Carciello, Grant, Doctor C, Farrell and Friends
Carciello, Grant, Doctor C, Farrell and Friends

Lorena - Lastest CDCG&F song

user image 2009-02-19
By: Admin
Posted in: Lorena - Lastest CDCG&F song

Another collaboration from CDCG&amp;F called Lorena! The song is listed as progressive rock but it's a blend of several styles&nbsp;so&nbsp;I guess prog rock is the right place! I love working with the powerful music that is generated from this collab group. DrC, Gary, and Rob are all&nbsp;great musicians that bring excellence to the musical table. In this group's work setting the word collaboration means just that. Although the initial song or idea may be presented by one individual (DrC in this case) the group has&nbsp;input on all aspects to bring the song to it's final stage. I believe that cohesiveness is heard in the music. That's also why this final version is take #14, LOL!<br /><br />The lyric is about a passionate love that is unwinding.&nbsp;Each realize the inevitable end but still they long for that&nbsp;one last encounter.<br /><br />I hope you enjoy&nbsp;our latest song, Lorena!<br /><br />Farrell Jackson for CDCG


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