<p>I appreciate the comments so far to the song. It was done in Jan 06...yea I'm a little behind...lol</p>
<p>Rarely IMO do I ever find the right sound when I record. Thank god for all the wonderful tools one can use to get that sound from your brain to your computer..</p><p>With that being said, please have a listen to my newest creation</p><p>Sooner or Later</p><p>Anyway, I'm really tootin my own horn a bit..lol But I really think at least the backing guitars sound really sweet..</p><p> </p><p>PLAY IT LOUD!</p>
Sometimes I like to go thru things I've done in the past and try and enhance them (master if you will..lol)<br /><br />So I changed this song a little bit and threw in another guitar along with a new backing in the beginning.<br /><br />hope you enjoy the listen
Dazed suggested adding a blog to my original post in the Collab forum, so here it is..<br /><br />Again, just seeing if anyone wants to collab on this for fun..