
So close ...

user image 2009-01-07
By: Milo
Posted in: hmmm
So close ...

I confess, I dont like cubase LE 4 , too freaking complicated..<br />anyway got my VSt plug ins from Guitar rig 3 to work with guitar tracks pro 3, only problem Im having now is the gtp3 auido will drop out, <br />So not sure if this is a memory issue or something else I have to figure out. I love the new sounds in Guitar rig 3, suits me , but I just have to figure out why this drop out is happening, oh and I kinda get like noise thru the head phones too , like crackeling, I know its not a guitar lead isssue, but it sounds like that, but its not.. darn computers...<br />I'm close to having it set up how I want, sooo close

01/09/09 10:50:07AM @gabriel-sabadi:
Guitar Rig will eat CPU and memory for breakfast. Try increasing the buffer and sample rate !!!
stone bullits
01/08/09 03:21:35PM @stonebullits:
hey milo, check you latency.


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