
Your Time Is Gonna Come (w-Buddruming and Scott Macleod)

Your Time Is Gonna Come (J.Page, J.P. Jones, R.Plant)

HFA Mechanical License # 1194791483

I decided to do a cover of this Led Zeppelin song but to do it my way. I didn't want to stray too far from the original but I needed to make it my own. I wanted it in the acoustic genre but also wanted to rock it up a bit. So, as I often do, I enlisted a little help from my musical Mixposure friends. I want to sincerely thank Bud and Scott for helping bring this song to life and for helping me hit my vision.

Buddruming - Drums, percussions, and song poster design.

Scott Macleod - Fret-less bass and electric slide guitar.

Farrell Jackson - All vocals, acoustic guitar, and acoustic outro lead.

We hope you like it!

Ok the votes are in! The next Same Song Title Madness title is "Voice In The Distance". Let's look at at completion date of July 12th for this one. That should give everyone enough time to seek out some people to collaborate with if you so desire!

Have fun with it everyone!

Posted in: News | 12 comments

Nominated for Songwriter of The Year By The ICoMA

By Carmella Inchierchiera, 2014-05-23
Nominated for Songwriter of The Year By The ICoMA

Thank you very much My Sisters + Brothers in Music for all your Support though the Years.. I could not have made this Musicial Journey alone.. I am and will be Forever grateful.. Thank you Nelson Blanchard for our Co-Writes together, sharing your Amazing Gift of Music with me and bringing all the Lyrics to Life.. 

Your Friend in Music,

Carmella Inchierchiera

Posted in: Thank you | 5 comments

I Shot My Radio

By Sam Houston, 2014-05-21

EDIT : I remixed. Please give it a listen if you get a chance.


I Shot My Radio is an older song of mine that I recently reworked and re-recorded. Lyrics included. Check it out....

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Chat Feature

By Admin, 2014-05-21

Hey Everyone - You will now see a toolbar at the bottom of the page for Chat. It will show the users online you can message and you can also disable it by clicking the cog wheel. This is basically the same as Facebook. You can also enable Facebook contacts and Google Talk on this as well.

I will probably add a "shoutbox" back on the main page in the next week or so that we can use as well.

Please let us know if you have any questions!


Posted in: News | 3 comments

Stairway to Heaven Lawsuit

By Admin, 2014-05-20|htmlws-main-bb|dl24|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D478189


Led Zeppelin being sued by surviving member of Spirit over 'Stairway to Heaven'

May 19th 2014 10:35AM


Led Zeppelin is being sued for copyright infringement over 'Stairway to Heaven,' perhaps the most well-known song in the legendary rock band's vast music catalog. The suit is being brought by the founding bassist of Spirit, an obscure 1960s band that Led Zeppelin toured the U.S. with back in 1968 and 1969. Bloomberg Businessweek was the first to report the news of the lawsuit, which brings with it the potential to have a seismic impact on the history of rock and roll.

At the heart of the lawsuit is a claim that the iconic opening notes of 'Stairway to Heaven' were lifted by guitarist Jimmy Page from 'Taurus,' a relatively unknown folk song Spirit often played in concert, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. Lawyers for Spirit say that Randy California, the original composer of 'Taurus,' wrote the song back in 1968. They argue that Page had the opportunity to hear the song while the two bands played several shows together, and that Page then used those notes to write the beginning of Stairway to Heaven, which in 1971 appeared on Led Zeppelin's untitled fourth studio album known as 'Led Zeppelin IV' or 'Runes.' The rest was history as 'Stairway to Heaven' went on to become one of the most celebrated rock and roll songs ever, claiming such sensational titles as 'the most requested song on the radio' and simply the 'greatest song of all-time.' In 2000, it ranked No. 3 on a VH1 list of all-time greatest rock songs, and it placed 31st on Rolling Stone's list of the '500 Greatest Songs.'

Randy California (or Randy Wolfe, as his parents named him) died in 1997, but Bloomberg Businessweek reports that just before his death, he finally spoke out to a journalist about having always felt that the opening of 'Stairway' was stolen from his work.

    California told journalist Jeff McLaughlin in the winter 1997 issue of Listener magazine that Led Zeppelin had filched his song. "I'd say it was a ripoff," California said. "And the guys made millions of bucks on it and never said 'Thank you,' never said, 'Can we pay you some money for it?' It's kind of a sore point with me. Maybe someday their conscience will make them do something about it."

As WZLX points out, the move comes just before Led Zeppelin is about to release a remastered version of 'Stairway' along with many of its other classic hits, and even some never-before heard material.

Mark Andes, Spirit's founding bass player, and his legal team are aiming to force Led Zeppelin to share proper writing credit for the iconic song with the late California.

In addition, Bloomberg Businessweek reports that this is hardly the first such legal claim made against the rock and roll titans. Similar accusations have been leveled at Led Zeppelin throughout the years over hit tracks like 'The Lemon Song,' 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You,' 'Whole Lotta Love,' and 'Dazed and Confused'. In all of those cases, Led Zeppelin was forced to change writing credits as they appear on albums and share subsequent royalties.

One high-profile case involved the band's highest-charting U.S. single, 'Whole Lotta Love.' Attorneys for blues legend Willie Dixon argued some music and lyrics in 'Whole Lotta Love' were lifted from 'You Need Love,' a Dixon-Muddy Waters collaboration that dates back to 1962. In 1987, Led Zeppelin settled that suit and agreed to include Dixon's name in the song's writing credits.

But in an interview with the New York Times published on May 15, Jimmy Page seems to dispute that the music in the song was even inspired by the blues great. 'I had a riff, which is a unique riff, O.K., and I had a structure for the song that was a unique structure. That is it,' he told the Times. Then he added, 'However, within the lyrics of it, there's "You Need Love," and there are similarities within the lyrics. Now I'm not pointing a finger at anybody, but I'm just saying that's what happened, and Willie Dixon got credit. Fair enough.'

Ultimately, a court will decide whether Led Zeppelin stole the famous opening notes of 'Stairway to Heaven' from Spirit's 'Taurus.' WZLX found versions of each song on YouTube. Take a listen to the two songs below and decide for yourself whether the song was plagiarized or if, as Mick Wall wrote in 'When Giants Walked the Earth: A Biography of Led Zeppelin,' what Jimmy Page did 'was the equivalent of taking the wood from a garden shed and building it into a cathedral.'

'Taurus' by Spirit, 1968 (wait for the :44 mark):


Taurus- Spirit


Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven Live (HD)

Posted in: News | 11 comments


By THE POULSONS, 2014-05-19

Check out DARKER DREAMS,taken from THE POULSONS debut album Fire n Fear on Nub Country Records,avaiable on Spotify,7 digital and i tunes!!Yell Yell

Posted in: music | 0 comments Rock Song Award 2013

By truevulgarian, 2014-05-15 Rock Song Award 2013

Just received our Rock Award 2013 trophy for our song "Easy Way Out".  Again, The TrueVulgarians would like to extent our thanks to Scotswolfe for providing the orchestration and our fans whose votes made this possible.  Also our thanks to Mixposure for sponsoring the contest.  We're very proud to have won given all the wonderful songs uploaded here during 2013!

Please make sure you are voting on the Same Song Title Madness! The poll will end in a few more days so please vote!

I also wanted to thank everyone who has been doing song reviews!! If you are receiving song reviews, please do the courteous thing and provide some feedback on their music!! I am guilty of not reviewing songs lately so I too need to jump back in and start doing them. Maybe we need to do another contest on Most Song Reviews! 

What do you guys think?

Posted in: News | 5 comments
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