Category: New Track
This is the polished Instramental Version. Includes bits from 'Gentleman Perfer Blonds" , "Gilda" , "Bondage", "Charade", and a few other old movies (The Vintage Ladies are Hot!! :D) Currently working on Lyrics With Rolla Sessum of Incarnate Word hopefully to be recorded in the near Future! http://www.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_26868.php
<p>Jim's AE - Wiretap Vs. GVE - Drone State (welcome to Slavery)</p><p><a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_17387.php">http://www2.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_17387.php</a></p><p>This is an interesting blend of styles! Comments welcome! Jims in it how can you go wrong :0D</p><p> </p>
Hope this finds you all well! 2 New Tracks posted recently! As always feedback is greatly appreciated! Plan B http://www.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_14688.php Anthem[Sparkle:Digress:Implode] http://www.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_14727.php Thanks for listening! All The Best Lindsey PS if you havent checked out the Holloween track yet you can find it here http://www.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_14275.php
Just posted my Halloween contast entry! Its a Horror film tribute and is an industral, classcal, Metal fuson type piece! Listen soon and listen often! Sleep well children Lindsey
Hello Mix! I just uploaded the instramental version of a new song I am working the vocals out for! Hopefully some of you will enjoy it! Thanks for listening! All the Best Lindsey
I am truly excited to have hadthe opportunity to work wt Kerrin and Scott od LttD! Thank you guys a ton for allowng me to remix "Break Me." If you have the time please drop by and check it out...it is truly unique! http://www.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_14068.php I have also posted a new track recently called (Pretty Thing). It aan intersting melodic take on an electronic love song! qute a radical departure from the norm for a GVE Track! Any feedback is greatly apprecated! A huge thanks to all who have already graced me with your time and response! http://www.mixposure.com/GVE/song_focus_13696.php all the best Lindsey
<p> KED! Did a Massive Job on this Mix! I am absolutely thrilled to have had the oppurtunity to send this to him so he could work his magic. This is the Final mix for the EP of Leave you Nothing good thing cause I don't think I could top this one if I tried LOL!</p>
<p>I was approached by someone I believed to be a friend of mine and told that I should spend time to more productive things than electronic music. "what good does it do you? You don't make any money off of it, and besides...what kinda talent does it take to push a bunch of buttons?" Thats when she got the double barrel two finger salute!</p><p> Well Madam this Remix is my reply to that statement. Just goes to show whats wrong with most of this world in a nut shell..it's all about Money and if you don't think like I do your an Idiot. Pffft close minded? then who's the fool I ask?</p><p>anyway enough Venting. Do not Blink on this one or you will miss something it's rather strange but fun imo. This goes along with my viXen EP The original version of everything stiil stands as is, this the Club remix! and sorta the beside I guess!</p><p>Thanks for listening!</p><p>All the Best</p><p>Lindsey</p><p> </p>
Hello Everyone! Posted a Remix of "Leave You Nothing" Very thrilled with the results! Wanted to keep the song the same but ultimatley very different (which makes no sense but it's the only way i can describe it) I think the result is quite interesting. As always any feedback is greatly appreciated! All The Best Lindsey
This is a Demo Mix of a New track Ive been working on. The intro was originally a Prelude I had done some time ago untill dun dun dun dun! the dreaded hard drive dump :0( I managed to recover most of it except for the Soft synth used in it so I readpted it to become the Intro for this track original called Inner Demons(Collide)! Which is why you have this ridicuously long Title lol! Happy Lisitening!