
ReW STaRR - Biography

By The ReWlettes, 2021-01-04
ReW STaRR - Biography

ReW STaRR bio 

New York City Rew Starr is a mom, songwriter, web show host, illustrator and actress. 

Crowned Miss Underground NYC in 2017 and dubbed a “firebrand” by The New York Times , Rew channels equal parts Courtney Love and a gothic version of Olivia Benson from Law & Order. 

Rew is deeply rooted in the East Village music community, and comes from a family of troubadours. Both sets of her grandparents grew up in the Lower East Side; her grandmother performed in Vaudeville, while her great grandmother ran a speakeasy in LES during prohibition.  

Most recently, Rew  hosted ‘ReW & WhO?’ her web talk show, for seven years from the stage at cherished watering hole Otto’s Shrunken Head on 14th Street between avenues A&B. 

Her show spotlighted many local and international artists,  and featured both rising stars and living legends. 

The show’s motto stayed true to the Marilyn Monroe quote, “Everyone is a star and deserves their right to shine.” Show episodes are still some of the most popular videos on YouTube.  

When the quarantine started in March in New York City, in response to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Rew was approached to start the show again -- but in a virtual medium. 

Rew saw this as an important opportunity to build connection during a difficult time, and teamed up with ‘Hot Indie Media’ to reboot her show as ‘Renegade Rewandwho.’ 

The show currently runs via Zoom, as an open-mic style experience, highlighting musicians and artists from all over the globe who seek a loving community to share their music, poetry, and more.  

Renegade ReWandWhO? streams once or twice a week and recently surpassed the 50-episode milestone.

A real community of post-pandemic “renegades” has formed, keeping songwriting and performing alive during this unique time of our lives.  

In addition to running her biweekly show, Rew has been drawing daily throughout this pandemic and her art has taken off.

Throughout the pandemic, friends, strangers and artists offer suggestions on what to draw, and the collection of a few illustrations has bloomed to hundreds of daily pictorials of everyday life in the pandemic, and she will continue drawing until the pandemic is over. 

The art captured the attention of the mental health community, and Rew recently won an award in a contest for a mental health project  from ‘TAG” with one of her drawings.  

She also is a recipient of  the 2020 ‘Acker Awards’. 

Rew has been teaching singing and guitar for decades in lower Manhattan and has many recordings of her students all recorded in the LES as well.

She is signed with Manta Ray Records and sponsored by Daisy Rock Guitars. 

Rew filmed two music videos over the summer of 2020 with her two bands. 

Her original song ‘Like I Never Knew’ was filmed on a rooftop in the LES with her band ‘The ReWd oNeZ’.

She also starred in pandemic-styled video of the cover ‘To Sir with Love’ with her band ‘the ReWlettes, directed by Christopher Martini, which will premiere in January 2021.

To Sir, with Love - The ReWlettes  

Rew has been acting non stop for the past five years. She has been nominated for Best Actress as Stella in ‘A $200 Rhinoceros’ {Strawberry One Act Festival, Rick Mueller), was Dr Erin 'Oakley in ‘What They’ll Remember' (Nuyorican Poetry Club, Eureka Lewis) and many other theater productions around NYC.  

In film she was nominated ‘Best Actress’ at the ‘Hang Onto Your Shorts Film Festival’ for her role as Monty in ‘Garbaggio’ {Michael Irgang),   

Rew works regularly with her Yorkie,  ZsaZsa Gabone and they have been in multiple music videos and endless indie films together.  

Rew was featured on 'Love Lust or Run' w/ Stacy London (TLC).  

As the Village Voice noted, when summing up Rew in a single phrase;

“This is what  you moved to New York for.” 


By Admin, 2021-01-04

I woke up this morning and was shocked to hear of the passing of Kephas.

Richard has been on Mixposure since the early days and was even a dj for awhile. He was an extremely talented musician and a frequent visitor to our chat room so many of you will be as shocked as I am. 

We have lost far too many great artists over the years. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. 


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Christopher Martini - Notes From The Director - The ReWlettes "To Sir, with Love" music video

“I was approached by Paul Richmond from Zest Radio Show to direct a music video for ReW STaRR and The Rewlettes, in early 2020.

Paul has been an ardent supporter of my films, for many years, so because of our personal relationship, I was honored to help him out.

But after hearing the wonderful music of ReW STaRR, I became very excited to embark on the project, and when I was informed it was to help “Feed The Children” it became a no brainer for me.

“Cause” projects are self-fueled and seem to travel well.

