Kamuran Ebeoglu
I was born on 18th March 1958 in Limasol in Cyprus. I am married and I have got a son. I met with music for the first time with the second-hand guitar my father bought for me. I was one of the competitors in the competition organized by Istanbul Municipality named 1. Altin Cinar Song Contest in istanbul in 1988. The song’s name was TAKMA KAFANA and it was written and composed by me. It went on to the Final. Another song named ADALAR GUZELi KIBRIS, arranged by me, also went on to the final in 1993. There was another contest arranged by SHOW TV named POP SHOW 94 SONG CONTEST. I was one of the 420 composers with the song which was composed and written by me named ALDANMAM and this song also went on to the final in Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall in istanbul. The song which was written and composed by me and sung by Ayse Guler went on to the final of POP SHOW 95 in Bostanci Gösteri Merkezi (Bostanci Show Center) in Istanbul. I was one of the jury member in the contest named 1.Altin Zeytin Sarki Festivali ( 1st Gold Olive Song Contest) in Istanbul in 1995. I had a cassette named VOLUME 1 in 1990. There was ten songs in this cassette named: Kasaba, iste Memleketim, Yaramaz Sevgili, Hersey senin elinde, Sen ve Deniz, Yanarsin, Takma Kafana, Dostluk ve Kardeslik, Bars Yolu and also the instrumental called Jupiter which was written and composed by me. All these records of the cassette was recorded by Niyazi Nasifoglu in Kembel Music Studio in Nicosia. The guitarists of the song named SEN ve BEN were Osman Cankoy and Resat Kortan. Niyazi Nasifoglu was the bass guitarist of all the songs. Eralp Adanir used the classic drum and the computer drum for some of my songs. Taner Cemal was the responsible person for duplicating the cassettes. Since there wasn’t any copyright law and respect copyright in our country I put the notice on the cover of the cassette It is free to copy this cassette to protest this situation. I set up a record studio named STUDIO AKS in 1990. I have been trying to help the new generation as an arranger. I have about 200 songs of mine. I have produced New Age Instrumental music, Cyprus Instrumental Music and Turkish Pop Music. I have been supporting to the local musicians as an arranger. I also worked with Mustafa Tozaki Erol Hizli, Fahriye Ozay, Resat Kortan, Soner Yaran, Hasan Yalkin, Hasan Gunyuz, Ahmet Esenyel-Mete Pere, Asil Ozgul, Abdullah Üçgoz, ihsan Gurel, Arif isguzar, Mete Hatay, Hasan Pala etc.</p><p> I also set up MUDER ( Music composer association) with my three friends and I was the General Director of this association for three years. During this period I defend the copyright and we had the money from radio and Tv. Stations for the first time. Now, I have been trying to present my songs to all over the world through internet. I am open to new generation and also hope to meet with the professionals… </p>