
That Time of Year Again - Halloween Songs 2014
Yep it is that time of year again. Halloween Songs for 2014!! As many of you know, for the last 8 or 9 years we have been doing Halloween Songs and it has always been fun. Considering all of the "site songs" we do, this has probably been the favorite from everyone. 

If you have not done one before, here is how it works. Create your spookiest or funniest Halloween Song you can. You have plenty of time to get it done and also enough time to find other artists to work with if you want to collaborate. Vocals are not required so do not feel like you have to have them in. 

Obviously the due date will be Oct 31st but if at all possible, let's try and get them in by October 25th. This will give our DJ's plenty of time to get them added into their shows. When you upload them, please use a genre of "Halloween 2014" so we can find them easy. I will see if I can get some added from prior years so you can have a listen and get some ideas. 

Please post if you have any questions!!
Posted in: News | 4 comments
Cheerful, joyful, positive and absolutely feelgood, that's the vibe in hooyoosay's electro-pop infused EP "Googly Goo".
hooyoosay is a peculiar music recording project, having a variety of unnamed and constantly changing collaborators.
Hence a wide diversity in styles is arrayed, which makes hooyoosay rather hard to categorize.
Previous releases were the full-length " In dekay ", and the single/EP's " My obsession ", " Don't you lie to me ", and " Come on ".

And again hooyoosay have a couple of new contributors. One of them is a young boy. A very young boy actually. From the start he insisted on having a lead vocal. So some of the veteran bandmembers put aside their drumkit, guitars and harmonica, and plugged in their synths to create a couple of electro-pop infused fun songs, resulting in the EP " Googly Goo ".

The EP offers four tracks, all of them radiating a joyful, cheerful vibe and an intense feelgood mood.
Containing titles like " Googly Goo " and " Tare Too Te Rut Te ", one might expect a mere bit of nonsense going on, but there is no absurdity here at all, on the contrary, there is this continuous expression of fun and happiness.
In " Googly Goo " the young kid utters his excitement about all the wonderful things he gets to see when touching a pc tablet.
And " Tare Too Te Rut Te " is no more than another way of saying "we feel fine"!
Played in sequence, the tracks evoke an evolution from early childhood with the happy Googly Goo kid, along the younger teenage years with the innocent "na na na" chant when " Tare Too Te Rut Te " opens, towards a more mature stage of being a teen when the guitar solo comes in by the end of " Tare Too Te Rut Te ".

Find it on and in online stores.
Posted in: Music | 0 comments


By Vadiamo, 2014-08-27

Nominated for the Global RockStar contest 2014 

preleminaries starts at 1ht of September stay tuned for further info about how to vote,i will be truly grateful for your support in this contest also will be a reward for the most active voters thank you
Tre'Barz Highly Anticipated Video Summertyme Heat PT.3 "It's Been Fun" Is All Set And Ready To Roll On Labor Day Weekend - What A Great Time To Drop A Perfect SummerTyme Video The Unofficial Last Weekend Of Summer!!! Directed By Multiple People - Filmed By Multiple People - Multiple Women - Scenes, Scenes, Scenes!!!!

#SummerTymeHeatFever -  Check Them Out!!! 

-Summertyme Heat Pt.1 (It's Gettin Hot)Tre'Barz-SummerTime Heat

 - Summertyme Heat Pt.2 (Still Hot Baby)Tre'Barz - SummerTyme Heat PT.II "Official Video"

- Summertyme Heat Pt.3 (It’s Been Fun) Tre'Barz - SummerTyme PT.3 Trailer  Labor Day Weekend 2014.....

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Zeropage - Elektronic Transmission

By Zeropage, 2014-08-25
Zeropage - Elektronic Transmission
A groovy remix of our "Elektronic Transmission" live performance. There's also a video:  Elektronik Transmission

For the synthesizer enthusiast here's the lineup:

Elektron : Machinedrum, Monomachine, Octatrack, Analog Four, Analog Rytm

Roland Aira : TB-3

VSTi : Omnisphere, Blade, LuSH-101

Recording : Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Octopro MKII Dynamic, E-RM midiclock, Ableton Live

Why not leave a comment and give a thumbs up on Youtube while listening to our little electronic tune ;)


By THE POULSONS, 2014-08-25
DARKER DREAMS,lyric video up on Vimeo,Facebook,You tube and Twitter!!
Posted in: Music vid | 0 comments

Welcome New Artists

By Admin, 2014-08-24
We have had a ton of new artists signing up on Mixposure and I just wanted to take a moment and welcome everyone! The site can be a little confusing at first so please speak up if you are having any trouble. We will be glad to point you in the right direction.

Posted in: News | 0 comments

I attached a video I did last night of Clyde....Waylon Jennings cover. Clyde was written by JJ Cale and made a hit by Waylon. Check it out.

Posted in: Video | 0 comments

What is a Variax Guitar?

