<p>Greets all, <br />This'll be a two parter. With the first half being for the site DJs and the second directed at the site's admin. Those who are familiar with me know how I ended up here. And for those that don't, our comrade in the craft, Devodale sent out an invite on <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Looperman.com</span> and I swung over. And just like the site I came from I can tell that this one has a really huge potential to be great. And just like on that site, I plan on investing myself here in whatever way that I can help it grow and prosper. Both have their advantages and here, it's the chat and radio broadcast features. And with that said, it's time for my first site suggestion.<br /><br />I'm not sure how many of you have been to the internet radio site <span style="text-decoration: underline;">DI.fm</span>, but it's sort of where I've set my standard for streaming audio (with it being pretty much continual all throughout the week, broken only by the occasional ad). One station in particular comes to mind here and is at the heart of what I'm trying to suggest here. The channel is, Replay and varies from day to day on them featuring older recordings. To date, I've heard 2 live sessions and am not entirely too sure if this site could record them (or if it'd even be a good thing to do), but there's one option. I will discuss the second below. Now it's time for an update...<br /> <br /><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Site DJs</span><br />I'll note that I have somewhere between 85 to 90 tracks on my <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Soundclick.com</span> page (excluding acapellas and remixes of other artists). Including my recently adding 3 of those songs to my page here. So if you would like to throw in any of my stuff to your mix (on here or elsewhere) just send me a message and we'll discuss things further there. <br /><br /><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Site Admin</span><br />If the site wants someone to create pre-recorded mix sessions to be featured as part of a streaming radio broadcast here (in between the regular DJ spots) shoot me an email and we can talk turkey about me creating some podcasts for the site. My sets usually run anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour and are seamless (running song to song, non-stop). I typically mix Electronica, but can also do other genres (rock, rap, r&b). Once done with the session I provide full playlist information of who was featured, their order, track name, album name, and year of release (if applicable) which can be placed here in my blog (along with a link to download the podcast). I can also do promotional clips for the site if they are needed/desired. <br /><br />And that about sums up this entry. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch next Monday's show. Well all, be easy and I'll talk at ya later on. <br /><br />PV/TC,<br />DV.</p><p>PS. I just noticed a site glitch- Bold text doesn't show up or hold when viewing the entry for some odd reason.</p>