Ed Roman
<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Ed Roman is a Bass oracle word smith from Ontario, Canada. Combining musical styles ranging from rock to funk...
<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Ed Roman is a Bass oracle word smith from Ontario, Canada. Combining musical styles ranging from rock to funk and folk, Ed Roman blends musical tapestries and stories together with dexterous compositions of jazz and gypsy-like melodies wrapped inside an organic fun and jammy atmosphere. In the last twenty years the multi-instrumentalist has amassed a wealth of life and musical experience, which is evident in the depth and originality of his music. <br />Since Ed began playing, studying and writing music in the early 80ʼs he has diversified into many fields of the music industry including live performance, studio musician, songwriter and teacher. His music, as well as music he recorded as a session player has been broadcast nationwide and has been released internationally. Ed has also toured across Canada, United States and Europe with various musical groups. <br /><br />Over the past ten years Ed has written, performed and produced four CDs with his band Special Ed and The Musically Challenged. Presently Ed isconcentrating on his solo material manifesting in the production of his soon to be released CD “Oracles And Ice Cream”. If that wasnʼt enough he is also running a private music school and a recording studio from his home near <br />Shelburne, Ontario. <br /><br />Edʼs music has been described as zany (heʼs been compared to Frank Zappa). His lyrics (sometimes quirky but always thought provoking) are based on Romanʼs personal thoughts, experiences and even dreams. He is primarily a bass player (considered by his peers to be one of the finest) but is just as <br />comfortable and competent with a guitar, sitting behind a drum kit or keyboard or taking on lead vocal <br />duties. “Music has always been a spiritual thing for me” says the musician, who often looks contentedly lost in <br />the sound waves when he plays. </span><br /><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">Romanʼs love of music is infectious. Although he appreciates classical music, his enjoyment comes primarily from jazz, which, he says, allows for more spontaneity of composition. His influences are many, including the kind of 50s and 60s music “that could make you swoon” and the early sounds of <br />Bob Dylan, “for the way he could inspire people to think music could change the world.” <br />“Intellect in music has its own sexiness” Roman asserts. “Music is missing that <br />ʻchange the worldʼ feeling. I donʼt think weʼll ever see another John Lennon.” <br />We may never see another John Lennon but with Edʼs soon to be released CD <br />“Oracles And Ice Cream” music is intelligent and sexy again....and may just change the world after all. </span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;"><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="385" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ed Roman is a Bass oracle word smith from Ontario, Canada. Combining musical styles ranging from rock to funk and folk, Ed Roman blends musical tapestries and stories together with dexterous compositions of jazz and gypsy-like melodies wrapped inside an organic fun and jammy atmosphere. In the last twenty years the multi-instrumentalist has amassed a wealth of life and musical experience, which is evident in the depth and originality of his music. Since Ed began playing, studying and writing music in the early 80ʼs he has diversified into many fields of the music industry including live performance, studio musician, songwriter and teacher. His music, as well as music he recorded as a session player has been broadcast nationwide and has been released internationally. Ed has also toured across Canada, United States and Europe with various musical groups. Over the past ten years Ed has written, performed and produced four CDs with his band Special Ed and The Musically Challenged. Presently Ed isconcentrating on his solo material manifesting in the production of his soon to be released CD “Oracles And Ice Cream”. If that wasnʼt enough he is also running a private music school and a recording studio from his home near Shelburne, Ontario. Edʼs music has been described as zany (heʼs been compared to Frank Zappa). His lyrics (sometimes quirky but always thought provoking) are based on Romanʼs personal thoughts, experiences and even dreams. He is primarily a bass player (considered by his peers to be one of the finest) but is just as comfortable and competent with a guitar, sitting behind a drum kit or keyboard or taking on lead vocal duties. “Music has always been a spiritual thing for me” says the musician, who often looks contentedly lost in the sound waves when he plays. Romanʼs love of music is infectious. Although he appreciates classical music, his enjoyment comes primarily from jazz, which, he says, allows for more spontaneity of composition. His influences are many, including the kind of 50s and 60s music “that could make you swoon” and the early sounds of Bob Dylan, “for the way he could inspire people to think music could change the world.” “Intellect in music has its own sexiness” Roman asserts. “Music is missing that ʻchange the worldʼ feeling. I donʼt think weʼll ever see another John Lennon.” We may never see another John Lennon but with Edʼs soon to be released CD “Oracles And Ice Cream” music is intelligent and sexy again....and may just change the world after all.&rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ed Roman is a Bass oracle word smith from Ontario, Canada. Combining musical styles ranging from rock to funk and folk, Ed Roman blends musical tapestries and stories together with dexterous compositions of jazz and gypsy-like melodies wrapped inside an organic fun and jammy atmosphere. In the last twenty years the multi-instrumentalist has amassed a wealth of life and musical experience, which is evident in the depth and originality of his music. Since Ed began playing, studying and writing music in the early 80ʼs he has diversified into many fields of the music industry including live performance, studio musician, songwriter and teacher. His music, as well as music he recorded as a session player has been broadcast nationwide and has been released internationally. Ed has also toured across Canada, United States and Europe with various musical groups. Over the past ten years Ed has written, performed and produced four CDs with his band Special Ed and The Musically Challenged. Presently Ed isconcentrating on his solo material manifesting in the production of his soon to be released CD “Oracles And Ice Cream”. If that wasnʼt enough he is also running a private music school and a recording studio from his home near Shelburne, Ontario. Edʼs music has been described as zany (heʼs been compared to Frank Zappa). His lyrics (sometimes quirky but always thought provoking) are based on Romanʼs personal thoughts, experiences and even dreams. He is primarily a bass player (considered by his peers to be one of the finest) but is just as comfortable and competent with a guitar, sitting behind a drum kit or keyboard or taking on lead vocal duties. “Music has always been a spiritual thing for me” says the musician, who often looks contentedly lost in the sound waves when he plays. Romanʼs love of music is infectious. Although he appreciates classical music, his enjoyment comes primarily from jazz, which, he says, allows for more spontaneity of composition. His influences are many, including the kind of 50s and 60s music “that could make you swoon” and the early sounds of Bob Dylan, “for the way he could inspire people to think music could change the world.” “Intellect in music has its own sexiness” Roman asserts. “Music is missing that ʻchange the worldʼ feeling. I donʼt think weʼll ever see another John Lennon.” We may never see another John Lennon but with Edʼs soon to be released CD “Oracles And Ice Cream” music is intelligent and sexy again....and may just change the world after all.&rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><br /></span></p>