Jasmine Tea
Jasmine Tea

Category: default

hello from one of the new kids

By Jasmine Tea, 2008-09-23
hello from one of the new kids

just wanted to say hi and thank you for the warm welcome. i am slowly sticking my toe into the water here, and i appreciate so much those of you who have listened to my songs and given me such kind reviews. i've been writing, singing and playing for awhile, but am new to sharing my music and to recording. admittedly, i don't really know what i'm doing, but i'm learning!<br /><br />i'm so impressed by what i've heard of those of you whose music i've listened to so far! there are some amazing musicians here! what a great group to be a part of!<br /><br />thanks again for your warm welcome. i look forward to getting to know you and to hearing more of your music.<br /><br />&lt;3 jasmine tea<br /><br />

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