Okay, would like the Mixposure gathering's opinion. Been working on album art, and have the first draft done, but since I generally suck at designing feedback would be greatly appreciated. This is only the front cover, by the way.<br /><br />Those in the know will also see a title change to the album, too.<br /><br /><br />
And so it is....<br /><br />New track, and last upload for a little while because I have to throw it all into finishing this album-which will be ready for January even if I have to become a hermit over Christmas lol.<br /><br /><strong>TO WATCH HER LEAVE</strong> is a scenario probably most of us guys have been in over our life spans. The woman you loved so deeply walks away, climbs into her car and all you can do is watch her disappear into the scenary.<br /><br /><strong>A STORY TO TELL<br /></strong>The album is 75% done, and while there is still an awful lot of work to do, it's looking mighty fine if I do say so myself. If you have downloaded any of the tracks on Mixposure you might notice a track number, this is not set as I've playing around with orders to find the most comfortable position for all the tracks so far.<br /><br />The album itself is a true story, hence the title, and all the tracks are drawn from one moment in my little history. It hasn't been easy, what with all the dragging up of memories both good and bad, trying to find sounds that suit the mood, but it HAS been fun to do.<br /><br />The release date is penciled for January and it's a goal I want to keep shooting for. <br /><br /><strong>UPDATE:</strong> 10/06/08<br /><em>Track listing is as follows, please note there may be a change or two before final relese.<br /></em><br />1. Home Leaving<br />2. Below A Stranger Sky<br />3. Lazy Day In Harvey<br />4. Night Trippin' Wichita<br />5. Little "D" <br />6. All Around Us Horizon<br />7 The Betrayal and the Madness<br />8. To Watch Her Leave<br />9. Airport Windows<br />10. Farewell To New Beginnings<br /><br />Enjoy the new track (I hope), and as usual any comments, drinks or gifts are more than welcome lol.<br /><br />IDIOM<br /><br />
Well I'm getting close to filling up my page lol. My new track is up, edited, re-edited, bashed against a wall and swore at until it gave in and submitted.<br /><br /><strong>Below A Stranger Sky</strong> is based on one night I sat on a porch seat and watched stars that I never saw back home. The moon had a different sheen away from the smog infested skies I had left behind. It was a beautiful moment, the air was crisp that late September evening and I can still taste the night air.<br /><br />Better stop there, starting to get all choked up lol. Anyway hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy the memories. <br /><br />IDIOM
In my more than restless sleep last night my mind wandered to the construction of my first album; covers, CD labels, track orders, promotion, all the daily household chores of getting music in a single package for people to keep. Is it worth it?<br /><br />Of course it's worth making an album or two, but is it worth all the aggravation of having CD's printed/ burned when most your album, if not all of it will end up being converted into MP3 and jammed into a mini player in someone's pocket? <br /><br />Take an examination of the practical and non practical aspects of albums these days and I think we will find the answers. So here we have a CD collection. Let's say there are 500 CD's all catalogued and neatly arranged within a cabinet for easy locating. Now, while it looks impressive, and while it's a lovely focal point and great conversation starter: "Jeez, you got one hell of a collection!" I have a question: When it comes time for you to move..........<br /><br />You got a mini van for most of your stuff and a semi for the CD's. They're heavy, bulky in boxes and a damn nuisance to shift. Shoulda got yourself an MP3 player dude, cause the other side of the coin is a whole lot rosier.<br /><br />Same scenario, but you're showing a friend your collection on your PC. Album art decorates the folders and you have 30GB of pure beauty at your fingertips. Easy to carry around once in an MP3 player/iPOD and you don't have to wait to get home to listen to your favorite album. Then of course it comes time to move and really, there's nothing being transported that you didn't already have. Music files don't make your PC heavier.<br /><br />So as an artist and musician, what would you aim for? The practical side of album creation where the files could be stored easier without taking up any physical room in the apartment/house, or the eye candy album; a physical reach out and touch object that you have to find a place for inbetween your partners favorite trophy or figurine?<br /><br />I know which one I'd rather shoot for.
