<p>Hi, I'm Sugarboy, the mascot for the award winning studio band "itchieCat". Yes, it is true that I am hearing impaired and I will never be...
<p>Hi, I'm Sugarboy, the mascot for the award winning studio band "itchieCat". Yes, it is true that I am hearing impaired and I will never be able to hear the music...but You Please feel free to listen...Enjoy!!! ItchieCat is not so much an actual performing band, but more of a 'studio project', utilizing various musicians and vocalists for the distinct characteristics that each one brings to each individual project. Everyone comes together with his or her own personal artistic contribution, freely, for the love of music, and with the intention of achieving the highest quality outcome possible. Our artistic goal is to provide enjoyable music for a diverse range of tastes, rather than sticking to one particular style or genre. The finished recordings are then made available to the general public on various internet music sites, where most can be streamed or downloaded at no cost to the listener. Many thanks go out to our fans and supporters! Please... listen and enjoy! <br /><br />ITCHIECAT's tips of the day....If you'll change the cat box every other day and wash it out with bleach then rinse, dry, then fill it with fresh litter...you won't have that HOORENDOUS smell to contend with. And if your little darling comes in from outside hacking up huge wet wads of grass all over the sofa, don't worry about it...they'll dry. When the fleas get bad... move. Try serving Sardeen Pizza at your next party...it'll be a hit! Never accept an invitation to a party hosted by a "Dog"! If you must wear underwear, always make sure they're clean...you never know when you might get run over by a bus. Enjoy your "Catatonic Cocktail" while driving! The Highway Patrolman will never smell it on your breath...but if he catches you singing off-key...your busted! ItchieCat sez... To heck with the helpful tips for today...Gimme A Hit, download me, and while I've got your attention...Do you think I'm a HOTTIE? Do I look fat in this? Be honest! <br /><br /><br />This is some of what has been said about itchieCat from scouts at BeSonic.com <br /><br />Reviews: 04.11.2004 Colin Lynch about ITCHIECAT: ItchieCat - Internet idol for the digital revival Archie Floyd Bowen aka Itchiecat has some very special qualities that need to be mentioned.. as an artist, he has inspired and supported an entire online artist community with his thinking, with his masterful and orginal songwriting and production techniques, with his humour and wisdom, and in his efforts to remind us all that we share one world that desperately needs to fly the flag of peace much more often, instead of one that represents greed, hate, and misunderstanding. So what is it about ItchieCat that stimulates so much interest and world wide respect? Well.. I could go track by track and tell you all how innovative and superb and wonderful itchie's music can be... but then you can play and download whatever you like of his and his collaborations with other outstanding artists to make that discovery for yourself. It's enough really to know that many truly superb artists have provided their own interpretations in covers of his work, most notably 'Down on me' .. one of the most beautiful songs ever presented to the online music community. In March 2004, both ItchieCat and Mike Weldon were awarded an IOMA for best songwriter along with other prestigious nominations, but besides the certificates and the accolades that go with that, what we really have here is a plain and simle truth... that ItchieCat's work has attracted the admiration, respect, and appreciation from artists all over. That's why he has a presentation disc and certificate hanging on his wall! As one of the most compassionate human beings I have met in recent years, ItchieCat's efforts for his self-initiated 'Artists For Peace' project, have been entirely borderless, and limitless. This is a man brought up and bungled into a US Military community and that in itself, takes some courage to endure. His solace and comfort however, are in his knowing that he can make his thoughts and voicings count.. if only there were many many more guys like him! I have spoken to Archie on the phone, enjoyed his music, listened to his radio show, and split my sides with laughter at his BeSonic forum antics and presence for quite some time now... but of all the artist entrances (and departures) I have witnessed over the past year at BeSonic in particular, none have been so positively thought and emotion provoking as that image of the virtual super trouper light beam that shines on Archie Floyd Bowen aka ItchieCat. <br /><br />10.08.2004 Phillip E. Hardy about ITCHIECAT: I know the truth when I hear it; and we all know the truth will set you free. Tonight I sit here in the serenity of my den, just over a mile from the somewhat blue waters of surf town USA, otherwise known as Huntington Beach. I am blessed to be surrounded by trophies of my recent accomplishments and to know that I am fortunate in my opportunity to play music, as well as write about it. In the window sits one of my favorite critters in the world, a happily bloated, orange cat by the name of Darcy. However, tonight, it is my chief purpose to write about another one of my preferred kitties. ItchieCat is an able trio of musicians that includes Candice Chafton Childress, Mike Weldon and Archie Floyd Bowen (AFB). These cool feline beings are responsible for making some of the finest music that is currently available at Besonic. Though I have not had the pleasure of meeting Mike or Candice, I have frequently corresponded with Mr. Bowen and have found him to be a wonderful musical friend who had been supportive, humorous and generous with his time. This past Saturday, he hosted a radio show on LRS and did a brilliant job putting together a set of music mostly from the seventies and perhaps tipping his hat to some of his musical influences. According to a recent interview in Scout's Digest, AFB also draws heavy inspiration from celebrated 60's artists like the Beatles and Buffalo Springfield, as well "country music in general" (Scouts, Digest). If you are new to this site and would like to savor the delights of this interesting group, I would like to offer some listening suggestions that will probably make you purr. First, I would like to suggest that you check out "Down on Me", a musical prayer for peace that is not only melodic but beautiful in its simplicity. Next