Hey everyone! Long time no see / hear!
I really miss being in the chat, but time just does not allow it these days.
However, we are really excited to announce our new single: THIS IS WHAT WE DO .
This song was inspired by my son Robin while he had to go through radiation treatment last year in Florida [he was 8 back then]. It is a song about special people in our lives - some call them angels.
Anyway, as always we hope you'll enjoy our new tune.
Leona, David, Leon & Heinz.
Mixposure Family!
After another unplanned, lengthy hiatus, BLUE SAHARA is back with yet another new song!
Please sit back and enjoy our new single!
Finally! The long wait has ended. BLUE SAHARA is back with their first single in years [not counting the Christmas tune].
This song, titled 'Stay Away' features Leon as the lead vocalist, accompanied by Cerise, Maja and Natasha [The latter two are part of our trusted Blue Sahara-Minis].
Please enjoy, and don't be afraid to leave your comments
Thank you everyone!
Dear Colleagues, Friends and Lovers of Music,
BLUE SAHARA wishes every single one of you and your families and friends, far and near, a wonderful Holiday Season. Whatever it is you are celebrating, we hope it will be filled with joy, laughter, happiness and peace. We are all a big family, all over the world.
Today we posted two Holiday tunes - an older one, called 'THE STAR' [2008] and a brand-new one [published today, Dec 14, 2014]; a story-telling version of the classic 'RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDEER'.
You will find both songs in BLUE SAHARA's audio section/playlist.
Please enjoy.
Leona, Cerise, David, Leon & Heinz ... plus our guest musicians and the BlueSahara-Minis.