Joe Pops Bredow
Joe Pops Bredow-Just The Way That I Roll-
Duration: 00:03:55
This video was made for a song that is on my 2014 EP release "Sass!!". The name of the song is "Just The Way That I Roll" The song is king of mysterious and sexy in a dark way. So I based it on the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" and I guess a little on the new movie "50 Shades Of Grey". It just seemed right for this tune.
Here the rest of my EP "Sass!!" on reverbnation.com/joepopsbredow and it is available on iTunes and Amazon and 750 other sites around the world. Just Google Joe "Pops" Bredow to find the best one for you. Thanks for watching!
Here the rest of my EP "Sass!!" on reverbnation.com/joepopsbredow and it is available on iTunes and Amazon and 750 other sites around the world. Just Google Joe "Pops" Bredow to find the best one for you. Thanks for watching!