Brian Futch
Brian Futch
Brian Futch


Red Velvet Trio Tonight

By bdfutch, 2009-06-03

<p>If any of you out there in mixposure land are around the Atlanta area tonight, stop by Bennies Bar &amp; Grill in a couple of hours and catch 3 of the members of Red Velvet Mojo in action! We'll be doing a set at the beginning of jam night.&nbsp; We'll get started around 9 pm.&nbsp; I know it's quick notice, but we just decided to do it.&nbsp; Hey Mke K, come check us out.</p><p>Oh yeah, Bennies is located on Hwy 78 near the intersection of Killian Hill Road.&nbsp; Approx. 10 miles east of 285.</p>

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CSP Saturday Night Rocks

By bdfutch, 2008-11-08

I just want to send a huge thank you out to Mike K, Gina and Rick for all the work they put into tonights presentation.&nbsp; It was top notch as usual.&nbsp; Your words of kindness are humbling.&nbsp; I had a great time and everyone else seemed to have one as well.&nbsp; Awesome.&nbsp; Dazed thanks for all the work you've done behind the scenes.&nbsp; I also appreciate the comments from fellow musicians and music lovers.&nbsp; It inspires me to keep on keeping on.&nbsp; God Bless.

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Exile Collection

By bdfutch, 2008-06-17

<p>I have had the honor of one of my songs, "It's Over", being released on a compilation CD titled, The Exile Collection-No Excuses.&nbsp; It's a complilation of musicians all over the world, much like this site, from a forum that I've belonged to for years called The Other Place.&nbsp; It's being distributed through Itunes and CdBaby.&nbsp; The website is <a href=""></a>.&nbsp; I also contributed on one of the other cuts titled, Lay It On Me.&nbsp; This release is also my first step towards releasing my own CD which I am currently working on with Paul Russell, a producer and studio owner in Singapore.&nbsp; Hopefully, we'll have it completed and available for release in the Spring of 09.&nbsp; If you get a chance, stop by the website and check out the clips, the mixing and mastering are top notch, the songs are awesome.&nbsp; God Bless.</p>

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Merry Christmas

By bdfutch, 2008-12-23

I know I haven't been around much lately. Been tied up with trying to find business in a slow economy and taking care of the family.&nbsp; Things are crazy in this world.&nbsp; If you watch the news or get it off the net, it's enough to depress any normal human being.&nbsp; Sometimes I let what's going on get to me too much and it affects my relationships with my friends and family.&nbsp; Once again I have to remind myself that if I focus on things of the heart, I don't have to worry so much.&nbsp; We've been given a gift.&nbsp; In an age where being a Christian isn't "cool", I am thankful that God became man.&nbsp; For without this, there would be no hope.&nbsp; I know there are those here that don't believe this.&nbsp; That is your perogative and I hold no ill will against you for it.&nbsp; I can only say that God has blessed me and continues to do so.&nbsp;Man has made a mess of this world, but God has solved this problem.&nbsp; His Son is the answer.&nbsp; I celebrate His coming to us this week.&nbsp; I pray that He blesses you and your families as He's blessed mine.&nbsp; May peace and joy cover you like a warm blanket on a chilly December morning.&nbsp; Merry Christmas Mixposure.

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Computer Issues

By bdfutch, 2008-06-17

<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>You know what sucks?&nbsp; Having a computer, coming to the site and not being able to listen to any music.&nbsp; It's not IMS.&nbsp; I work for a rather large corporation that leases all of its computers.&nbsp; For the past two months, I've had no sound.&nbsp; Thus, I've not been able to listen to any music while I work.&nbsp; Most of my time for listening to the new music here at IMS has been at work, as in the evening I'm either recording or spending time with my kids and wife.&nbsp; I called in my problem to our tech support department and still, 2 months later, no fix.&nbsp; In fact, they've spent very little time trying to help me.&nbsp; I have to have sound to listen to their numerous webinars and training videos so you'd think they'd be interested in fixing it.&nbsp; This is my biggest beef with corporations, too much friggin' red tape.</p>
<p>Thanks for letting me rant today.</p>

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By bdfutch, 2008-02-25

Just wanted to publicly state my thoughts regarding the review process here. I was reviewing a new song that had been recently posted and came across something that really bothered me. The reviewer saw that the poster had not done any reviews and publicly attacked him for not participating in the review process. One of the reasons this bothered me is because I've been on the receiving end of this kind of attack and it was completely unfounded. People post their songs on this website for many different reasons, none of which any of us are privy too unless the person declares their reasons to us. Some post because they enjoy the sense of community here, that includes me. Some post because they want to have a place for friends and family to have access to their songs without the bother of sending large files through email or burning cd's to snail mail. Whatever their reason, they post. Some of these people pay for the extra benefits included with the package. Being coerced into doing reviews because you're worried about being called to the carpet does not produce honest, heartfelt reviews. It produces quick, cookie cutter reviews that end up being shallow, however honest, to get your review count up. Sorry, I don't subscribe to this. I think the public humiliation angle will hurt this site. If you've got a problem with someone, it would be better to privately message them to get it straightened out. You might find out that their situation might be different than yours. Maybe they don't have the time that you have to sit down everyday and listen to ten or twelve songs. There may be long stretches of time where their life is just so busy, they don't have time at all to listen and review. Whatever the reason, who are we to judge? You may disagree with me, that is your perogative. It is just my opinion that these "public" displays of disaffection does a disservice to the community as a whole. There, I said my piece.

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Same Song Title Madness

By bdfutch, 2008-02-16

Just wanted to let everyone know what a good time I had last night listening to the SSTM radio show. Rasmuth did an excellent job and the songs were fantastic. It still amazes me the power of the internet to bring people from different parts of the globe together, regardless of all the crap that's happening, for a few minutes of true peace. Anyway, just had a great time and can't wait for the next one.

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IMusicScene is my official site

By bdfutch, 2008-01-27

Signed up today for the platinum account. I've taken my soundclick site off of V.I.P status and moved here. I think what I like about IMusic Scene is that it is more like a community of like minded individuals with the same goal in mind. To get better. What's not to like about that?

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