Implied Logic
This Ain't Your Ordinary CoffeeHouse Show - Arabica
Saturday Dec 19 2009, 10:00 PM
@ 7462 Broadview Rd. Parma, Ohio USA 44129
<p>That's right!!!! This ain't your ordinary coffeehouse show! Implied Logic has been the forerunner in changing the face of entertainment in America's...
Richfield Arabica
Saturday Dec 12 2009, 8:00 PM
@ 4174 Wheatley Rd, Richfield Ohio 44286
<p>Implied Logic make their official debut with the whole band at this Arabica location. Cozy room with an inviting atmosphere, complete with fireplace. Implied Logic...
Implied Logic @ Sadie Rene's - $3 Cover
Thursday Dec 3 2009, 12:00 AM
@ 7200 WHIPPLE AVENUE NW, North Canton, Ohio USA 44720
<p>Sadie Rene's features original artists on Wednesday and Sunday nights! December 2 will be Implied Logic and our good friends Rumbledaddy, as we tag team the audience...