G'day ,
Well, been a while but think I am back, sort of.
Over the last few years I had taken a break from music, while looking after my eldery father
who unfortunatly now has passed away over christmas , he got to 90 which was good.
Thankfully music has been helping me once again and now in writing mode for a new album with a friend
of mine from my old band "Soulhaven" so hopefully this time next year we'll have an album out..
I am now slowely getting back into my own guitar based music too.. so will be interesting to see how it pans out
after several years break...
<p>Been having alot of family problems, pretty much spilt from my dad,</p><p>thats how this song came about , 15 minute phycadelic epic, just an instrumental jam song..</p><p>Trippin, enjoy</p>
<p>any one know ? i want to change the pic where i have my hat on ,to a new pic, the pic thats on my main page?</p>
<p>G'day every one,</p><p>well its been along time since I have been on here, and have to get back into the swing of things</p><p>but I need your help..</p><p>I jut bought a new quad core i7 laptp with windows 7 64 bit and 4 gig ram 1 gig graphics (i think)</p><p>any way I also bought an m-audio fast track usb unit for my guitaar to plug into via usb,</p><p>but it came with Protools SE , which Im finding incredibly difficult.. I used to have guitar tracks pro 3</p><p>which i gave away but the new versin gtp4 wont run on 64bit.. so looking for a similar but easy to use muilti tracking recording sofware that i can import my drum loops etc mix tracks to mp3 etc any ideas</p><p>thanks</p><p> </p><p>milo</p>
<p>G'day my friends, been awhile ..Been doing a lot of travelling with my dad, he's 88 years old this year and i spend alot of time caring for him, it used to be i could harldy ever put the guitar down but these days its a hardly pick the guitar up thing!!! oh well .. I love dad, we have our ups n downs, 12 months since my border collie dog (14 ) passed away and 5 years now since my mothe passed away.. life has been crazzy,, also do a lot with my local community fm radio station so that keeps me busy too.. also got a new pc and trying to get my software working again. is it never ending.... oh well.. any ways im still around... when i can be... hope all are well and still rocking, even if in your own mind, ... its just been so full on.... any way as usual any one can download and stream, ...milo just uploaded midnight jam and afternoon jam...</p>
<p>id love to make a 5 or 6 track album, but dont have a band...</p><p>who has done a solo album with out a band? was it hard?</p><p>Id like to make it like the music i have on here, my own ofcourse</p><p>but rather than just all me, id love to do it as a band thing</p><p>i dunno, maybe im just dreaming , as usual</p><p>i dont care if it sells or not, its just something ive always wanted to do...</p><p>just for me , and maybe to be able to leave something behind, so people can</p><p>remember me for something..</p>
G'day, <br /><br />Well, I've just had enough of trying to get my guitar tracks pro 3 going with my new laptop.. so I'm kind of thinking about a hard disk recorder, going to have a look at a couple this week, so to see what I think of them.. any one here have much experiance with them?
I confess, I dont like cubase LE 4 , too freaking complicated..<br />anyway got my VSt plug ins from Guitar rig 3 to work with guitar tracks pro 3, only problem Im having now is the gtp3 auido will drop out, <br />So not sure if this is a memory issue or something else I have to figure out. I love the new sounds in Guitar rig 3, suits me , but I just have to figure out why this drop out is happening, oh and I kinda get like noise thru the head phones too , like crackeling, I know its not a guitar lead isssue, but it sounds like that, but its not.. darn computers...<br />I'm close to having it set up how I want, sooo close