; I stood and I cried as the rose out of sight, "Oh, if I had only been ready Tonight."</p><p>In the words of this poem, the meaning is Clear: The coming of Jesus is drawing too near.</p><p>There is only One life and when comes the Last call, we will find that the scriptures are "True after All"</p>

Posted in: Holiday | 2 comments

Christmas Video - Siberian Solstice

By songdoc, 2010-12-22
Christmas Video - Siberian Solstice

<p>I uploaded a little video from one of our Siberian Solstice concerts of this year. The song is Christmas Cannon, written by Trans Siberian Orchestra. I hope you enjoy.</p><p><a title="Christmas Cannon" href=""></a></p>

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One Step Closer

By Rocker, 2010-12-21
One Step Closer

<p>We Just&nbsp;want to say <strong>Thank you</strong> to&nbsp;everyone&nbsp;who has taken the time&nbsp;to download and listened to our new Song <strong>"One Step Closer"</strong> Your reviews and positive feedback means so much to us.</p><p>We also noticed a few key notes..."We would be&nbsp;mad not to follow up with more Material"! "We&nbsp;want more"," Requst for More" Well hang in tight Rockers! Theres something on the burners!</p><p>So in the mean time...If Pure&nbsp;ROCK is what you like...then <strong>"One Step Closer"</strong> is a must Listen!</p><p>From Solid Guitars to Digger's outstanding vocals...<strong>You will ROCK!!</strong></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Thanks again to everyone at <strong>MIXPOSURE</strong> for&nbsp;your awesome&nbsp;support!!</p><p>Merry Christmas all!</p><p>-Rocker-</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Whatever Floats Your Boat

<p><span style="font-size: small;">Just wanted to wish everyone at Mixposure a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whatever you celebrate! I was hoping for a white Christmas after finally being back in Denver but it looks like it will be in the 50's lol. Guess we could go to the mountains and have some snow but I really prefer a four wheel drive when I am up there.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Mixposure Radio may or may not be on the air during the Holidays. I will leave that up to each DJ to decide what they want to do. Most of us will be spending time with family so I do not expect the chat room to be heavily populated. DJ's please be sure to update the blog when you are on the air so people know!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Again thanks to everyone for being a part of the Mixposure Family and I do mean Family! Thanks for being here ;).</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Dazed &amp; WildCherry and the entire Mix Team</span></p>

Posted in: News | 14 comments

Be Good

By urgevictormusic, 2010-12-19

<p>Hi. I just wanted to say for those who celebrate Christmas. Have a good and peacefull Christmas. For those who don&rsquo;t. Be safe and carefull during the holiday season. I&rsquo;ll be back after the holidays. God Bless. Peace.</p>

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