I wrote a script for the music video, to shoot on Coney Island, on March 21, 2020, but the pandemic hit and we had to change plans.

We needed to move forward regardless, so I started to plan a music video where each band member would capture their own coverage.

Rather than something overly stylized, or overly clever, I decided on a more Zen approach to the shots; center framing, eye level, and I was able to pull a little nuance and character out of ReW and the band members to add a little gold trim to the video.

With the artistic help of the talented Jimmy King (who photographed David Bowie for many years), the video was taken to another level.

Jimmy suggested to give each band member a school tie, it was the broad stroke of genius, such a small touch, that added a wonderful artistic element to the video.

Jimmy provided feedback on each phase of production, including wardrobe and locations, as well as set dressing, so his guidance was instrumental in the artistic continuity of the video.

I am quite happy with how the video turned out.

It is such a wonderfully written song, and ReW’s cover of it is just marvelous!

So, my plan to really let the song and the music speak for itself, was achieved.

I really hope people spread the video around, so money can be raised to feed our hungry children.

The cause is so important and I think the music and the visuals really carry the message.”

Christopher Martini

For more information about Christopher Martini Director Credits please visit IMDb link below:
(link opens in new window)

Christopher Martini Full Biography can be found at the link below:
(link opens in new window)

Happy New Year

By Admin, 2021-01-01

Happy New Year! 2020 Has been an incredibly tough year and my guess is that everyone has been impacted one way or another with either Covid or the cascading side effects from it. Let's hope 2021 does a complete 180 and returns us to a normal lifestyle where our biggest worries are do I buy the Gibson, Fender or the PRS? The one nice consequence of 2020 was I spent a lot of time with Kat and my daughters. You have to make the best of the situation you are in and this was without a doubt more fun than I could have imagined.

Thanks to William Thompson, Jim Rustemeyer, Joseph Rodríguez, Ron Bowes for keeping MixStream Radio alive.


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Merry Christmas All

By Admin, 2020-12-25

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the day. Nothing beats 60 degree weather on Christmas day. I hope Santa dropped off some nice musical gifts for everyone. Please share what you received!!



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The Trying Times of 2020

By REVEREND NATHON, 2020-12-24
The Trying Times of 2020

So this Pandemic thing has just about destroyed the live music industry....bands are playing venues restricted to 50% capacity and are getting paid 50% of their wage....our live music venues are closing up daily and losing everything they worked so hard for, even major historical music landmarks have boarded up and left sad-4

Touring has been all but shut down, we want to play across the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia and will if travel restrictions ever lift.

About the only thing keeping our music alive right now are these great music websites such as Mixposure that are helping get our music out there to your ears and we are most grateful to each and every music website and internet radio station out there that's helping keep the music alive.

Our debut release: REVEREND NATHON-Volume 1 is doing really well, we are getting feedback and Tweets from listeners across the planet telling us they really dig our sound and songwriting and want to see us perform live. We promise you we WILL be on the road in 2021, Covid or no Covid we have to keep moving forward !

Let us know where you are listening to us from and where you would like to see us play.

If you are a venue owner or festival organizer who is Blues Rock friendly we would love an invite to tour thru your town !

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Happy Holidays

By Admin, 2020-12-21

Greetings All!

I hope everyone is having a great 2020! OK crap year I get it. Regardless of what is happening in the outside world, my wish is that everyone is having a great holiday regardless of all this COVID ^%&* going on. This is the season to buy new gear and spend the time indoors writing music.

I hope Santa brings you something fun Christmas and thanks for being a part of Mixposure!


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Desire For Light by Sakis Gouzonis

By sakis, 2020-10-26

Desire For Light by Sakis Gouzonis is now available via his official website.
The new album contains ten original electronic and cinematic music tracks.

Halloween Tunes 2020

By Admin, 2020-10-15

How is everyone doing with Halloween Tunes? Looks like we have a great jump on this! 

Remember, just upload the song to your page and add the genre of "Halloween 2020" so we can find it. Check out some songs below!

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The ReWlettes To Sir with Love music video teaser

The ReWlettes are happy to announce that their premiere music video for To Sir with Love has an official release slated for January 2021

The ReWlettes To Sir with Love music video teaser is on ReW STaRR's YouTube channel NOW!

Watch and Love here -> To Sir With Love ♥︎ the ReWlettes {teaser}

Please don't forget to like this video, leave a comment and subscribe to ReW STaRR's YouTube channel!

The ReWlettes Love YOU!

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