By Gene, 2014-08-22
What is a Variax Guitar?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Variax is the name of a line of guitars developed and marketed by Line 6 . They differ from typical electric and acoustic guitars in that internal electronics process the sound from individual strings to model (replicate) the sound of specific guitars and other instruments. The maker claims it is the first guitar family that can emulate the tones of other notable electric and acoustic guitars. It also provides a banjo and a sitar tone. The Variax is currently available as an electric guitar, but modeling acoustic guitars and modeling electric bass guitars have been available in the past.

I originally purchased a Variax 500 back in 2005 and more recently purchased a JTV-59 so I’ll just chat about those briefly. I felt the original Vax 500 was not a bad guitar at all. Build quality was pretty good and, while I have nothing to compare them with, most of the models sounded quite good. I originally wanted a guitar that would be able to do acoustic and electric without owning several guitars but that didn’t work out as expected. While the acoustic models are acceptable, as an acoustic player, the “feel” just wasn’t the same. For the primarily electric player however the ability to quickly pull up a Guild or Martin 12 string with the same intonation, scale length, and string gauge as well as the same tuning works quite well.

There were some issues and complaints with the first Variax models however that “traditional” guitarists as well as “practical” folks had:

1)       No magnetic pickups, it just looked weird plus if you ran the batteries down or lost your DI box you were out of luck, and it looked weird.

2)       Batteries, batteries, batteries… The original models used six AA batteries which would last about 1 ½ hours, you could also use a 9v but that only lasted about 45 minutes. The guitars also came with an A/B box that would allow you to switch between ¼” out (for electrics) and a XLR out (for acoustics or going straight to a board). This box also powered the guitar using a TRS cable. The problem? Yet ANOTHER box/footswitch to carry and lose and yet ANOTHER “wall wart”.

3)       The guitars also came with “workbench” software that was actually pretty cool. You could hook the guitar to your PC and virtually “build” a guitar model or alternate tuning (with some limitations) and upload that patch to any one of 10 “custom” slots. The downside being the dependence on a computer to do so.

4)       Alternate tunings. In workbench you could change the tunings on each individual string and save that as a custom setting to the guitar (10 total custom settings). The downside is that you could not do alternate tunings with the 12 string models due to a lack of DSP power in the original guitars.

5)       The models themselves. Many folks complained that “that doesn’t sound like a 52 LP goldtop” etc. I’ll address that later.

6)       Build quality (escpecially on the 300 and 600 “budget” models). Some folks felt the guitars felt “cheap”

So; fast forward to 2010, “what has Line6 done to address these issues?” –

They partnered with luthier James Tyler to re-design the guitars. There are currently three basic models of the JTV Variax with a couple of different pickup configurations:

The JTV-69 (think Strat with a humbucker in the bridge) and the JTV-69S (typical SSS Strat config).

The JTV-59 (Think 59 Les Paul with PAF) and JTV-59P (59 Les Paul with P90 pickups).

The JTV-89 (think Ibanez, ESP shred style) and JTV-89F (same but with a Floyd Rose licensed trem).

The guitars share the same models and upgrades to address the above complaints (Line6 did listen it just took them a while).

1)       Now we have true magnetic pickups (and they don’t sound too danged bad either)

2)       While you can still use the A/B box the battery is now a rechargeable affair that lasts 10-12 hours on a charge.

3)       In addition to workbench you can use “virtual capo” right on the guitar (no PC needed) to adjust and save alternate tunings on the fly in about 30 seconds.

4)       You can now apply alternate tunings to the 12 string models. Additionally there is a knob that globally applies any one of 10 alternate tunings to all models without having to adjust them in workbench and take up one of your custom model slots, pretty cool. This is especially handy if you use the custom slots to work a setlist.

5)       The models have been upgraded. To be honest some were made better and some maybe worse but in reality your audience doesn’t know or care if it is a 52 goldtop or not, just that it sounds good IMHO. This is a VERY subjective topic however.

6)       The guitars are made at the “World Factory” in Korea (as are MANY companies’ guitars). This is the same place that PRS makes the SE range. The build quality on mine is actually quite good. There were a couple of initial QC problems (the 3 way switch on the 59 and the nut on the 69) but those have been fixed. Note that Line6 does have “US” made models but at almost 4k I’ll pass.

I think the mag pickups (so yes it is REALLY a guitar) and the rechargeable longer life battery are very cool but the capabilities the alternate tuning knob brings to the party are pretty amazing! All in all these are very versatile guitars for studio and live use (though I don’t have much experience in live). If you get a chance you should play with one, you might be surprised.

Some links:

JTV-59 Acoustic Sounds Demo
More Acoustic Sounds JTV-69
JTV-59P Alternate Tunings demo
Steve Howe, Adrian Belew and more talk Variax

Posted in: Review | 3 comments
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