Jeff Nesbit
Jeff Nesbit

Run Away....(Don't you go)

album: Here...Take one
genre: Rock
streams: 344
creation date: 2008-02-23

Run Away....(Don't you go)
Grumpy Old Player
05/31/08 04:46:39PM @thedonsterproject:
Yep - I'm familiar with this one because Ras spins it quite a bit... and for good reason!

I like this tune. I like your vox in this as well. As already noted, the solo is perfect for the tune.

A good tune with a "hi-five" vibe to it. Very much enjoyed it.

05/27/08 08:29:27PM @henry-tarnecky:
You've got the rockin soul in your voice Jeff. This one is a classic rocker complete with fine lyrical phasing and a good guitar solo... liked the and strong musical energy that was maintained all the way through.
05/26/08 02:25:01AM @ab1:
I hear you got some good bass on this one jeff.. and this mix is clean..
I could definitely hear your vox a touch more in front.. I love your singing man.. like that upfront snare... rockin hard and that lead is way cool.. great collab cause pete added alot in all the right spots.. :-)

Rob Grant
05/24/08 11:50:47AM @rayon-vert:
Great Track!! Very well written and arranged song. Vocals done well, guitar solo rocked spot on!!! The whole song ROCKED!! Tight bass and drum section, with a ton of punch and drive. Great Production!!!

02/27/08 12:33:49AM @self-tort:
This is a good rocking song. Lots of energy. Well constructed. Like the jangling guitar sound which fits well alongside the chugging rhythm guitar. Vocals sound good but seem a bit deep in the mix to my ears. Lovely solo. Very nice work.
02/24/08 06:27:11PM @diva:
It has a nice vintage vibe and a rockin' edge. Good tune.
02/24/08 06:12:11PM @michael-nunley:
Sure dives right into the vocal.

Good drive through out.

02/24/08 03:51:44PM @rob-hanlon:
Good rockin tune. Nicely arranged and performed.
02/24/08 07:49:25AM @bri-an:
Alright!... this is a real rocker Jeff! Nice guitar work and vocal sound... Great to see you @ the nexus radio show! Enjoyed
02/24/08 05:56:23AM @mark-reed:
This is very good song, liked the arpeggio sequence at the end of the verse. Nicely crafted solo, fits the feel of the track. A very well crafted piece of work really enjoyed this one well done
02/24/08 03:46:42AM @mike-lynn:
Quite an intteresting song with very solid rock beat and guitar solo. Nice effort in putting this together.
02/24/08 03:42:58AM @chrickon:
Great Rocker with a great performance !! Like your vocals on it!!

02/24/08 02:48:29AM @that-never-was:
This is a very cool Song. Angst feel to it. Very cool!


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