
I would like to extend the Same Song Title Madness to August 2nd! I have had some stuff come up and this one has just not had the attention it deserves. Let's extend it a few weeks and get the ball moving. 



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Just wanted to take a moment to express my appreiciation for the availability of as a gathering place for independent musicians across the globe.  Having been associated with the site for almost a year and a half now, I have developed a deep apprciation for the many talented and dedicated musicians and singers, who without such a place may well have toiled in relative obscurity.  My sister and I had never attempted to enter the independent music scene before discovering Mixposure and our music was only known to a relatively small number of family and friends.  We didn't even try to publicize our material on social networks.  We were quite content to simply entertain ourselves.  (Hell, I never uploaded or even emailed an MP3 to anyone before coming here... lol)  As the main driver of our songs and material, it never even occurred to me that associating ourselves with other independent artists would not only expose us to so many wonderful people, but a supportive assembly of like-minded artists who wanted nothing more than to offer their help, encouragement and expertise. 

That we would eventually collaborate with artists of the caliber of Lyrical Princess, Joseph Rodriquez, Scotswolfe, Abysss and David C. Deal, has been a tremendous experience and has allowed our music to gain acceptance. The simple reason for this is that their added talent has made every one of those songs better.  This has made a tremendous impact on our music and how we view the entire process.  I can't help but applaud the efforts of Todd, "Mr. Mixposure", who has maintained and constantly improved the site without any thought of actually making a profit and the legion of DJ's, both past and present, who volunteer their time and effort to get independent material out there for the masses.  Just think of the contribution of JimAE, DaddyRabbit, Vig Wig, the Metal Master, Michael Stone, Bubba Reaves, Doug Dickens and The Barefoot Baroness  Those of you who regularly listen to their radio shows know full well that these entertaining webcasts aren't just thrown together, but take a lot of time and effort.  And to a man (and woman), these people have only one agenda; to promote and help the independent artist make their music known.  Please excuse the length of this blog, but imho, it's more than appropriate to give credit where credit is due and, from time to time, let people know that what they do is truly appreciated.  The TrueVulgarians thank all of you and look forward to many more years here at and Mixstream Radio...


Bill Thompson

Posted in: Commentary | 10 comments

"Happy FULL MOON weekend"

By WhereWolf, 2014-07-11
"Happy FULL MOON weekend"


 We can all share the awesome views of the Moon all weekend long....:)   Take time time and enjoy.  Yes...I do have a fascination with the Full Moon.....................................  LOL  

Lawrence Stewart "Larry" Talbot, also known as The Wolf Man, is a title character of the 1941 Universal film The Wolf Man, where he was portrayed by Lon Chaney, Jr. In the 2010 remake of the film, he is portrayed by Academy Award-winner Benicio del Toro. The Wolf Man was part of the Universal Monsters ensemble.

Contents [hide]
1 Biography 1.1 The Wolf Man (1941)
1.2 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
1.3 House of Frankenstein (1944)
1.4 House of Dracula (1945)
1.5 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)
1.6 The Wolfman (2010)

2 Other appearances
3 References


The Wolf Man (1941)[edit]

Larry Talbot returns to his ancestral home in Llanwelly, Wales, to reconcile with his father, Sir John Talbot (Claude Rains). While there, Larry becomes romantically interested in a local girl named Gwen Conliffe (Evelyn Ankers), who runs an antique shop. As a pretext, he buys something from her, a silver-headed walking stick decorated with a wolf. Gwen tells him that it represents a werewolf (which she defines as a man who changes into a wolf "at certain times of the year".)

That night, Larry attempts to rescue Gwen's friend Jenny from what he believes to be a sudden attack by a wolf. He kills the beast with his new walking stick, but is bitten in the process. He soon discovers that it was not just a wolf; it was a werewolf, and now Talbot has become one. A gypsy fortuneteller named Maleva (Maria Ouspenskaya) reveals to Larry that the animal which bit him was actually her son Bela (Bela Lugosi) in the form of a wolf. Bela had been a werewolf for years and now the curse of lycanthropy has been passed to Larry.

Sure enough, Talbot transforms into a wolf and prowls the countryside, committing several murders in his wolf form and terrorising the village. After struggling unsuccessfully to overcome the curse, he is finally bludgeoned to death by his father, who doesn't recognise him, with his own walking stick. As he dies, he returns to human form.


New Pink Floyd CD?

By Admin, 2014-07-05


David Gilmour's wife Polly Samson leaks news on Twitter about new Pink Floyd album




Pink Floyd freaks everywhere are all a-twitter about the news that the British prog-rock giants will apparently release their first album in 20 years, titled  The Endless River , in three months.

