
"My Love" (My Lord)

album: "The Good"
genre: Alternative
streams: 139
creation date: 2007-12-13

  Song Lyrics
You have gone, never to see you anymore, miles away from here, from this place…
  Song Information
Recorded on a 4Track (Tascam 244 The Original) Room : 2nd floor 1918 Building (Double brick walls with plaster, floor wood with vinyl & a little...
"My Love" (My Lord)
12/14/07 06:01:39PM @inkrypter:
Thanks Robert is goog to know you appreciate my playing...
12/13/07 09:08:40PM @robert-smith:
I love your ideas Rene - a real creative artist.
12/13/07 08:17:44PM @inkrypter:
Thank you Warren, for making suggestions to my song...
12/13/07 07:44:37PM @dazed:
very cool! I really like the changes you have done in this track. It is a great arrangement. I think your mix could use a little tweaking. I think you could make this song sound so huge with some mixing tricks.

Enjoyed the song!

12/13/07 07:13:37PM @inkrypter:
Thank you Henry, your review is most welcome & very insighful...
12/13/07 12:28:54PM @henry-tarnecky:
Liked the pensive rock flow of the track and the matching emotional aspects of the vocal style. The injected opening and ending creative strange sound effects were interesting and the vocal effects were also a good idea for the overall track vibe. They could have been a bit more out front at times for my failing ears.... enjoyed


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