
The Song is the Boss

By songsofdave, 2010-12-05

The way I see it is that songs are like gifts ... they sort of fall out of the ether into my lap ... and so my role is to understand, serve and respect the song for what it is ... and try to not bugger it up with my arrangement and performance!


By oldrottenhead, 2010-12-05

<p>oldrottenhead is a member of the bunkbeds, jemimas kite, honker, the longhair tigers, met 2010, dead divans jam and vocalises with P.O.S.C.</p>

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By jvtuttle, 2010-12-05

<p><span style="color: #e33b1c;">thought you'd like to know about "noise cancelling" headphones</span></p><p><span style="color: #e33b1c;">noise cancelation ocurrs when you mic 2 feeds of ambient (outside) noise and run them inveresly (peak of one wave is trough of other).&nbsp;these frequencies,&nbsp;one run ahead of the other, will cancel each other out...because they create a new wave&nbsp;.think ,if you run your lawn mower you won't hear the lawn mower next door..or look at the animation...there is a whole for the sound to attenuate (fade away)as a result you get a new wave which is a silent sound</span></p><p><span style="color: #e33b1c;">now my question to you (i'm thinking about buying some) is <span style="font-size: xx-large;">why would I want these for mixing? </span></span></p><p><span style="color: #e33b1c; font-size: large;">r.s.v.p.[respond se vu plea(Please respond)]...JOEL</span></p>

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By bdfutch, 2010-12-05

<p>Just posted two new videos on my video page.&nbsp; They are both live performances of my band Red Velvet Mojo performing at the Lilburn 100 year birthday bash back in October.&nbsp; Audio is not the best as it was recorded with a flip recorder, but it's not bad.&nbsp; Hope you like them!</p>

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By Sam Houston, 2010-12-05

<p>I've mentioned before that my son is in a metal band. And, even though I don't like that style of music, he is one of the best drummers I've heard. He's just plain awesome.</p><p>So, I want to record him and use him on some of my songs.........very toned down of course <img title="Surprised" src="" border="0" alt="Surprised" />. And, I also want to record him and the band "Eclipse Of Destruction", create a Mixposure account for them, and post their music.</p><p>The problem though is that he plays so unbelievably loud that I'm not sure how to get a recording without it being nothing but complete clipping all the way through. And no, there's no chance of him backing me. Also, we do not have a plexiglass drum wall for him either.</p><p>Here's the current setup. We have all of our music equipment in the music building, and practice, and record <a href="">here</a>. When I record I run vocal mics through a 12 channel powered mixer (400 watts) and then set up a seperate mic between speakers (or sometimes pointed at a speaker if low gain) and run to a computer. Obviously I don't wire in any racks (power amps (Peavey CS1000's), crossover, eq, etc.) or any other boards, for this situation. The speakers set up in the building are two Peavey SP4's (two 15's and a horn in each) and two Peavey towers (five 12's in each). I have other speaker systems but these are good enough for this. Mics include Shure SM57, Shure SM58, and a few other lower end cardoids. The SM58 is really to hot of a mic to use this way so I usually use a Sampson cardoid or sometimes the SM57 (but it's fairly hot too). When I use the keyboard I run a hi-Z chord from it to the mixer and use a mic between speakers ran to the computer. Guitars I use an amp (either a Peavey duel 212, Peavey Heritage 212 VTX, or a 1968 Fender Deluxe Reverb chrome face) with a mic running to the computer. Bass is either keyboard bass or a bass player with their own rig, with a mic running to the computer.</p><p>So, with what I have here, what is the best way to record my son and/or his band with their ear-bleeding volume? Is there a way to shield the mic by building a box around it or something?</p>

Posted in: Music | 3 comments


By bdfutch, 2010-12-05

<p>Just posted two new videos on my video page.&nbsp; They are both live performances of my band Red Velvet Mojo performing at the Lilburn 100 year birthday bash back in October.&nbsp; Audio is not the best as it was recorded with a flip recorder, but it's not bad.&nbsp; Hope you like them!</p>

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My Hope Rest Firm

By gary burris, 2010-12-03
My Hope Rest Firm

<p><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: large;">I posted up an Arrangment I did a couple of years ago in drop D an old Hymn called My Hope Rest Firm I did this most of all for David C Deal he has been on me about about getting this posted up David sorry I took so long brother go for it man it's ready to down load and I hope every one enjoys this piece it is short sweet and to the point but I hate being long winded unless I am sending you an email then I never shut up LOL</span></p><p><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: large;">God Bless you all.<br /></span></p>

Shotgun Two Step

By Sam Houston, 2010-12-02

<p>I uploaded a new song called "Shotgun Two Step".</p><div style="margin: 10px 0pt 20px;"><p>When I was growing up, you didn't mess with another man's property, woman, kids, or trespass on his land. If you did you might just get shot.....or shot at. Hence the name "Shotgun Two Step" <img title="Laughing" src="include/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" border="0" alt="Laughing" />.</p><p>But, these days people are too soft, in my opinion. Now it's all about instant gratification, "time outs", and "go to your room". A lot of young people these days don't seem to realize that there are consequences to your actions.</p><p>I think things would be a lot better if there were more people doing the "Shotgun Two Step".</p><p>This time I managed to coerce my son and "Eclipse Of Destruction" (fitting for this song <img title="Smile" src="" border="0" alt="Smile" /&gt;) to do some back up vocals.</p><p>Check it out <a href="">here</a> if you get a chance.</p></div>

Posted in: Music | 1 comments

<p>Hey everyone,</p><p>Just wanted to let you know to listen to Joseph's Radio show tonight starting at 8 p.m. EST.&nbsp; He'll be premiering two tracks off of my new album "And Then There Were Songs".&nbsp; You'll have to listen to hear which two.&nbsp; They're both about heroes, if that helps.&nbsp; Thanks Joseph!</p>

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<p>Hey everyone in Mixposure land,</p><p>First of all, Happy Holidays!&nbsp; Second of all, I need some help.&nbsp; I'm trying to get as many fans as possible on my Facebook Fan Page and would sure appreciate it you could go here and click "Like":&nbsp; <a href="!/pages/Official-Brian-Futch-Fan-Page/131515530192412">!/pages/Official-Brian-Futch-Fan-Page/131515530192412</a></p><p>Saw the finished artwork for my new album yesterday and it looks great!&nbsp; My song <strong>When A Hero Dies </strong>is picking up steam on YouTube with over 450 plays in the last 3 weeks.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's amazing how that song is getting around.&nbsp;&nbsp;God is good!&nbsp; Hope you have a great&nbsp;Christmas!</p><p>Thanks!</p><p>Brian&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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