Just six hours ago  David Gilmour ‘s wife, author Polly Samson–who cowrote the lyrics to most of the songs on Floyd’s 1994 album,  The Division Bell –tweeted this message:

Btw Pink Floyd album out in October is called “The Endless River”. Based on 1994 sessions is Rick Wright’s swansong and very beautiful.

Wright was the original keyboardist for Pink Floyd, who died of cancer in 2008 at the age of 65. Here’s what Gilmour had to say about him at the time of his passing:


No one can replace Richard Wright. He was my musical partner and my friend. In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick’s enormous input was frequently forgotten. He was gentle, unassuming, and private, but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognised Pink Floyd sound. I have never played with anyone quite like him. The blend of his and my voices and our musical telepathy reached their first major flowering in 1971 on ‘Echoes’. In my view all the greatest PF moments are the ones where he is in full flow. After all, without ‘Us and Them’ and ‘The Great Gig in the Sky’, both of which he wrote, what would ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ have been? Without his quiet touch, the album ‘Wish You Were Here’ would not quite have worked. In our middle years, for many reasons, he lost his way for a while; but in the early Nineties, with ‘The Division Bell’, his vitality, spark and humour returned to him, and then the audience reaction to his appearances on my tour in 2006 was hugely uplifting and it’s a mark of his modesty that those standing ovations came as a huge surprise to him (though not to the rest of us). Like Rick, I don’t find it easy to express my feelings in words, but I loved him and will miss him enormously.

Apparently, Pink Floyd’s management wasn’t thrilled with Samson’s news-breaking tweet. Nor were they impressed when vocalist Durga McBroom-Hudson–who performed with Floyd at their  1994 concert in Vancouver –posted this photo to her Facebook page, with the message: “YES. THERE IS A PINK FLOYD ALBUM COMING OUT. AND I’M ON IT. And there was much rejoicing.”

No tweets yet on whether  Roger Waters  is making a guest appearance on the new album.

So he probably isn’t.

You can follow Steve Newton at  and check out his website about rock 'n' roll and horror  here .   




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Happy 4th of July

By Admin, 2014-07-04

Happy 4th of July everyone! Enjoy the long weekend and please be sure to keep your fingers!! To those in the UK celebrating their independence from the USA, up yours! :) 

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The Righteous Blues Band CD is now available on Mixposure!!!

The first CD from The Righteous Blues Band is now on Mixposure for download. Check it out and let us know what you think of it!


Have a blessed holiday!


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Song, "When No One Listens" (been there done that?)

PeBailey, DcDeal, DCoonrod and KPeters have finally finished the song "When No One Listens". It is a progressive rock production with a theme we believe most of you will identify with. It reflects a journey through musical inspiration, the joy of creation, the anxiety of publication, the sometimes frustration of limited audience and finally back to musical inspiration. All pretty heady I know but .. well... we hope you like it!   Please listen and comment if you will and prove the song lyrics wrong .   When No One Listens

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TrueVulgarians Thank You

By truevulgarian, 2014-07-01

My sister and I would like to thank for our selection as Artist of the Month.  Being here at Mixposure has been a terrific experience and made possible our participation in multiple collaborations with some of the finest independent artists.  Our recent collab with David C. Deal on the song, "A Voice in the Distance" (SameSongTitleMadness entry) was a special opportunity to have someone with true musicianship and production talent expand upon one of our simple tunes, making something greater than we could have imagined.  David desires major credit for his contribution on that song.  We are absolutely grateful to have a place such as this to share our music and meet wonderful and like-minded people.  This award will serve to make us strive to create better songs in the future.  For us, the music is all about having fun and hopefully connecting with people.  That's truly been our only goal...

Bill Thompson

The TrueVulgarians

TrueVulgarians - Artist of the Month

Just a big congrats to the TrueVulgarians for being the Artist of the Month. This pair just knows how to create great music! Please check their music out and leave a review!


The TrueVulgarians are a brother-sister duo hailing from just outside Cleveland, Ohio, having sung together for longer than they'd want to admit.  Songs range from the melancholy to the ridiculous with a story-telling vibe.  We're just a couple of amatuer musicians who have the need to create and perform without expectation beyond that.  All our tunes are written and arranged by (brother) William Thompson, who plays acoustic guitar and does the lead vocals.  (Sister) Jacki Grapentine provides back-up vocals and much needed moral support. We hope you enjoy our material as much as we have enjoyed making it available here on Mixposure for public consumption..

William Thompson (truevulgarian)




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