is a song I love called "I Can't Try When I'm Dead", a cover version of a tune by another great Besonic artist calling himself Away With The Fairys". This song truly reminds me of the Statler Brothers and the aforementioned Buffalo Springfield. Sounding a great deal like the instrumental bit on Del Shannon's "Runaway", the authentic 60's flavor is nicely augmented by the keyboard solo midway through the track. Of course, no musical sojourn into the IC catalogue would be complete without sampling the rags to riches tale of "Scruffy and Me". This is a delightfully amusing collaboration between the kitties and Besonic bluesman Bubba Blues. This story of a down on his luck man and faithful dog presents this poetic passage: "Nobody wanted Scruffy, Nobody wanted me. We both lived on the street; we both lived on hand outs to eat. We both got blisters on our feet, me and scruffy, scruffy and me. We both got matted hair; but me and scruffy don't care. Its really kinda neat cause we're together and now scruffy's in heat". Now I may be over analyzing the lyrics but I think it is excellent social satire and the tongue and cheek bluesy feel fits the words like Jennifer Lopez fits her Capri pants. Finally, the latest acoustic folk effort by the hepcats is a track called "Angel with a Mandolin" and it cleverly intertwines some classical church hymns into the original melody and features a pretty vocal performance by Candice, Mike and another contributing singer named Crystal Watts. The Scout That Never Sleeps is ever vigilante in his quest to find musical truth and beauty; and I am not the first one here at this site to shine a light on this talented group. Nevertheless, I know the truth when I hear it; and we all know the truth will set you free. <br /><br />10.03.2004 Global Trancemission about ITCHIECAT: Itchie Cat is one of the most diverse and entertaining artists on Besonic Itchie Cat is probably one of the most diverse and entertaining artists on Besonic. Most people know Itchie Cat through Archie Floyd Bowen who to many is the voice of Itchie Cat in the Forum although there are three full time members of Itchie Cat. Mike Weldon and Candice Chafton are both a major part of this talented group. There are also many guest musicians who play on their tracks also. So what makes Itchie Cat special…………Well the first thing that springs to mind is the simple fact that when a new song appears you have no way of knowing which of the many genres it will be !! Itchie Cat have made Pop, Country, Blues ,Bluegrass, Techno and Dance tracks amongst the mixture of genres that they work with. What makes them extra special is that the content of the songs can cover subjects that range from funny to topical or even outrageous. Archie is a man passionate about his music and many of his songs make a statement. Viral Overload is about the spread of AIDS and other diseases in the world today. Humpback Liberation is about the dwindling numbers of the Humpback Whale. Goodbye Baghdad is a topical song about Iraq and many of the songs are about World peace. But to assess this artist you have to go deeper than the lyrics and messages of the songs. The diversity of styles and the collective talents employed here give us some quality music which should not be missed. Archie writes beautiful songs like "Whistlewind" and "Into the Rainbow" which is a very 60's style track or he is equally at home with the very unusual " Dope Fiend Roams" which is a story told with music in a very psychedelic way !! Then you could play "Hold Me To Your Heart" which features Mikes vocals or "Diamond Doll" Last but certainly not least are the talents of Candice. Just listen to "Down on me" and "I'll Always be Memphis" and wonder at her singing. This lady really puts her heart into it. Yes, Itchie Cat will always be special and long may they entertain us.... <br /><br /><br /><br />ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION <br />"SugarBoy" our COOL, COOL, COOL "CoverCat"...has received an arm patch award for saving lives from the Enid, Oklahoma Fire Department. That's right, I almost, accidently of course, burned the house down...it is a long story...a cover story... a really cool story, well, it almost became a hot story, but to make a long story short... Sugarboy...a "DEAF" cat that nobody wanted, saved four of my elderly relatives including my 90 year old "BLIND" uncle and myself from getting caught in a house fire. It wasn't my fault guys...well not totally. Anyway, I should have checked that extension chord, I didn't know there was an iron plugged in. I should have been more observant. But I'd Like to Thank The Enid Fire Dept.... My Hat Is Off To You!...And To..."Sugarboy"...ITCHIECAT RULZ! <br /><br />ITCHIECAT'S WAR EFFORTS... <br />FREE DOWNLOADS...SO THE WORLD MIGHT SING! <br /><br />A Big Thanks to all these "friends" that came together freely to make the music, so we can in turn give the music to the world. What really cool human beings you all are. Thank's to Candice Chafton...Thank's to Mike Weldon...Thank's to Chris Bayne...Thank's to Crystal Watts...Thank's to Mick Helton, Thank's to JesseZ, & Thank's to D.J. Tompkins, Thank's to ShaSha, Thank's Robert Greene, Thank's to the late Emma Jones...Thanks To The Late Paul K. Graves Jr...Thanks To Ray Bordelon (Scratch)...Thanks To Michael Kern at Buckersden...Thanks To The Late Janie Marie Chafton...Thanks To Mahoney...Thanks To God For Giving Us All The Gift Of Music. <br /><br />Little Known Itchie Facts: Most of the itchieCat demo's that you will hear through out the internet are what itchieCat calls...one take wonders, with no "mistake's or blunders" (or as few as posible). When we record a song we put down the instrumentals and then when we lay down the vocals...we record one track after another without stopping to listen to the previously recorded track...we only listen to the track we just recorded at the same time we are singing the next track. 99% of these songs were recorded this way...We do not record over any tracks...they are released as-is. So this really keeps the singer on his or her toes. This technique also help's the music retain freshness and a touch of magic all it's own. Beware: There is some offensive material...in fact, we have something that should offend everyone. If you haven't found something that offends you...Hold on, we will find something that will push your button eventually. And Last But Not Least....Thanks To All Of You That "Listen" to..."The Music Of ITCHIECAT"</p>