Boliviana is a latin-based rhythm and was fun to play. It's short.
Light jazzy swingy instrumental. Okay, I'm busted. This isn't my song. On the other hand, it's not under copyright, no title that I could find.... It's a catchy tune that I liked as soon as I heard it, and I figured I'd learn it to expand my horizons.
An acoustic blues in the Delta style that I wrote a few years ago and thought I'd better get cut while I was thinking about it. I really like playing and need to get something other then the $49.00 acoustic that I have...the neck is too narrow for my thick fingers...on the other hand, I like a cheaper guitar for the raw sound...once some setup has been done, rarely have met a guitar I didn't like!
Yeah, real original title...a song I conceived years ago and that still has not been brought to fruition(?). It has lyrics but I'm not messing with them at the moment, just wanted to lay this down. I'm using, if I remember right, a knock-off tele played through my '50s Fender Deluxe, recorded with Audacity.
John "Riney" Rhineholt plays bass and sings his song. He got together a bunch of us and threw it all in there and come out pretty good. Since it's not mine, I just inserted the section with my contribution. It has a real nice feel and we were all happy with the results.
Born in South America of USA parents, Davey cut his teeth on an eclectic mixture of Latin, 50s Rock&Roll, and the ubiquitous Pop sounds of his parents' generation. Starting in the folk era in the early 60s, Davey has performed bluegrass, Delta blues finger-picking, blues, country rock, and swing in club and concert settings. Heavily influenced by the wide variety of music of the late 60s, from Jimi Hendrix down to Dylan, his style of playing may include everything from straight-on blues to right-on country.