
Happy Thanksgiving!

By truevulgarian, 2013-11-27

Just wanted to extend a Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and fellow artists here at Mixposure.  I have to suggest however that creating a new tune on a full stomach is not easily done.  Today's for family, food and football, along with a possible free live performance provided by none other than you, (but not necessarily in that order).  We can write a song about it tomorrow....

Bill Thompson


Happy Thanksgiving from Mixposure!

By Admin, 2013-11-27

Happy Thanksgiving! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for continuing to support this site year after year. A special thanks Kat Francis J , the DJ's and especially Jim Rustemeyer and Gene Smith for everything you guys do. Thanks also for the kind words and support after my father passed away last week. You guys are truly the best.

Please enjoy your day and your families and thank you for being a part of 


Posted in: News | 8 comments

Blues Community

By HOOKER GREEN, 2013-11-24
Blues Community

I´m glad to find a number of outstanding blues tunes here. Congrats to all blues musicians.

But computer crashed but I´m back with small ditty.

Hooker Green

Posted in: Blues music | 1 comments

King Ant

By KingAnt3349476, 2013-11-23
King Ant


Posted in: Business | 0 comments

V2D Records Signs Mikayla

By RockinMikayla13, 2013-11-23
V2D Records Signs Mikayla

I've signed with a label!!!! Check out my news release at

"Little Kings" updated version....

By rscain, 2013-11-22
"Little Kings" updated version....

I have redone the mix on"Little Kings"...redid the vocal and added background vocals and an acoustic guitar rhythm part...


Hope you like it and as always, Thanks for listening.

Now... TURN IT UP!!!

Posted in: Songs | 0 comments

Mixposure Holiday Song Submissions

By Admin, 2013-11-22

It is coming up on that time of year again where we start looking for Holiday Song Submissions! This has been a tradition around Mixposure for several years now and one that has become a favorite. 

If you are new to Mixposure, here is how this works. Create a Holiday song in any genre. It can be comedic like Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer or as serious as Handel's Messiah. It does not require vocals. All we ask is that you have some fun doing it!

Once you have your song completed, please use a a genre of "Holiday Songs 2013" so we can find them easily. 

One of the questions that always comes up is, Can I Do a Cover? As long as the song is the the Public Domain  feel free!

Pleas epost if you have any questions.



Posted in: News | 3 comments


By Hellrocky, 2013-11-19



Posted in: Show | 0 comments

The Dream Video

By songdoc, 2013-11-18

Piyala, the incredible vocalist who put life into this song, has created a beautiful video  to accompany "The Dream". Could a songwriter be any luckier than me? The Dream (Video)

Posted in: default | 1 comments
It was never about a DAW for me: It was only about Creating Passionate Music

It was never about Fruity Loops for me, and never will be about Fruity Loops for me.


I was born in 1981.  My father produced jingles for commercials, put Cleveland on the map, excelled at jazz piano, and had a state of art studio in 1985.  I was immediately mesmerized by the sounds programmed with a floppy disk and the Yamaha DX-7 Keyboard.


Music is an art of expression.  I have given my blood, sweat, and tears to this entity called music.  It is the universal language and relates to both me and every human being around the world.


It was never about a DAW for me.  It was about CREATIVITY.  It was never about the Pro Tools vs. Cubase battle for me.  That was simply a vessel to create a final product.  It was never about;"> 

I ask you this: If you write a letter to someone, does it matter if it comes from Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, or another type of email program?  No.  Rather, it is about the content within the email and how it makes you FEEL.


Music means creating something from nothing.  Like a painter with a paintbrush on a blank canvas.


I ask the world: Why be so obsessed with the Pro Tools vs. other software programs?  I guess I can "sort of" understand those who say "these kids never learned an instrument."  I can't really speak to that because I learned the piano and drums by ear, and then took that knowledge into the digital domain.  I guess you can call me a hybrid of the analog and digital worlds.  I am grateful that my dad "showed me the ropes" so to speak, using midi keyboards like Korg and Kurzweil, and manually playing in each harmony or drum pattern using a keyboard.


I ran into somebody today who claimed I was "stuck in box" by using the FL Studio Program.  I would argue that any thinking that claims I am stuck in box is exactly that: Stuck in a box.  For me, it has NOTHING to do with the software DAW so to speak.  Yes, the software FL Studio is good for me because it allows me to sequence quickly.  But the underlying message I am trying to communicate is this:  The most important part about composing music is NOT the software that you use.  Certainly it can help in the process, and you should find the DAW that works best for you, but it is all about your own creativity.  It's about how you add each section of your song, the harmonies you incorporate, and the way the melody or baseline makes you FEEL.  


Music makes you FEEL.  It makes you FEEL when you hear it through a radio.  It makes you FEEL when you are working out and listening to music on your iPOD.  it makes you FEEL when you are dancing to music in a club.  It PICKS YOU UP when you are feeling down.  It motivates you.  It connects you.  It reminds you.  It's your friend.  It's the emotion that is indescribable.  It is different for each person listening, yet it connects everybody.


As producers, engineers, and composers, it is not about what DAW you use.  It's about how you make your audience FEEL.  If you can get your message across using Pro Tools, by all means use it.  If you like Digital Performer like the famous composer Hans Zimmer, use it.  If you like fruity loops, keep at it.  If you like Cubase or Ableton, stick with what works.


The main battle comes between each fellow producer.  We are supposed to be making music that makes people FEEL.  This was never a gimmick for me.  I have seen the forums and I have seen the YouTube comments.  Why do we have to battle with people that are using different DAWS?  We should be encouraging people who are making music, not cutting them down because they use a certain DAW.  Just because you use Pro Tools doesn't mean you are better than someone else.  Rather, pro tools (in certain cases) may be a crutch to certain people, because they have no real creativity.  It's like spraying Febreze instead of really cleaning your carpets: Your house still stinks and the spray is only a cover up.  You will be exposed for who you are in due time.  


I can create in Pro Tools.  I can create in Cubase.  I can create in FL Studio.  I can create in Ableton.  I can create in Digital Pefrormer.  I have been multi-tracking since I was 5 years old, using a Casio Sk-8.  It was never about a DAW.  It was only about creating.  I can only shake my head in disbelief when I see or I am part of these arguments, which base themselves upon what DAW you are using, and not WHY you are creating music in the first place.  For the LOVE.  Not for a gimmick.  Not for notoriety.  For the love of music and creativity.

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