<p>Hi all you Mixposure-ites! I was looking through some of the hidden songs that have been hiddenand archived on the shelves at the Carciello, Grant, DrC, Farrell, and Friends page. These songs have been posted before but they are getting a little dusty so I've taken the liberty (the others don't know I did this he he) to hit one with a feather duster and pull it out of the hidden archives and let it bask in the sun for a while. The song is Rob Grant's great vision of creating an instrumental that allows each member to strut our stuff a little on a wild fusion free for all jam. The song is pre Rayon Vert and it's called Knock Him Off. Here's the link if you want to check it out:.</p><p><a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/Carciello_Grant_Doctor_C_Farrell_and_Friends/music.php">ttp://www2.mixposure.com/Carciello_Grant_Doctor_C_Farrell_and_Friends/music.php</a></p><p>Rob Grant - Bass</p><p>DrC - keyboards</p><p>Gary Carciello - Guitar</p><p>Farrell Jackson - Harmonica</p><p>( I hope the fellas don't fire me for this lol!)</p><p>Farrell Jackson</p>
<p>Since this is NIGEL POTTER'S Month, I wanted to bring out a few of the songs, which I myself and Doc and Gary, had the opportunity of having Nigel Co-write and sing with us.</p><p>My first fortunate opportunity came when I asked Nigel to sing a song for me, called "From the Other Side". I was SHOCKED, when he accepted........and I have been so proud of that song ever since. With so many new people here, I decided to bring it out again and showcase Nigel in his month of "Artist of the Month" Spotlight. When the Carciello, Grant, Doctor C project started, we asked him to do some more songs........We were fortunate to have him do two for us....."Tolerate Me" and "Will to Survive", which he also wrote the lyrics and sung. I hope you enjoy these songs as much as we did having him singing them. I treasure these songs in my collection.</p><p>THANKS, NIGEL!!!</p><p>Rob</p>
<p><span style="font-size: x-small;">DrC - All sound effects, outstanding keyboards, arrangement, mixing/mastering.<br /><br />Gary Carciello - Fabulous Guitar solos and rhythm fills.<br /><br />Rob Grant - Excellent Bass guitar.<br /><br />Farrell Jackson - songwriter, all vocals, and rhythm guitar.<br /><br />This is CDCG&J's Halloween song submission<br /><br />The song lyric is loosely based on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I believe most are familar with this short story written by Irving Washington and first published in 1820. There have been many cartoons, stage musicals, and film adaptation of this story over the years so I thought it would make a good Mixposure Halloween song topic and submission. Although, it was a bit challenging to tell the tale in 4 short verses. DrC, Gary, and Rob have all performed up to the excellence that The Mixposure Family has come to expect from these great musicians. Together we have given it some rockin' and spooky life!<br />I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm honored that these guy's let me hang with them musically...............<br /><br />Get ready for Halloween and all the spooky cool songs that are starting to pop up.......Enjoy!<br /><br />Farrell Jackson<br /></span></p>
<p>An excellent hard rocker!</p><p>Gary Carciello - all guitars, songwriter, and drums programming.</p><p>Rob Grant - Bass guitar.</p><p>DrC - all keyboards, mixing, and production.</p><p>Farrell Jackson - melody, lyric, and vocal.</p><p>Gary's guitar work and writing on this song is stupendous....he's the man! Rob's bass adds a bit of funkiness to this rocker that makes one tap their feet in time. DrC's keyboards are always on fire and his very capable mixing and productions skills shine throughout!</p><p>When ever I get a song sent to me for vocal additions, as was the case with LUAM, they are so full of energy and finesse that it inspires another level of vocal performance from me or at least I like to think so, lol!</p><p>We hope you enjoy the song!</p><p>Farrell Jackson for CGDC&F</p>
<p>Gentle Giant......hmmmmmm??? Remember them?? Always one of my favorite. The bass player, Ray Schulman, always played really neat riffs and I always wanted to write a song like them. NOT THAT I COULD?!?!?!?!?! BUT!! I sure wanted to try <img src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />. I put together a bunch of bass and drum riffs, with some off time stuff and through together a basic arrangement and went to Doc and Farrell and asked for help, to come up with a GG type song. They both liked what they heard, but Farrell grabbed the song and ran with it. He put together all of the backing guitars and vocals and did some minor re-arranging. He sent me a sample of what he had done.....and I was...WHOAED OVER!!!! I LOVED IT!! The Mood, The Feel, The Storyline.....ALL fit perfectly to me. We then gave it to DOC and the PROG gods shown over him gloriously, IMHO. He NEVER seizes to amaze me, the way he adapts to all styles of music. We then went to Gary C, to put his final Lead Guitar touch on it......and THAT, he did.....and just as DOC does, Gary too, can change with the wind and fit to whatever is put in front of him. I LOVE working with these guys. THANKS...FARRELL, DOC and GARY for making another one of my dreams come true.....a GG type song <img src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" /></p><p>Rob</p><p> </p>
Another collaboration from CDCG&F called Lorena! The song is listed as progressive rock but it's a blend of several styles so I guess prog rock is the right place! I love working with the powerful music that is generated from this collab group. DrC, Gary, and Rob are all great musicians that bring excellence to the musical table. In this group's work setting the word collaboration means just that. Although the initial song or idea may be presented by one individual (DrC in this case) the group has input on all aspects to bring the song to it's final stage. I believe that cohesiveness is heard in the music. That's also why this final version is take #14, LOL!<br /><br />The lyric is about a passionate love that is unwinding. Each realize the inevitable end but still they long for that one last encounter.<br /><br />I hope you enjoy our latest song, Lorena!<br /><br />Farrell Jackson for CDCG
A prog rock song with a subject pulled from recent news. It's about a young man that was diagnosed as being bipolar. He committed suicide while away at college. He had a web cam set up in his room with a chat room of peers looking on for several hours, as he took the pills. No one called for help until it was too late. The lyric pretty much tells the story but with our interpretation...................<br /><br />The ugly thought of no one really recognizing the severity of the young man's depth of illness and getting him the help he needed was disturbing to us so we did what musician's do....we wrote a song about it with the hope that it might bring some attention to the subject and to not let this teenager's life and death pass in vain. <br /><br />Farrell Jackson for CDCG&F
<p>This is actually an old song I wrote call "Always Miss Communication". My original intention was to redo the song with DAZED, but as I went along, I asked DOC C to redo the keyboards. This is where it all got changed <img src="images/smilies/face-smile.png" border="0" alt="smile" title="smile" />. DOC has this thing about him, that I have always admired........I call it.....TALENT!!!......hehehehehehehe. He took the tracks that Dazed and I did.....removed my drums and added his.....got rid of my guitar and changed the whole feel of the song. I REALLY LOVED what he did. We then approached Gary Carciello and asked him to add his guitar magic....which he did and I am MOST Appreciative of <img src="images/smilies/face-grin.png" border="0" alt="grin" title="grin" />. Dazed wrote the lyrics and did a SUPER job with the vocals and I am PROUD as heck to have them on this song and deeply involved. A special Thanks to Farrell for his understanding of the way this all came about and his strong support of this project.<br /><br />Rob</p>