
From That Window (Kerrin & Jim)

album: AFI
genre: Alternative Rock
streams: 34
creation date: 2023-09-14

  Song Information
Kerrin wrote this, I just added guitar and the vocal bits. It's an older song, probably 10 years old or so. I remember it was relatively easy to add my bits...
From That Window (Kerrin & Jim)
Michael Slider
11/22/23 01:35:43AM @michael-slider:
Wow. Love it brother 💌
bill b
09/17/23 12:52:44PM @:
I particularly enjoyed the contrast between the spoken word and the heaviness of the guitar breaks as it is something one seldom finds together. The bass and drums and harmony track supports the piece very well.
Bobby G
09/15/23 04:53:56PM @bobby-g:
Great track Kerrin & Jim
Farrell Jackson
09/15/23 11:24:34AM @farrell-jackson:
Great drums and bass Kerrin! Jim's narration is so cool and I like the doubling effect on his voice. Wow, lovely guitar that almost knocked me out of my chair, well done there Jim. The sign cracked me up, lol.


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