Gordon Leed
Gordon Leed

Category: Dragonstale's Tales

About 'Tally (Intro) A New project

By Dragonstale, 2009-08-30
About 'Tally (Intro) A New project

<p>Well, I am astounded by your words my friends. I thought it may get something but not quite this !! Thanks so much for your comments...and nice to here from you all! Tomorrow I intend to add the lyrice myself just to give it a little more substance but ti would really need a female voice to bring it to life. I hope the lady herself will accept my request o add her own voice...it would carry so much more of her personality I feel...but if not, I&nbsp;shall be seeking a sweet and sultry voice form the Mix ---&gt;&nbsp;(Are you there Gina hahahah) Once again thanks for the comments ... they truly mean such a lot to me. - Gordon</p>

Many thanks

By Dragonstale, 2008-11-11
Many thanks

I'd just like to say a huge thank you to all of my friends here who have written wishing me well after my surgery last weekend.<br /><br />Suffice to know that Ima now feeling great...in fact I feel as if I have been reborn!!<br /><br />So it is also a huge vote of thanks to Miss JM Nethercliffe and her team at the Urology Department of Edith Cavell Hospital, to Mr PAtarnak who carried out the surgery on me, and to Mr Markasov, the aneasthetist who did his very best to stop me registering a 9 on the Richter Scale as I was shaking so much as they wheeled me intot the theatre!!!! :) Also tot he lovely Dr Fatia Mambani for her after care and mostly to the lovely nurses who saw to my every need without me asking....without the nurses I think my recovery would have taken a lot longer...in fact, they were so gorgeous, and so good at their jobs, that I even pondered going back for another one!!!! <br /><br />Anyway...thanks everyone for your good wishes...appreciated very much...:)<br /><br />Gordon


By Dragonstale, 2008-11-09

As I am still suffering a little and unable to spend too much time working on here, I have decided that my current song 'Angel' shold be dedicated to those lovely ladies who looked after me so well, before, during and after my surgery.<br /><br />These are all nurses who work with patients treated by the Urology Department of Edith Cavell hospital...for those unaware of what a ironary tract b;ockage or a simple infection can do toy uo, beluebe nem ut is one of rge worst possible addlictions. Insufferable pain, stress, and so so depressing at times.<br /><br />These girls bring a bit of sunshine with hteir caring...they make us smile, laugh and always so happy to come and help when needed and instant help...no waiting.<br /><br />In the ward there is a small notice asking that anyone wishing tohelp cna make a small donation to the 'Nurse's Development Fund'. this is a fund which helps these lovely ladies t understand more fully what it is they are dealing with when treating patients, also it is on place to buy equipment to help them socialise with the patients, which I fel is an important achievement as some of the people Imet in there have been in for months suffering various ailments including prostate cancer, kidney failure, kidnet and bladder cancers and other major rpoblems witht he unrianry tract.<br /><br />Now, I would liek to chatge ONE DOLLAR for downloads of @Angel' ALL of which will go tot hat fund...so come one golks...please, please help me give something back to these wonderful and lovely ladies...and to help them achieve even more in ther work.<br /><br />(Please also bear inm ind, that these firls wprk 12 hoour shifts for poor salaries, if they drive, they have to PAY to park their cars at work...and in many cases their work is taken purely for granted....some folk just don't appreciate the value of hwat hese girls do on a daily basis in difficult circumstances...<br /><br />thanks a lot .. nw please downlaod the osng and make your donation...ecery single cent will go int o that improvement fund.<br /><br />A BIG THANK YOU ALSO TO ALLWHO HAVE WRITTEN TO ME OFFERING COMFORTING WORDS...and beleiev me, it is indeed great to be back!!!!<br /><br />All the best to all<br /><br />Gordon

Home again...

By Dragonstale, 2008-11-09
Home again...

<span style="font-size: x-small; color: #c0c0c0; font-family: book antiqua,palatino;">Hello all...<img src="images/smilies/face-grin.png" border="0" alt="grin" title="grin" /><br /><br />Well, I am sure some of you will have noticed that I have been sort of conspicuous by my absence recently.<br /><br />This is because I have been to the local hospital to undergo surgery for my long running prostate and bladder problem.<br /><br />Thankfully this is now behind me and feeling a lot better. So after th epast three days languishing in a hospital bed with no music whatsoever and having to pay to watch tv...and not much of a choice of that either, I have to say that I am happy to be home again and to be rid of the nuisance which has troubled me for the past 6 years.<br /><br />Now I will be going to work on some music for ther wonderful and lovely nurses at Edith Cavell Hospital here in peterborough...to say thanks for their care and their lovely smiles which made me feel so much at ease.<br /><br />It is, due tot he nature of the surgery, going to be difficult to sit for any length of time so these new works will take tie to complete but I hope you'll all give them a listen when they appear... :)<br /><br />It has been a stressful few months leading up to this ioeration and I gave to say thank you to my lovely friend, subhext of many of my songs, for her unwaverinf suooirt throughout my illness. :) (Now you may understand why so much of my music is dedicated to Rose.)<br /><br />right then, back to work...<br /><br />Also I need to thank everyone on mixposure for their good words about my music...it is very much appreciated. once I have fully recovered I will be able to take more time to return reviews...previously was difficult to spend a long time sitting and for the time being remains more so...a week or two will see me right though and then I'll listen and review a lot more than I have been doing.<br /><br />Many thanks to all at the mix who have writtne to me for whatever reason...it is good to meet new and appreciative friends.<br /><br />Regards to all,<br /><br />Gordon <img src="images/smilies/face-smile.png" border="0" alt="smile" title="smile" /></span>