<p><span style="font-size: medium;">We just installed a new chat module so you can talk to your friends when they are online. You can click the wrench to adjust your settings like sounds or availability (offline/Busy etc.) and a few other things. It is very similar to MSN.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Thanks,</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Dazed </span></p>
you can disable the chat under account info. I have it disabled for now due to a bug.
If is possible to not show on the chatroom.
If only I has something interesting to say LOL
Glad you guys like it!
I like it!! Very cool!
...aww ok, i get it now...i was all discumbobulated when i heard the knocking noises.
kool feature !
LOL ~ Carol... Yes, it was me.. I kept a knocking but you wouldn't let me in.. Were you looking through the peep hole?? hehehe
I knocked on lots of doors, But nobody answered :cry:
"if only i had something interesting to say?", been following your thread in the forum about emotion/lyric's...I'm surprised they arent banging your door down with more questions!
Very Cool Dazed .. This will come in very handy for me..
Rick.. I was, Yes.. Still didn't do anything
Any suggestions on how to get my chat thingy working? I've tried talking to several people.. Either they don't feel like chatting with me.. Or, I would like to believe it just isn't Any help greatly appreciated.. Thanks
This is really cool
Great adding!
Well thank you for reading.
It's easy to be wordy about a life long passion.