Hugo Balbi
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@steph, 12/30/19 05:18:40PM
Hiya Hugo.
While listening to your tracks i couldn't help but notice that i hear a lot of yngwie malmsteen
in your music , i take it you have listened to a lot of Yngwie Malmteen ...
Good work though like what you offer
Thanks for making music , people like you and i make the world that much better with what we have to offer
Peace out
Stephen Klitscher --- AKA Steph Klish
Hiya Hugo.
While listening to your tracks i couldn't help but notice that i hear a lot of yngwie malmsteen
in your music , i take it you have listened to a lot of Yngwie Malmteen ...
Good work though like what you offer
Thanks for making music , people like you and i make the world that much better with what we have to offer
Peace out
Stephen Klitscher --- AKA Steph Klish