Carciello, Grant, Doctor C, Farrell and Friends
Carciello, Grant, Doctor C, Farrell and Friends

Category: New CDCG&F song about a disturbing subject..........

Last Day

By Admin, 2009-01-18

A prog rock song with a subject pulled from&nbsp;recent news. It's&nbsp;about a young man that was diagnosed as being bipolar. He committed suicide while away at college. He had a web cam set up in his room with a chat room of peers looking on for several hours, as he took the pills. No one called for help until it was too late. The lyric pretty much tells the story but with our interpretation...................<br /><br />The&nbsp;ugly thought of no one really recognizing the severity of the young man's depth of illness and getting him the help he needed was disturbing to us so we did what musician's do....we wrote a song about it&nbsp;with the hope that it might bring some attention to the subject and to not let this teenager's life and death pass in vain. <br /><br />Farrell Jackson for CDCG&amp;F