Jeff McCurry
Jeff McCurry

Will You Still Love Me In The Morning? " with a lead guitar"

album: The Time Inbetween
genre: Country
streams: 127
creation date: 2011-09-22

  Song Lyrics
A song my wife absolutely hates!  Slideshow can be seen here.......WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME IN THE MORNING? THE REDD JEDD EXPERIMENT
Will You Still Love Me In The Morning? " with a lead guitar"
09/23/11 06:48:41AM @bri-an:
whoa,,,the country elements are amazingly saturated within this toon...I mean, with the vocal twang, fender tele embellishments after every clever end to each, this is very well constructed song!!
Story line is one that has been favoured for generations as a topic...and actual life experience...that fact you mention the Harley, (and as the years roll by, the different modes of transportation)
the unexpected resolve of the question: will you still love me in the morning...(i don't even love you now) perfect. witty.
I not a country kinda guy...but i recognize a great written toon when it walks pass my door..
excellent...hope you pimp this to the right distribution mecca....


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