Well, the girlfriend Justina wants some US time, and while that's cool, I don't wanna. I mean, come on, am I gonna get an extensive fix of cool music? Am I gonna find pleasure in creating something that I've labored over for weeks? Am I gonna talk to people with the same interests and aims? Er...ah...er...nope lol<br /><br />I will get all my meals cooked, a free flowing supply of drink, a days shopping in the city, pillow fights (don't ask!), movie, more food, more drink.<br /><br />Man it's a tough choice. Anyway, bag packed ready to shoot.<br />You all have a good weekend, take care of the cat and no fighting over the remote.<br /><br />See you all Sunday evening/Monday morning<img src="images/smilies/face-grin.png" border="0" alt="grin" title="grin" /><br /><br />IDIOM<br />(feeling homesick already)
The music is staying just on the Mix for now just to see how the page goes with it. Anyhow, joined Facebook out of boredom lol. You can nip along and say boo here:<br /><br />http://www.facebook.com/pages/IDIOM/36232639342#<br />
You can go on vacation, have an hour to yourself or attempt to meet a deadline and time hits fast forward and you're battling against the clock, but why, oh why, on a Sunday when you think it's time for dinner it's only 2.30pm and you've had enough of the day already?<br /><br />Let's examine: <br />I've cleaned the apartment, done my washing, showered, made lunch, worked solidly on a track, been to the store to get some things, chatted to the woman in my life for probably an hour and a half and browsed Mixposure, and I crawled outta bed at 9.30. On a Saturday, or any other day of the week it would now be 1am and my day would have been full. <br /><br />Is there a Sunday Conspiracy Theory? Does the world revolve a little slower? Why is there never anything to watch on a Sunday in the UK except re-runs of the stuff that was on during the week? Is there really need for an Omnibus of the 500 soap operas we have here? <br /><br />I know Sunday is a day of rest, but that doesn't mean an extra 60 seconds into every minute so the minute hand doesn't have to move around the clock so fast!!<br /><br />Ahhhhhhh...always good to vent.<br /><br />Oh, by the way, birthday in October. I want a 1 TB pc with a 40 GB memory, 60 inch monitor and a home theater system for cool sound quality<img src="images/smilies/face-devil-grin.png" border="0" alt="devil" title="devil" />
A lot of my old music isn't around anymore, partially because it sucked, secondly I gave up trying to accomplish single handed what a team did better. Now what you <strong>probably</strong> wont know is that once upon a time I <strong>did</strong> land at the old Mix from a very brief spell as a singer songwriter, but my primary home was on Unsigned Band Web where I had a heck of a lot of memories. Recently I thought "why the hell not" and stuck up "Home Leaving" (recently being 11 hrs 30 minutes ago according to the time frame they have listed next to new songs.) 2 plays one download-not bad. Anyway sidetracking here.<br /><br />I thought wouldn't it be cool if I let you all <strong>listen</strong> to what I used to do, and thankfully I don't have to sit there with ya while you listen lol, I'd probably drop dead through embarassment! First here's the lyrics, and my artist name was <strong>Will Bailey</strong> named after me and my son. Although I first went under Don Brooks, then Seeking Savannah.<br /><br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td class="postbody" valign="top"><span style="font-weight: bold;">WASTELAND</span> <br /><address> (c)willbailey2005 </address> <br /> There's a blood red moon risin' <br /> As the vampires come out to play <br /> Murderers and thieves rise from their beds <br /> Deep in their hideaways <br /> The distant beast of thunder <br /> Calls it's hungry roar <br /> Tonight there's gonna be a death ballet <br /> Like you never seen before <br /> <br /> Livin' it up in the wasteland <br /> Livin' it up in the wasteland, baby <br /> Livin' it up in the wasteland <br /> We may escape with our lives <br /> <br /> The hotrods lie in waiting <br /> For their riders praying in the dust <br /> There's a hunger and fear <br /> That turns to angry lust <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">BRIDGE</span> <br /> <br /> And a million miles away there's people <br /> In their fancy steel built homes <br /> Who will pass away with thier family <br /> Out here you die alone <br /> <br /> The girls are hitchin' up their skirts <br /> Hopin' to be caught <br /> They're just cattle in the market ring <br /> Ready to be sold and bought <br /> <br /> Livin' it up in the wasteland <br /> Livin' it up in the wasteland, baby <br /> Livin' it up in the wasteland <br /> We may escape with our lives</td>
<td class="genmed" height="40" valign="bottom"></td>
and here's the link to paste into the browser:<br /><br />http://www.unsignedbandweb.com/music/bands/2231/<br /><br />oh and there's a second track there called Dead Of The Night, lyrics below:<br /><br />DEAD OF THE NIGHT <br /> ©willbailey2005 <br /> <br /> In a quiet chapter of nowhere <br /> A lonely shadow stands <br /> Chokin' on a cigarette <br /> Held by aging hands <br /> In his mind flows memories <br /> Of people he can't fight <br /> Hopin' to seal his own fate <br /> In the dead of the night <br /> <br /> Tramps on the corner <br /> Burn trash in white hot metal <br /> Staring lost and hurt <br /> Into their man made hell <br /> Burnin' embers their lives <br /> Drifting upward to the sky <br /> Hopin' to save their souls <br /> In the dead of the night <br /> <br /> Young girl earnin' money <br /> By sellin' her sacred temple <br /> The job's night work <br /> But the money plentyful <br /> Deep down she's a check out girl <br /> Or maybe a a lovin' wife <br /> But dreams don't exist <br /> In the dead of the night <br /> <br /> And all over this world people cry <br /> As what they hope for fades away <br /> <br /> It all turns to dust <br /> In the dead of the night <br /> It all turns to hell <br /> In the dead of the night<br /><br />