
Category: A great pup for blues music

<p>any one know ?&nbsp; i want to change the pic where i have my hat on ,to a new pic, the pic thats on my main page?</p>

Blues pub here in London

By Milo, 2008-08-13

G'day all, just a quick note, if any one is travelling thru London for a few nites ie around oxford circus etc,&nbsp; just down from there in a lane just near the apple store called kinsgly street, ( i think) is a great pub called Ain't Nothin But.&nbsp; Last few nites I've been comming home around 1.30 am, after seing some great blues bands, Frank Ash band is one of them,and a fellow Lefty as well!!! He played pretty good. <br /><br />Im so enjoying London, but its gonna be nice to be back home, its been some time since I last played my guitar, so I hope I remember how, as I said before, I looked at the mac book , but now seriously thinging of the Mac book pro, with 2.6 ghz and 4 gigs of ram, 512 for graphics cards, so it should do heaps for me, I prefer the size of the macbook but I want the power of the pro, any one on here use garage band and macs?<br /><br />Just&nbsp; one more sleep till I'm home, home ward bound, hmm what song was that from????