Song Lyrics
Far Away. Calling to you!
Verse 1
The family sits round the TV screen, on a normal day or so it seems.
Daddy’s in the corner and the dog’s asleep. Mom...
Song Information
Written and originally performed by: JOHNNY WARMAN [1981]Arranged & Produced by: POOKARSOUND PROJECT STUDIO, Edmonton, CanadaMix: Heinz Karnitschar,...
Very nice Heinz... I really enjoyed this... an excellent exercise in Pop.... this kind of put me back in a place and time... a lot of this instrumentation was reminding me of a lot of the new wave stuff from back in the day.... the guitar kind of gave it a "cars" feel.... and that is meant as a compliment...(love em) ...awesome work my friend
Heard this on mix radio. Cool track. Like the distant vox intro. 80s and yet 60s vibe,if you get me.
Great to see you at Mixposure again.. and listening to this fine production
is like the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae!!
this is one fine tune ... fine vocals and harmonies
Wow! Thank you very much friends! Thanks for listening and your comments!
@waveman: when you get here, make sure you send me a note! Let's meet up, man!
Very cool song Heinz and Blue Sahara ! Some real good production on this song.
Heinz and friends, great to have a new music from you all. Fantastic songwriting, arranging, performance, and production.Very cool vocals and lyrics.....killar' synth and FX goodies..
Larry T.
hey edmonton, looking forward to coming out there in june, the marriott at river cree calls, lol. this is a fun and refreshing song, production is classic pop with a cool vocal arrangement. I especially enjoyed the synth adds. nice stuff
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