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@josephrodz, 02/21/21 12:15:40PM
welcome to mixposure When you have time, enter the chatroom to get to know me better and listen to your songs.
welcome to mixposure When you have time, enter the chatroom to get to know me better and listen to your songs.
@wricky, 02/20/21 09:11:15AM
welcome tp the Mix , have fun. I like your metal / slide concept and it sounds very tight,well played. You make the slide sound effortless and artful. To me , playing slide is tricky with any genre but with metal ...and to keep it in the pocket ,even drive the pocket...you got it goin man. when i was young I got that vibe from Leslie West and those Mountain tunes. ~cheers !
welcome tp the Mix , have fun. I like your metal / slide concept and it sounds very tight,well played. You make the slide sound effortless and artful. To me , playing slide is tricky with any genre but with metal ...and to keep it in the pocket ,even drive the pocket...you got it goin man. when i was young I got that vibe from Leslie West and those Mountain tunes. ~cheers !