
Category: My music

recording an cd....

By Milo, 2011-03-21

<p>id love to make a 5 or 6 track album, but dont have a band...</p><p>who has done a solo album with out a band? was it hard?</p><p>Id like to make it like the music i have on here, my own ofcourse</p><p>but rather than just all me, id love to do it as a band thing</p><p>i dunno, maybe im just dreaming , as usual</p><p>i dont care if it sells or not, its just something ive always wanted to do...</p><p>just for me , and maybe to be able to leave something behind, so people can</p><p>remember me for something..</p>

Posted in: My music | 0 comments

About the last 2 songs I posted

By Milo, 2008-01-27

Ok first of I just want to thank every one for listening to my music in the first place, and for Rasmuth and RSCain (hope I spelled that right) for playing them on there shows, its such a thrill.

Now first things first,, Ok.
I am not a studio muso, never will be, and I'm not the best with Timming etc I know that,
and always trying to improve, so just enjoy the songs for what they are.

Also the last 2 songs I posted " Dead on Arrival" and "Upside down" were done with my band "Soulhaven" about six years ago on a CD we did called "Dead On Arrival"
I just played the guitar, we did it in a studio up in Australia, all I did was just play guitar..

The songs I'm doing now are just for fun, If people like them cool, if not no big deal, I remixed and remixed acouple my songs just to please others but it just drove me nuts when even after the mix they still werent happy. You know what..
from now on I'm writting how I want.. and hopefully I can enjoy the song , and so can others.
I'm not trying to **** any one off but this whole timming thing or too much this or that got me down and I didnt play for a week. I dont want to go through that again..

I just want to enjoy my music for what it is.
I'm not Joe Satriani, or Steve Vai, or any one else

I'm Jason W Ramsay (Milo) and thats all that matters ..

Posted in: My music | 6 comments
so how the heck do I fix my timing??

Is it just the one song ? or is all my timing out.. its hard when you just record at home.. so I dunno..
I do like to use delay's and whah n stuff, maybe less delay or re arange the drums some how..
dunno..???? and how the heck do I make this text bigger..

Posted in: My music | 13 comments
nexusradio played my song on the air

[b]nexusradio[b]played my song Cool Change in there show this weekend,
Thanks to Rasmuth..
very cool .. I love the music he plays, from unknowns and from this site.
what more can a muso ask for.
listen to this site, its cooL


Posted in: My music | 3 comments